
After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

author:Tea food heart

At the age of 40, many women begin to pay more attention to the maintenance of their bodies and skin, because women in this age group, especially in the hot summer, face multiple physical and beauty challenges. As we age, the body's metabolism naturally slows down, and the skin begins to lose its original elasticity and radiance, resulting in dryness, sagging, and fine lines. These problems are exacerbated by the high temperatures and intense UV rays in the summer, leading to faster skin aging, tired and less energetic.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

In addition, if not properly maintained, these natural signs of aging can not only affect the appearance but can also bring a range of health problems, such as decreased physical strength, weakened resistance, etc. For many women, expensive nutrition and cosmetics are a common choice for anti-aging, but daily dietary modifications are the fundamental way to maintain health and vitality.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

Here, I would like to share four foods that are especially suitable for women over the age of 40 to "replenish qi and blood", which are not only economical but also easy to incorporate into their daily diet. They can effectively improve blood circulation, enhance the oxygen supply to the body, and allow the skin to receive adequate nutrients and restore its natural rosiness. At the same time, these foods can also boost your overall mental state, making you look not only youthful but also energetic.

1. Red beans (red bean and barley porridge)

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

Red beans, also known as red adzuki beans, are not only frequent in desserts, but also a good blood tonic. This tiny bean is rich in protein, iron, and potassium, especially iron, which is a key component in making hemoglobin. Consuming red beans helps to improve anemia and enhance blood quality, resulting in a more rosy complexion.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

In summer, red beans can be used to make a refreshing red bean paste or to make red bean cake with glutinous rice, which quenches thirst and provides essential nutrients. For women over the age of 40, eating red beans regularly helps keep blood circulation in the body smooth, making you look better and more energetic.

2. Black Chicken (Angelica Codonopsis, Red Dates, Black Chicken Soup)

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

Black chicken is not only delicate in meat, but also has a very high nutritional value, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly women who need to replenish qi and blood. Black chicken is rich in high-quality protein and a variety of vitamins, which can effectively help restore physical strength and enhance physical fitness.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

A dish of black chicken soup can not only warm the body, but also help improve sleep quality and regulate endocrine. To eat in summer, you can choose to add a little angelica or red dates, which not only nourish the blood but not too greasy, which is very suitable for women over 40 years old, so that the body can be fully nourished.

3. Red dates (red date milk tea)

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

Jujube is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the body, especially the blood. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and antioxidants, all of which are key factors in promoting skin health and blood circulation. Jujube also enhances the function of the liver and spleen, which helps in better detoxification and blood production.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

Cooking red dates in soup with other ingredients such as yam and goji berries can not only nourish the blood and skin, but also improve the overall immune system. For women in their 40s, jujube is a rare natural beauty food that helps to make your complexion more rosy and look younger.

4. Yam (stir-fried yam)

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

Yam, revered for its rich nutritional and medicinal properties. It contains mucin and a variety of trace elements that can help regulate female hormones and fight aging. In addition, yam also has a good effect on tonifying the spleen and stomach and aiding digestion.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

In the summer, you can choose to make yam stewed chicken or simple steamed pork ribs, these dishes are not only delicious, but also help to improve the body's immune function and regulate body functions. For women over the age of 40, regular consumption of yam can help keep the body youthful and vigorous, making your skin more delicate and smooth.

After a woman is 40 years old, she eats more 4 kinds of "qi and blood" foods, her face is ruddy, her spirit is good, and she looks younger

By incorporating these ingredients into your daily diet, you can not only enjoy the pleasure of eating, but also help you maintain a healthy body and youthful appearance. This summer, make these blood-nourishing foods your beauty secret weapon!

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