
Romance Novel: [227] Xinyan's second marriage

author:Love to write

"The earthly world is a Shura field, and people come to the earthly world to survive the calamity. It's just that I'm blessed and shallow and didn't get over. Chen Xi wrote such a line on the paper, and later found that it was far from the topic, and it seemed to have nothing to do with the will, so he rubbed it off again.

"Look at her, she can't be crazy, right?" There was a prisoner who didn't look like a woman at all, and he looked at her with those tiny eyes.

Chen Xi smiled at the female prisoners who talked about her as if she didn't care, if it was before, she would definitely hit back with something not very nice. But now, she didn't feel the need for it. In this world, most people are cheesy. Especially women like them, who are mud bodhisattvas crossing the river themselves, are still laughing at others. It's not worth it to be angry with this kind of person, they talk about her, as long as she doesn't care, they are wasting their efforts.

Ah Zhong went to the construction site early in the morning, and last night he discussed with his wife Ah Lian, and when Chenxi's affairs were over, the two of them went back to their hometown together. After working for most of his life, he saved some money, but at the same time, he also fell into a problem, and Ah Zhong didn't know if it was worth it.

Now that he is half of his body in the ground, he is such a daughter as Chenxi, but he never expected her to provide for his old age. Not before, not now, and not in the future.

Romance Novel: [227] Xinyan's second marriage

Speaking of the future, where is there anything to be after him, the adopted daughter. Since learning that she was in prison, he has barely slept peacefully. He could not close his eyes all night, and the next morning he got up before the sparrows had chirped. When I get up, I don't brush my teeth and wash my face, and I don't want to eat breakfast. He stared out the window, as if looking for a glimmer of hope in the morning when everything was still blurry.

After Ah Lian came, in order not to worry her, he pretended to be happy. But Ah Lian knew that he didn't want her to live in a heavy atmosphere to do that, and in fact he was very painful. He hid his pain and saved it for showertime. A few times, she crept to the bathroom door. The bath water was bubbling and flowing, but there was no movement inside. How can there be no movement in the bath? In fact, at that time, he covered his face and stood under the shower almost silently, letting the water flow down his head and washing away his tears.

When he was tired from working on the construction site and sat down to rest, the worker wanted to chat with him, but he always looked into the distance blankly, and he looked at it for a long, long time.

For people like Ah Zhong and Ah Lian, there is no way to encounter something at all, so they can only accept it silently. Not to mention them, even a salaryman like Ren Jialiang, after You Qingxue committed something, there was nothing they could do as usual. After all, Chen Xi and You Qingxue committed murder, and even if they used all their connections, they might not be able to rescue them.

When Ah Zhong was around, Ah Lian tried to restrain herself as much as possible. As soon as he went out, she would wash her face with tears, and either sit in front of the window for most of the day. Those who don't know still think that she is a sculpture.

Romance Novel: [227] Xinyan's second marriage

It's still a sunny day, and the sky is blue and spotless, as if the sea is sleeping.

Xinyan gently lifted the white cloth covering You Qingxue's body and looked at her thin face with a pointed chin.

The door of the freezer was hidden, and Ren Jialiang stood outside. The cry from the cold room penetrated into his ears, making his already heavy heart even heavier.

That staff member at the funeral home was joking with another staff member, and it takes courage and courage for people who work here. Dealing with corpses for a long time, after a long time, they also look down on life and death. They don't think corpses are terrible at all, because once a person stops breathing and heartbeat, he loses all function. About the soul, the soul does not exist. Even if they exist, what can they do?

"Qingxue, I've come to see you. Are you cold? Do you hate me? If your life ended because of me, then I would rather not know you. Qingxue, if you still have any wishes, please give me your dreams. Trust me, I'll do everything I can to help you make it happen. Xinyan grabbed You Qingxue's hard hand and pressed her face against hers. She believed that she could hear what she was saying, so she wanted to be alone with her for a while, "Qingxue, remember the ...... before." ”

Yang Liyun sat in the lounge of the funeral home, where family members were received. There was a young wife whose husband died while fighting a fire. The state posthumously crowned him a martyr, and she became the martyr's wife and enjoyed special state allowances.

Romance Novel: [227] Xinyan's second marriage

After hearing that Yang Liyun lost her daughter-in-law, she also comforted her and told her not to be sad, because the more she couldn't let go, the more the deceased would not be able to "go" with peace of mind. If you don't want to delay her reincarnation, you can be happy. In this case, she will soon find a good family.

Yang Liyun didn't believe it, but she was infected, so she wiped away her tears and turned her attention to other places.

Ren Wenwen always couldn't concentrate on listening to the teacher's lectures today, although she slept soundly during the lunch break. But she still had a dream, she dreamed that there was a canoe on the lake covered with white fog, and at the bow stood a woman in a long white dress. The woman was draped in long black hair and stood with her back to her. There was no wind, no gondoliers on board, but the boat slowly moved towards the opposite shore. It was as if a mysterious force was pushing it forward, but she couldn't tell what kind of force it was.

"Hey! Wait for me, I'm going to take a boat too...... She shouted at the woman, who turned her head slowly. When she saw her clearly, her heart almost stopped.

Romance Novel: [227] Xinyan's second marriage

"Come on, come on...... The woman reached out from her long sleeve and waved at her.

Where is a woman, it is clearly a dry bone, a dry bone wearing a white robe.

After waking up from the dream, Ren Wenwen wiped the sweat on her face with her hands, and a bad premonition came to her heart. So in the first class in the afternoon, she became dazed and absent-minded.

"I heard that her mother was a murderer."

"Well, it looks like the death sentence has already been given."

"How could such a beautiful woman be."

"Don't talk nonsense, okay? Otherwise she would be very sad. ”

"How could you be? Look how pitiful she is! You don't play with her, I play with her. ”

"The family is so rich, and they still evade taxes! What greed! ”

"The phoenix that falls on the shelf is not as good as a chicken."


Romance Novel: [227] Xinyan's second marriage

All students who know about Ren Wenwen's family situation gossip in the corridor after class, and Ren Wenwen has beaten several girls because of this. In the end, the head teacher criticized them, asked them to write a review, and asked Ren Wenwen to apologize to them.

Now, when she hears her classmates talking about herself behind her back, Ren Wenwen is too lazy to pay attention. If she does it again out of anger, she may be expelled. She went to the best school in Jiangcheng, and once she was expelled, she would leave a stain on her file, and she would still be bullied in other schools in the future. So, even if she hated them, she could only endure them.

This afternoon, Ren Wenwen returned home, and Yang Liyun had already cooked the meal. In order not to make Ren Wenwen suspicious, she could only pretend to be very happy. Ren Jialiang also hid the wine in the depths of the wine cabinet, for fear that Ren Wenwen would notice something.

After dinner, Ren Jialiang took Ren Wenwen to the mall and bought cherries and blueberries that she liked to eat. Yang Liyun said that she wanted peanut butter and mustard, so Ren Jialiang came to the area where the condiments were sold and asked Ren Wenwen to find them. And said that if she found it, he would reward her with a small cake.

This method really worked, Ren Wenwen stared at the rows of neatly arranged spices, gradually forgot about the unpleasantness in the school, and had a smile on her face.


[Picture: from the Internet]

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