
Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

author:Versatile Kitchen

Put the apples in the steamer and steam them, I didn't expect it to be so powerful, I do it every summer.

Hello everyone, this is Variety Kitchen. Apples are a very common fruit in our daily life, and it is extremely nutritious.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

As for how to eat apples, most people buy them and eat them raw directly after buying them, or use them to make apple pie. But many friends have never seen or eaten this method shared today.

Hurry up and follow the video to learn together. First, prepare an apple that is bigger than a fist, then add a little water to wet the surface of the apple.

If you want to wash apples easily and correctly, be sure to sprinkle a little salt on them.

Salt is not only a condiment, it also has the use of disinfection and sterilization, it is suitable for washing apples lightly, and it is very easy to scrub the spicy and other dirty things on the surface of apples with a gentle rub of your hands.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

When I was a child, my mother often told me that eating more apples is very good for the body, because its nutritional value is extremely high, but there are likely to be pesticide residues on the surface of apples, so many people will remove the skin of apples before eating, even if we clean the method correctly, we can still wash the apples very clean.

After the salt is washed, we wash it repeatedly with running water until the surface of the apple is not slippery to the touch.

Then cut the apple in half and cut it into small pieces to receive the apple.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

Every time I always think of my mother when I was a child, I always like to use my own rice to exchange for apples to eat, under normal circumstances, we exchange 2 catties of rice for 1 catty of apples, although the apples at that time grew ugly, but the taste was a must, it was really special sweet and delicious, and now I think about it and still have endless aftertaste.

Gently break the apple with your hand, then put the sliced apple chunks on a plate.

Let's prepare another piece of this kind of turmeric, there are many varieties of ginger, but we can usually choose this kind of turmeric.

Turmeric is much smaller than the big ginger we usually use, but like this turmeric, it smells stronger and contains more gingerol.

Break a piece by hand, and then use a brush to brush one by one, so that it is easier to brush the ginger clean.

As the saying goes, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter recently, and eating some ginger appropriately has a lot of benefits for the body.

After the ginger is cleaned one by one, we pour out the dirty water, then change to running water, and rinse several times repeatedly, so that the ginger is thoroughly cleaned. Then we cut the ginger into thin slices and then change it to thin strips.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

In everyone's eyes, ginger is a condiment, which is used in the process of stir-frying and making soup, which has a good effect of removing smell and increasing flavor.

However, most friends habitually remove the skin when using ginger, even if only the ginger meat and ginger skin are used together.

Cut it and put it aside for later use, then prepare a plate, buckle a small bowl upside down, buckle it like this, put the cut ginger shreds along the edge of the buckle bowl and place it, thinly, evenly spread a layer of ginger shreds, all spread in.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

Now put the apples directly on top of our ginger, one by one, side by side, not only look good, but also do not take up space, after all are placed like this, is it very beautiful?

Now we bring it to the pot, then cover the pot, we use high heat to steam the water in the pot first, and then steam for another 40 minutes, if your apple is relatively small, steam for half an hour.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

I remember when I was a child, when my mother made it for us, it was steamed for more than 50 minutes, and even beat for an hour, when the time came, turn off the heat, don't worry, open the lid, simmer for two minutes first, and then uncover the lid.

The moment you lift the lid, you can smell a particularly strong apple aroma, which is really good.

At this time, the temperature inside the pot is particularly high, don't rush to serve it with your bare hands, it is best to wear a heat-insulating gloves on your hands, and then find a beautiful small plate and pick up the steamed apples into another plate.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

After the apples are steamed in this way, the dietary fiber and pectin in them are softened, and the apples at this time are particularly delicious.

It is very soft, even the apple peel has become very soft and rotten, many old people's teeth are not very good, usually, the apple can not bite, can not eat, but the apple can be enjoyed beautifully.

Although the appearance of the steamed apples in this way looks very complete, except for the color has not changed, but when we touch it with chopsticks, the apples are poked through, which shows that it is very soft and rotten, and you can eat it directly.

Now we cut out the ginger in the bowl as well, and cut it one by one with chopsticks, which is too troublesome, and we can pull it out like this with a spoon.

Don't throw away the shredded ginger you picked up, we can also use it to stir-fry. The ginger that has been steamed like this has reduced its gingerol a lot, and it doesn't taste so spicy.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

At this time, we hold the small bowl in the middle with one hand and the bottom of the plate with the other hand, and turn it gently. This action must be fast and accurate, and the bottom of the bowl is still relatively hot, so I brought a heat-insulating glove and quickly flipped it over while it was not paying attention, and when I opened the bowl, I would find a surprise.

The water in the bowl is the essence of our steaming.

Take a look at the color of this water, and feel that the color is a little ginger, and the smell is particularly strong, so you can drink it hot without burning your mouth.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

So like the apple ginger water that I teach you to make today, although it is very simple, it is very useful, especially in the hot summer, many people like to drink cold, and blowing the air conditioner through the wings will feel particularly uncomfortable.

In fact, we can use apples and ginger every once in a while, and the way we share them with you today is suitable for drinking water, and the whole family can drink it.

The sweetness of this water is particularly high, the sweetness of the apple is all in this water, and there is a little bit of ginger spicy, which is more fragrant than the drink, not to mention adults, even children like it super.

Like the water I shared with you today, not only can we drink it in summer, but also, in winter, add a little garlic and ginger, make it in this way, drink it two or three times a week, the effect is also very good, especially for children, children are also very acceptable.

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

In addition to our soup, don't throw away the steamed apples like this, you can eat them directly.

Because it has been steamed for so long, the dietary fiber and pectin in our apples have been fully softened, so both the elderly and children are especially suitable for eating this kind of apples, so I hope today's sharing will help you!

Put the apples in the pot and steam them, which is done every summer, and the ancestral method saves money and is practical

Okay, that's all for today's sharing, thank you for watching, we'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye, I'm going to eat apples and candy now. #头条创作挑战赛#

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