
Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

author:Shanghai Baoshan

Recently, party organizations at all levels of the health system in Baoshan District have carried out in-depth "Striving for the People and Striving for the First - Pioneer Service Action", focusing on the health needs of residents, and continuously improving the people's sense of gain, happiness and security through health lectures, community free clinics, visits and condolences.

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

【Party Branch of District Nursing Home for the Elderly】

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

The Party Branch of the District Nursing Home for the Elderly carried out the free clinic activity of "Co-construction to Promote People's Livelihood, Free Diagnosis and Care for Health" in the Community Service Center of Tonghe Eight Villages, organized Party members and medical workers to do practical and good things for the people, and actively practiced the purpose of serving the people.

【Kikusen Shinjosha Party Branch】

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

The Social Health Party Branch of Juquan New Town organized party members and volunteers to go to the neighborhood committee to comfort the people in need, talk with them cordially, inquire about their physical condition, and send care to the hearts of the people.

【Qilian Social Health Party Branch】

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

The Qilian Social Health Party Branch invited experts from the Department of Endocrinology, Hypertension, Cardiology, Respiratory and Gastroenterology of Ruijin Hospital to carry out health consultation activities in the community.

【Party Branch of the District Maternal and Child Health Care Center】

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

The District Maternal and Child Health Care Institute and the District Women's Federation worked together to hold lectures on breast health and common gynecological diseases, striving to improve the health literacy of women in Baoshan District, providing them with more comprehensive health services, and integrating into the construction of "Healthy Baoshan" and "Happy City" with practical actions.

【Party Branch of Baimaoling Hospital】

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

Baimaoling Hospital carried out the free physical examination activity for the elderly aged 65 and above, and the party members of the branch took the lead in demonstrating and leading by example, taking the initiative and actively acting in the physical examination activities, so that the elderly can successfully complete the physical examination work in a safe and comfortable atmosphere.

【Sitang Social Health Party Branch】

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

The Sitang Social Health Party Branch, together with the Zhangmiao Street Community Party and Mass Service Center and the General Party Branch of Renhe Hospital, worked together to create a health service activity integrating health consultation, medical services and contract services for residents.

Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention
Volunteer service into the community, protect people's health and practice the original intention

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Correspondent: Li Yinfeng

Editor: Zhang Ruipeng

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Baoshan

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