
Striving to be a good teenager, this special event in Baoshan creates a strong red cultural atmosphere

author:Shanghai Baoshan

Today, a special event with the theme of "Childlike Hearts Always Strive to Be a Good Teenager" was held in Wanye Zichenyuan Community, Yanghang Town, Baoshan District.

At the beginning of the event, all the participants sang the "Song of the Chinese Youth Pioneers" in unison, singing loudly and magnificently, fully demonstrating the vigor and vitality of children in the new era.

Striving to be a good teenager, this special event in Baoshan creates a strong red cultural atmosphere

Immediately afterwards, teachers from Baoshan Experimental School affiliated to Shanghai Normal University introduced the origin and meaning of the party flag in detail, so that the children could deeply understand the historical significance and spiritual connotation of the party flag. At the same time, the teacher also taught the correct way to wear the red scarf on the spot, so that the children could feel the sacredness and solemnity of the red scarf in their own experience.

Subsequently, the Zichenyuan community specially invited three old party members with 50 years of party experience to come to the stage and accept the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" issued by the community secretary. The three student representatives wore red scarves and presented flowers to the old party members, expressing their high respect for the older generation of party members.

Striving to be a good teenager, this special event in Baoshan creates a strong red cultural atmosphere

At the oath-taking ceremony, the children clenched their fists and solemnly swore that they would study hard, strive to be an excellent Young Pioneer, and contribute their own strength to the prosperity and strength of the motherland. Finally, in the childlike gift to the party performance, the children showed their love for the party and their blessings to the motherland through songs, recitations and other forms.

This activity not only enriched the children's extracurricular life, but also a vivid patriotic education class. Through the activities, the children have a deeper understanding of the party's glorious history and great achievements, and stimulate their love for the motherland and the party. At the same time, it also further promotes the construction of community culture and creates a strong red cultural atmosphere.

Striving to be a good teenager, this special event in Baoshan creates a strong red cultural atmosphere
Striving to be a good teenager, this special event in Baoshan creates a strong red cultural atmosphere

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Reporter: Jin Mengyun Gu Guorong

Editor: Zhang Ruipeng

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Baoshan

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