
Consolidate the grassroots foundation of social governance

author:Xianyou reports
Consolidate the grassroots foundation of social governance
Consolidate the grassroots foundation of social governance

Xianyou Report, July 1 (Li Junhua) The reporter learned yesterday that the eight administrative villages of Caixi Township, Xianyou County, have set up village-level comprehensive social security management centers to solve problems at the grassroots level, resolve contradictions at the grassroots level, and provide door-to-door services to the grassroots level.

Consolidate the grassroots foundation of social governance

The center, together with the police station, the judicial office, the fire department, the women's federation and other departments, actively carried out the "three rates" publicity work, implemented the household publicity, and made every effort to create a strong atmosphere of "I will protect your safety"; Integrate the forces of judicial offices, police stations, petition offices, convenience service centers and other parties, set up mass reception rooms, conflict and dispute mediation rooms, public legal service rooms, video surveillance dispatch rooms, psychological counseling rooms and other functional rooms, implement "one-stop" services, and open up the "last mile" to serve the masses; Give full play to the city's "one map" intelligent management and information support role, explore new paths for diversified resolution of contradictions and disputes such as "champion mediation room" and "roving mediation room for mountain and forest rights disputes", and respond to the demands of the masses; The Caixi Township Police Station and the Joint Defense Team have comprehensively purified the social security environment through the patrol mode of "foot patrol, vehicle patrol + fixed-point post", and strive to let the masses get a full sense of security.

Editor-in-charge|Zheng Wenjie Editor|Zheng Zhizhong

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