
Remembering the original heart, celebrating the motherland and building the future - the "July 1st" theme activity of the Expo High-tech Hospital was grandly held

author:Zibo Sina

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the glorious history of the party, and enhance the party spirit education and team cohesion of all medical staff, on July 1, the "July 1st" theme activity of the World Expo High-tech Hospital was grandly held. Yan Jingwu, Chairman of Beijing Expo Jindu Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd., Secretary of the General Party Branch, Chairman and Founding President of Expo High-tech Hospital, and employee representatives gathered together to review the glorious history of the Party and look forward to the bright future of the hospital's development.

Remembering the original heart, celebrating the motherland and building the future - the "July 1st" theme activity of the Expo High-tech Hospital was grandly held

At the beginning of the event, the passionate national anthem was played, and all party members solemnly reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the sonorous and powerful oath echoed in the venue, which evoked the original intention and mission of every party member on the spot.

Remembering the original heart, celebrating the motherland and building the future - the "July 1st" theme activity of the Expo High-tech Hospital was grandly held

Yan Jingwu, Chairman of Beijing Expo Jindu Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd., Secretary of the General Party Branch, Chairman and Founding President of Expo High-tech Hospital, delivered a speech to celebrate the July 1st event, and he hoped that all cadres and employees of the hospital would improve their standing and temper their indestructible political loyalty; Second, improve skills and temper rock-solid political character; The third is to boost the style of work, temper unswerving political responsibility, never forget the original intention, spare no effort, live up to the mission, live up to expectations, and present the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with better results! A gift to the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!

Role models are a kind of spiritual inheritance, and the deeds and speeches of the four outstanding employees inspire each of us to keep moving forward. They tell us with their actions that the value and meaning of work can be reflected when personal ideals are closely integrated with the development of the hospital and the health of patients. It is under the influence and drive of such a group of role models that the new generation of Expo people has gradually grown into the backbone of the hospital and continues to inherit and develop the spirit of the Expo.

Young people are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. The song and dance performance of the Youth League Committee "Youth" - the high-tech version of the World Expo, more than a dozen young people of the World Expo, on this stage full of passion and dreams, expressed their infinite love for the party and their deep feelings for the motherland in the form of song and dance.

Through beautiful dancing and passionate singing, it showed the demeanor of young medical workers in the new era of the Expo. They are like the protagonists in "Youth", with dreams and forging ahead, not only writing a chapter of youth on the land of the hospital, but also contributing to the great journey of realizing the Chinese dream.

Remembering the original heart, celebrating the motherland and building the future - the "July 1st" theme activity of the Expo High-tech Hospital was grandly held

The choir competition is not only an artistic feast, but also a spiritual baptism. At the event site, the employees of various departments expressed their loyalty to the party and love for the motherland with singing in the form of chorus.

Under the guidance of the conductor, each team sang classic songs such as "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "We Are the Successors of Communism". Through participating in the competition, the hospital staff have a deeper understanding of the party's glorious history and great achievements, and have strengthened their faith and loyalty to the party. At the same time, this activity also enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the hospital staff, and injected new vitality into the development of the hospital.

Zhang Xiaohan, vice president of Expo High-tech Hospital, reviewed how the hospital has developed into a modern general hospital integrating medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, rehabilitation and other functions since 2013 under the leadership of the party. Between the lines, it fully expresses the gratitude to the party and the pride in the development achievements of the hospital. The display of these achievements not only shows the hospital's innovation ability in technology and services, but also reflects the hospital's spirit of actively adapting to the new requirements of medical and health development and having the courage to explore and practice in the context of the new era.

Remembering the original heart, celebrating the motherland and building the future - the "July 1st" theme activity of the Expo High-tech Hospital was grandly held

As the activities progressed, each program continued to stimulate the team spirit and enthusiasm of the employees to cooperate with each other. At the end of the event, the employee representatives brought a chorus of "unity is strength". Under the accompaniment of this song, the employees were excited, and conveyed their firm beliefs and bright prospects for the future with sonorous and powerful singing. This is not only a hymn to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the party, but also a declaration of the hospital's unity and courage.

The oath is eternal because it is remembered, and the spirit is immortal because of the original intention. In the future, the Expo High-tech Hospital will take this event as an opportunity, under the strong leadership of the Party Committee, consciously build a solid ideological foundation, accumulate strength for moving forward, effectively transform the theoretical learning results into an inexhaustible driving force to promote the high-quality development of the hospital, put "people-centered" in a prominent position, better meet the medical service needs of the people, and guide the staff of the hospital to make dedication based on their posts, take the lead, do not slack off, forge ahead, and make every effort to promote the high-quality development of the hospital to a new level.

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