
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents

author:Cheng'an release
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents

Doing a good job in fire prevention not only tests our attitude towards life, but also tests the responsibility and attitude of each of us to home, to the enterprise and to the society.

According to the characteristics and causes of summer fires, it is the most effective way to reduce and eliminate fire hazards by taking fire safety precautions, eliminating fire hazards in daily life and work, and nipping the signs of fire accidents in the bud.

Hot weather

These 10 types of fires should be vigilant at all times

High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents


Electrical fires

With the arrival of hot weather,

There has been a large increase in electrical equipment such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers.

overload of electrical equipment lines,

Damage to the insulation of the power supply causes a short circuit ignition,

or the motor of the electrical appliance is damp with water,

Reduces dielectric strength,

In the event of a short circuit, burning, motor fire, etc.


Car fires

If the car is used for too long, the aging of the power supply line is prone to short circuit, the car is overloaded, resulting in the increase of engine temperature, coupled with the hot weather, the engine ventilation equipment is not good, and it is easy to cause spontaneous combustion of the car. Placing perfume, alcohol, reading glasses, lighters and other items in the car can easily cause a fire if exposed to the sun for a long time. 03

Construction site fires

The management of flammable and explosive materials on the construction site is not strict, directly exposed to high temperatures, no effective shielding measures are taken, and no storage is set in a ventilated and cool place, which is prone to fire accidents. 04

Dangerous goods fire 灾

In summer, the ground temperature can sometimes reach more than 40°C,

In hot air conditions,

Hazardous chemicals in the process of production, transportation and storage

The slightest negligence can lead to a fire.

Be careful to store and use flammable and explosive hazardous chemicals.


Spontaneous combustion of substances in a fire

Natural substances such as straw, coal piles, cotton stacks, oily fibers, ammonium nitrate fertilizers, etc., if these substances are stored for too long and are not well ventilated, they will change and generate heat, and the temperature will gradually rise. Water-avoiding substances include quicklime, anhydrous alumina, alkali peroxide, chlorosulfonic acid, etc., which will release a large amount of combustible gas when they encounter water or moisture in the air, and mix with air into an explosive mixture. 06

LPG fires

Units and residents using LPG,

Do not leave the gas tank in the sun,

It should be stored in a cool, dry place.

When using, be sure to ignite the fire first and then turn on the gas.

The transport of LPG cylinders shall not be mixed with other items,

It must be fixed in order to prevent explosion and fire caused by the impact of the cylinder.


Battery car fire

There are not a few fires caused by battery car charging.

Some users privately connect wires,

Failure to use the power strip as required,

Illegal parking and charging caused fires.


Illegal hot work fire

Temperatures are higher in summer,

Volatile, flammable and explosive materials

(such as gasoline, alcohol, etc.) volatilization rate increases,

In the places where these items are stored and used,

We must strictly abide by the system of using fire and electricity,

to prevent disaster.


Children play and start fires

Children are very curious,

I always want to find out about the unknown,

Experiments such as alcohol burning, fireworks, and wishing for Kong Ming lanterns,

Due to the lack of professional guidance, the situation is out of control, resulting in fire and injury.


Lack of common sense leads to fires

Place magnifying glasses, reading glasses, and spherical glass on the window sill to form a spotlight and ignite combustibles to cause a fire. Use mosquito coils, mosquito killers, toilet water and other mosquito repellent agents, and cause fires if they do not operate as required. Failure to take lightning protection measures in thunderstorming weather, failure to turn off electrical switches in time, etc., cause fires.

Summer is the peak period of electricity consumption, whether it is a refrigerator, air conditioner or water heater, every essential electrical appliance in summer is a master of power consumption, therefore, in addition to paying attention to electricity saving, the safety of electricity can not be ignored.

"Nine taboos" for fire prevention of household appliances

High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents
High temperature in summer to prevent fire accidents

◕Source: Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China

◕ Editor: Cheng Linping

◕Proofreading: Zhao Jia Feng Yuehan

◕ Preliminary trial: Chang Hutao

◕ Re-examination: Li Hailing

◕Final review: Liu Shurong

◕ Tel: 0310--8605775

◕Address: Cheng'an County Rong Media Center

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