
Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

author:Nantetsu Temple
Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

A party member is a banner, and there is such a group of people around us, who have become the banner leading young students and serving teachers, students and workers with firm beliefs, noble pursuits and selfless dedication. They temper their original intentions with dedication, take on the mission with hard work, and make extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions. On the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, let us focus on the party members and pioneers who are struggling in the front line of the school, understand the spirit of role models together, and draw strength from forging ahead.

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work
Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

Yang Shengqin

Former director of the Retirement Work Division and secretary of the General Party Branch of the Retired Party

Conscientiously fulfill the responsibility of party building work. As the secretary of the general party branch, he conscientiously implements the relevant arrangements of the superior and the party committee of the school, always puts political construction in the first place, takes the lead in participating in theoretical study, regularly opens special party courses, and constantly improves the operating mechanism of the party building work for retirees. Persist in integrating the work of party building for retirees into the overall integration of retirement work, so that veteran comrades will not fade when they retire from their posts and will not leave the party. Combined with the reality of veteran comrades, we should innovate learning methods, give full play to the role of the "Party Members' Home" WeChat group in the education of retired Party members, and continuously improve the cultivation of political theory and party spirit.

Do a good job of service with heart and affection. Actively carry out routine condolences and visits, go deep into the grassroots to carry out activities such as "I do practical things for the masses", and take the initiative to care about the life and ideological dynamics of veteran comrades; Enhance the sense of service, enthusiastically do a good job in receiving visitors and consulting; conscientiously organize the health examination of veteran comrades and the reimbursement of supplementary medical insurance; Do a good job of facial recognition and vehicle entry application, photo and registration of retired teachers entering the new campus.

Carry out cultural and sports activities to enrich the life of the elderly. Strengthen the management of cultural and sports activities, regularly hold monthly cultural and sports activities in the first half of each month, and hold "health lectures" and interest groups and other activities from time to time; Actively organize and participate in various cultural and sports activities of colleges and universities in Nanjing, and successfully hold the "Launching Ceremony of the 2023 Sports Festival of Colleges and Universities in Nanjing Province and the Walking Activity for the Elderly in the North of the City" in conjunction with Nanlin University and Nanjing University of Posts, and undertake the "Gateball Exchange and Demonstration Activity of Colleges and Universities in Nanjing in Jiangsu Province". In 2023, it will be awarded the "Advanced Collective of Sports Work for the Elderly in Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province".

Do a good job of inspection and rectification, and strengthen integrity and self-discipline. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the higher authorities and the school, strengthen the deployment of clean government work, incorporate the construction of party style and clean government into the department's target management and work plan, and regularly organize party members and cadres to carry out clean government publicity and education. Pay attention to letters and visits, and conscientiously perform management and supervision duties. Regularly carry out safety education and investigation and rectification of safety risks and hidden dangers. Pay attention to ideological work, and implement a network information security responsibility system.

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work


Faculty of Transport Management, Department of Railway Transport

Strengthen the cultivation of party spirit and strengthen ideals and beliefs. Persist in conscientiously studying and comprehending the party's basic knowledge and innovative theories, exemplary performance of the obligations of party members stipulated in the party constitution, and always maintain the advanced nature of party members. Perform their duties, abide by rules and disciplines, actively participate in the activities of the general party branch, trade unions, and departments, and be strict with themselves, so as to have a point of strength.

Improve your own capabilities and take the lead in creating good results. At the same time of completing the teaching work, we have completed the coordinated construction of the railway shunting real car training room and related venues, and with the support of leaders at all levels, we have contacted relevant departments of enterprises and schools to help the smooth progress of the Belt and Road BRICS Competition. Organize and plan the work of students to prepare for the railway shunting skills competition, help students overcome difficulties in learning and training, lead teachers and students to study and observe the Shanghai Bureau Skills Competition, lay the foundation for students' training and winning finals, and do important work for the final "double first" (in 37 schools).

Insist on being a teacher, and devote yourself to teaching and educating people. He undertakes many courses such as "Introduction to Railways" general and operation and maintenance, "Railway Shunting Work" and practical training, "Station Operation Plan and Statistics", "Railway Driving Organization", "Railway Passenger Service Etiquette", etc., guides students to produce and practice graduation projects, and participates in various on-site research activities at all levels. As the main member, he participated in the construction of the Provincial Department of Education's online excellent course "Railway Passenger Service Etiquette", and the school's high-quality courses "Railway Shunting Work" and "Introduction to Railway". As an expert of the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Province, he has been conscientious and conscientious, and has strictly implemented the standards in the work of many competitions, and has achieved zero complaints and zero errors. As a member of the school's teaching management committee, a member of the academic work committee, and the chairman of the professor committee of the secondary college, he carries out work according to the procedural standards, participates in the formulation of documents for the school's scientific research, academic, education and teaching, and successfully completes various tasks.

The success of teachers is attributed to a high sense of responsibility to their students, and the happiness of teachers lies in the achievement of honest and positive conduct of students. With this encouragement!

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

Zhang Guohou

Teacher of the School of Communication and Signal, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Signal Professional Teacher

Solid work, innovative ideas. Innovate the branch learning system, improve the learning efficiency of party members, strictly implement the "three meetings and one lesson" learning system, and explore the method suitable for the learning of party members of the party branch of signal teachers according to the nature of the teacher's work without sitting in class. Through the use of branch committee division of labor, self-study method, micro-video party class, party group preaching, party members writing experience and other learning methods, the overall learning effectiveness of teachers and party members has been improved. Create a model with activities, promote development with characteristics, boldly innovate the ideas of party building, and integrate party building into practical work. In the summer of 2023, while leading party members and teachers to visit national technical experts in Yinchuan Electric Depot, they will also go to Yan'an, Liangjiahe, and Nanniwan to carry out party building learning, so as to achieve the organic integration of professionalism and party building, and the two-pronged approach of party building and professional development, so as to enhance the work effect and influence of the branch and close the relationship between the party and the masses.

Willing to dedicate and fulfill their duties. Silent dedication, hard work, the comrade has been dedicating responsibility, enthusiasm, wisdom and hard work to party affairs for several years, taking the initiative to undertake office chores, always tightening the safety strings, and almost every morning is the first to come to the office and the last to leave. Adhere to the principles, fulfill their duties, as the secretary of the party branch, conscientiously implement the "sixteen" policy: adhere to the principles, fulfill their duties, be fair and upright, and be honest and honest. We should conscientiously and meticulously do a good job in ideological work, set higher demands on outstanding party members and comrades, point out deficiencies for less mature comrades, move people with emotion, and pay attention to methods and strategies.

Be a caring person and warm service. He has served as the secretary of the party branch for many years, cares about every party member and colleague, treats people leniently, is enthusiastic to help others, and leads party members to do their own work. As a teacher, I should carefully prepare the content of each lesson, take moral cultivation as the foundation, pay attention to heuristic and project-based teaching, and fully mobilize students' enthusiasm and initiative in learning.

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

Liang Yingyu

Associate Dean of the School of Finance and Logistics Management

As a party member and cadre, Comrade Liang Yingyu has a sense of the overall situation in his work, a strong sense of responsibility, the courage to shoulder heavy burdens, regardless of personal gains and losses, and outstanding work achievements.

He is in charge of the teaching management of the college. Outstanding contributions to the Student Professional Skills Competition. Since 2022, he has won 8 first prizes and 5 second prizes in the Jiangsu Professional Skills Competition. In 2022, 2023, and 2024, the number of first prizes in the provincial competition ranked first in the school for three consecutive years, and the provincial competition results were the best in the school. He won 1 second prize and 1 third prize in the national competition, and the contribution rate of the number of national awards exceeded 60%. Breakthroughs have been made in the construction of teaching materials and curriculum. In 2023, 1 national "14th Five-Year Plan" textbook will be approved, and 1 national online excellent course will be recommended, achieving a breakthrough in the "zero" project of the textbook and curriculum construction of the School of Finance and Logistics Management. 3 online open courses in Jiangsu Province were approved, 1 textbook of the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Jiangsu Province was approved, 1 of the first batch of high-quality textbooks of Jiangsu Province was approved, and 1 key textbook of Jiangsu Province was approved (4 courses were approved by the whole school that year). On the basis of curriculum construction, 3 provincial education reform projects were approved, and 1 first prize of industry education reform projects was awarded. Remarkable results have been achieved in the professional capacity building of teachers. In 2022, the teachers of the college won 1 second prize in the teacher group of the Jiangsu Vocational College Skills Competition; In 2023, he will participate in the "Jiangsu Craftsman" post training vocational skills competition for the first time, and won 4 first prizes, 1 second prize, and 1 third prize in the staff group, and 5 teachers won the title of "Jiangsu Technical Expert". In addition, the teachers of the college have won 1 second prize in the Jiangsu Provincial Teaching Ability Competition and 1 second prize in the Provincial Micro Course Teaching Competition. The provincial competition has been well received. In 2021, 2022, and 2023, it will host the provincial and national competitions of intelligent finance and taxation for three consecutive years, and host the 2023 "Jiangsu Craftsman" post training supply chain manager vocational skills competition, which is highly praised by the superior authorities, organizers, and contestants.

Personal teaching, research and teaching work. instructed students to participate in the 2024 Jiangsu Vocational College Skills Competition (Higher Vocational Group) cross-border e-commerce competition and won the second prize; Participated in the 2023 "Jiangsu Craftsman" Cross-border E-commerce Operation Vocational Skills Competition, won the first prize in the staff group, and guided students to win the first prize in the student group; Instructed students to participate in the 2022 Jiangsu Internet + Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and won the second prize; instructed students to participate in the 2022 Jiangsu Challenge Cup Entrepreneurship Plan Competition and won the second prize; In 2022 and 2023, the teaching quality assessment was excellent for two consecutive years.

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

Han Nana

Counselor, School of Architecture and Art Design

Serve and educate people, keep the original intention, and pay attention to the development of students' personality. Always adhering to the work concept of "focusing on students, caring for students, and serving students", adhere to ideological guidance, and always put serving students in the first place. At present, he is the counselor of the 2023 grade, and serves as the class teacher of three classes: Landscape Architecture Design 2101, Advertising Design D2301, and Architectural Decoration D2301. Actively understand the needs of students in terms of thinking, learning, life, etc., do a good job of work records, often take the initiative to delay leaving work, and answer all kinds of questions from students. Combined with the integrated media, in line with the concept of "teachers and students grow together", the class with which we lead every year establishes a class public account to grasp the network position of students' ideological and political education.

Management and education with sincerity, to promote the growth of students. From 2019 to 2023, she is responsible for the funding work of the college, following the concept of combining "poverty alleviation" and "helping aspirations", often communicating face-to-face with students in difficulty, helping them answer questions, and encouraging students in difficulty to show themselves bravely. In 2022, he was named the school's "Outstanding Educator".

Practice educating people to strengthen the heart, and constantly innovate the way of working. Consistent in the position of counselor, rigorous and realistic, constantly improve himself while promoting the progress of students, insist on learning professional skills, obtained the national second-level vocational counselor, completed the teaching tasks of courses such as "Career Development and Employment", and won the excellent teaching quality assessment of the school in 2023. At the same time, he has carried out research on special aspects such as student employment, funding, and entrepreneurship, and has published a number of papers on student work. She loves the ideological and political education of college students, is willing to dedicate, devotes herself to educating people, has a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, and firmly believes that there are glory and dreams in the ordinary, and there are gains and touches in the simple.

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

Chen Haobo

Rolling Stock Academy Counselor

Ideology leads young people and promotes the study of political theories among League members. In the past year, the comrade insisted on taking multiple measures at the same time to promote the study of political theory in the college and guide young people to listen to the party and follow the party. In the special study of theme education for members and youth, we insist that the members of each youth league branch are led by the cadres of the college to read the original works, learn the original texts, and understand the principles, and the completion rate of all branches of the college has reached 100%, and the average annual learning rate of youth learning has reached more than 141%, ranking in the forefront of the whole school. In the 2023 calibration work of the general branch of the regiment, the general branch of the regiment of the Locomotive and Rolling Stock Academy was rated as the general branch of the 5-star regiment.

Strictly grasp the norms of League members, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of League members. Strengthen the construction of the contingent of student cadres, constantly give play to the active leading role of student cadres in the moral education work of the class, and improve the status of the Communist Youth League organization in the hearts of students. Wang Jiayao, as the deputy secretary of the general branch of the college, was awarded the "Most Beautiful Vocational School Student Model" in Jiangsu Province. In 2022, he was awarded the titles of "Excellent Youth League General Branch" and "Outstanding Student Union Branch", in 2023, he was awarded the title of "May Fourth Red Flag Youth League General Branch" of the school, and he was awarded the title of "Advanced Worker in the Work of the Communist Youth League" in 2023. Give full play to the role of class team building instructors, vigorously carry out class activities with rich content and form, and the 2201 class of railway locomotives won the 2022 "May Fourth Excellent League Branch", and the 2202 class of railway locomotives won the 2023 "May Fourth Excellent League Branch".

Attentive guidance to students, fruitful results. In the summer social practice of 2023, the "Ploughing and Far" employment pilot practice group was established with the teachers and students of the college to carry out employment research in Fuzhou EMU Depot and Fuzhou Locomotive Depot of China Railway Nanchang Bureau, and finally the "Ploughing and Far" team was rated as the "Excellent Team" of the 2023 Jiangsu Province Summer "Three Rural Areas" Social Practice Activity. He has guided students to carry out the "Little Teenager, Railway Dream" project, and has been actively engaged in social service for a long time, and has won the bronze medal of the Jiangsu Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition, the "Nanjing Outstanding Youth Volunteer Service Project", and the school's "Brand Project" and other honors. The "'Soul of the Railway Cultural Journey' - A Carriage Carrying the Cultural Inheritance of the Railway" filmed by the students was selected as the 2023 "Faith Open Class" provincial excellent course.

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

Source | Provided by the interviewee

Edit | Ji Tianyu

Audit | Cai Youzhu

Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work

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Party member vanguard | Temper the original intention with dedication and take on the mission with hard work