
The "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Honest Thought and Culture Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community

author:Goro Village Street

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and solidly promote the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart, and go deep and practical, on June 28, the Maoshan New Fourth Army Memorial Hall "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Integrity Ideological and Cultural Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community. Nearly 40 people, including all party members of the 26th Party branch of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, relevant responsible comrades of the Maoshan New Fourth Army Memorial Hall and representatives of party members of the Huaihai Road community, participated in the event.

The "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Honest Thought and Culture Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community
The "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Honest Thought and Culture Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community

"Ye Ting is the pioneer of the Northern Expedition with outstanding achievements, the commander of the 'Iron Army' who shocked the enemy, and a generation of famous generals who will go down in history." Before the launch, Zhou Zaixing, deputy director of the Maoshan New Fourth Army Memorial Hall, brought a theme lecture on "Loyalty to the Party and Eternal Belief - Looking at the Faith Pursuit of Communist Party Members from the Life of Comrade Ye Ting", which told everyone about the glorious achievements and revolutionary demeanor of Comrade Ye Ting, the commander of the New Fourth Army.

The "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Honest Thought and Culture Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community

This exhibition is a warm-up exhibition of the New Fourth Army's clean ideology and cultural history exhibition, which is a joint exhibition of revolutionary cultural relics in the collection of Jiangsu Museum, and will be held until July 4. Through the four chapters of "Faith is Like Iron, Contains Honesty," "Establishing Rules and Systems to Build the Cornerstone," "Arduous Struggle to Promote Honesty," and "Model Demeanor and Promoting Righteousness," the exhibition shows the arduous process, remarkable results, and spiritual wealth retained in the course of the ideological and cultural construction of honesty and honesty of the New Fourth Army.

The "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Honest Thought and Culture Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community

Get close to the people and life, and spread the culture of the New Fourth Army in a way that the people like to see. "Most of the people who watched the New Fourth Army Integrity Culture Exhibition sent to the community this time were community residents, so we adopted the form of storytelling, which was more simple and easier to understand, so that community residents could learn the honest deeds of the revolutionary ancestors of the New Fourth Army in a subtle way." Sun Zhijun, director of the Maoshan New Fourth Army Memorial Hall, said.

"This activity of the New Fourth Army's clean ideology and culture into the community is of great significance for strengthening the discipline education of community party members, which not only improves the personal quality of community party members, but also promotes the harmonious development of the community, and sends valuable spiritual food to the community party members and the masses." Yu Jingjing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Huaihai Road Community, said. Lv Zhanping, a community party member who visited the exhibition, said that in the future, we should continue to strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, keep in mind the original intention of joining the party and the party's discipline, and serve the people conscientiously and steadfastly.

The "Noble Demeanor and Honest Monument" Honest Thought and Culture Exhibition entered the Huaihai Road community

The question of inheritance, the youth answers. "How old were they when they died" "Why didn't they wear shoes"...... A few children came to the exhibition site, and they stared at every word and picture on the display board carefully and carefully, and asked the parents next to them from time to time. "Under the explanation of the propaganda teacher, I learned about the struggle of the revolutionary ancestors, and I will cherish today's beautiful life more and strive to be a good boy in the new era." Wang Ziqin, a student in the third (3) class of Nanjing Daguang Road Primary School, said.

On the occasion of the whole party carrying out party discipline study and education, the Maoshan New Fourth Army Memorial Hall sent the "Noble Style, Honest and Honest Monument" integrity ideological and cultural exhibition to the community, aiming to spread the New Fourth Army's clean cultural thought to the community party members, continue to create a community cultural atmosphere that respects honesty and cleanliness, and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents.

It is reported that in August this year, the joint exhibition of revolutionary cultural relics in the collection of Jiangsu Museum - "Noble Demeanor, Honest and Honest Monument" New Fourth Army Honest Ideological and Cultural History Exhibition will be exhibited for the first time in Nanjing Yuhuatai Martyrs Memorial Hall, and after the first exhibition, it will be toured to various parts of the province.

Source: The Junction

Editor: Gui Yuesheng

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