
The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream

author:Goro Village Street

In order to carry forward the spirit of patriotism, inherit the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, and show the demeanor of the residents of Wulao Village, on the afternoon of June 28, the Wulao Village Street Customs Working Committee and the Wulao Village Street Community Education Center jointly held a unique speech contest of "Patriotism of the Old and Young and Forge Ahead on a New Journey with One Heart".

The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream

This event invited the deputy director of the Wulao Village Street Customs Working Committee, the Wulao Village Street Social Education Office, the teacher, and the head of the Wulao Village Street Cultural Station as the judges of this competition.

With the opening of the competition, the families of the six groups of players gathered in the conference room of the uninsured station, and they affectionately told their infinite love for the motherland with sincere emotions and passionate language. From the magnificent picture scroll of "Poetic China" to the proud declaration of "I am proud, I am Chinese"; From the affectionate confession of "we love you China" to the lofty ambition of "dream set sail and go on a new journey together"; From the hymn of the times to the hymn of "taking the high-speed rail to praise the motherland", to the collective oath of "the old and the young sing the praises of the motherland and work together to build the Chinese dream", every speech is full of affection and conveys strong patriotic feelings. After fierce competition, one group of players won the first prize, three groups of players won the second prize, two groups of players won the third prize, and the relevant person in charge of the Street Customs Working Committee issued a prize certificate to the winners' families and took a group photo.

The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream
The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream
The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream

"As a teenager in the new era, I live in an era when the motherland is becoming stronger and stronger. History tells us that the strength of the motherland comes from the efforts and dedication of everyone who loves her. After the speech contest, the contestants watched the patriotic education video and shared their feelings after watching it, and jointly remembered the martyrs who defended the dignity of the motherland and national unity with their blood and lives. It is these brave and fearless martyrs who have built a peaceful and peaceful home for us. Their firm belief and selfless dedication have become the spiritual motivation for our young people in the new era to continue to move forward.

Looking forward to the future, Wulaocun Street will continue to actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, combine the physical and mental development characteristics of young people, innovate forms, enrich carriers, and carry out a series of practical activities with distinct themes and diverse forms. We firmly believe that through these activities, we can guide young people to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, cultivate them to become idealistic, moral, educated and disciplined young people in the new era, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream

Let us work hand in hand, remember history, cherish the present, create the future, and jointly write a magnificent chapter of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The five old "voices" show their demeanor, and the old and young work together to build a patriotic dream

Source: Street Workstation for the Protection of Minors

Draft: Zhang Rui

Editor: Gui Yuesheng

Review: Cheng Lishan Release: Zhou Yiwen