
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!

author:Wangcang release
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!

Although it is still some time before the ambush

But the Wangcang sunny mode has been launched

Xiaobu reminds everyone

In summer, the temperature is high, and the risk of fire is high

Prevent home fires

Be alert to these 8 types of fire hazards

Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!


Faulty electrical wiring, overload of electricity

In some families, several high-power electrical appliances are used at the same time, and some electrical appliances run 24 hours a day, etc., once the electricity is not used carelessly or the electrical appliances are overloaded, it is easy to cause faults such as short circuits in wires and cause fires. In particular, due to aging, long use, and poor ventilation conditions, some electrical appliances are difficult to disperse and are more likely to cause fires.


Improper use of mosquito repellent supplies

The frequency of use of mosquito prevention and mosquito control products increases in summer, and there are certain potential safety hazards when used improperly. For example, spray mosquito repellent is swelled by heat or violently impacted, which is flammable and explosive; After the mosquito coil is lit, there is an open flame and the temperature is high, if it is not placed properly, it is easy to cause a fire.


Smoking in bed and littering cigarette butts

Some people prefer to smoke in bed or on the couch if the smoke is not extinguished. Discard at will, cigarette butts fall on flammable materials such as bedding, mosquito nets, sofas, etc., which can easily cause fires. Smoking in bed or on the couch after drinking alcohol is more dangerous.


Illegal charging of electric bicycles

Charging electric bicycles for a long time or privately connecting wires to charge can easily lead to high battery temperatures, coupled with high outdoor temperatures in summer, which can easily cause fires.


The kitchen leaves with a fire man

In summer, the kitchen temperature is high, and many residents go to cool rooms to rest while cooking. If you leave it for a long time, it is very easy to extinguish the stove due to the overflow of boiling soup, causing gas leakage, and then causing fire or explosion.


Clutter is piled up in the house

In order to save space, some families will pile up sundries in narrow spaces such as stairs, walkways, and balconies, and if there is an open flame or aging wires that cause a fire, these sundries will become combustible and threaten the safety of the entire building.


Children play with fire

During the summer holidays, some children are home alone and unattended. Children have strong curiosity, poor self-control, and weak safety awareness, and if they are not careful, they will bring unexpected fire accidents to the family.


Flammable and explosive materials

Some flammable and explosive materials used or stored at home can easily cause fires due to combustion explosions. For example, natural gas, liquefied gas, motor gasoline, paint, perfume, mousse, etc., which are used in daily life, are very dangerous if they are not stored properly or used improperly.

Home fire safety cannot be overlooked

The following three checks, three clearances and three customs should be kept in mind

Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!

Source | Chengdu emergency

Edit | He Qianqian Editor-in-charge| Liu Yan Editor| Wang Weizhao Supervision | Wan Yan phone | 0839-4206601 P.O. Box | [email protected] Statement | When quoted by the media, please mark "the information is from Wangcang's release".

Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!
Security | The high temperature in summer is easy to "provoke fire", so be vigilant!

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