
Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

author:Color-picking design

Should the balcony be sealed? I believe that there is no need to discuss this issue in the eyes of most people. Because the balcony is the closest space to the outside, it is safer to seal it up.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

But for a young man who is rebellious, there is no need to seal the windows on the balcony. Otherwise, this space will be wasted.

For example, netizen @知夏summer: Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice, after the balcony did not seal the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors, and the community was really on fire.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

In this issue, let's talk about this topic and see if it's a real fragrance or a big pit.

1. What are the benefits of not sealing the balcony windows?

We all know that the balcony is not sealed, which may bring a series of problems to life, but why do many young people still choose not to seal the windows? In fact, the reason is very simple, as follows.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(1) It can save a lot of money

The most intuitive advantage is to save the money for sealing the balcony windows, not to mention more, at least a few thousand yuan can be saved. For families with tight renovation budgets, it has undoubtedly alleviated some of the financial pressure.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Netizen @lazy sheep: There are windows on both sides of my balcony, and if it is sealed, it will cost at least more than 6,000 yuan, and now I only need to spend more than 1,000 yuan to install an invisible protective net, and I feel that I have earned "100 million".

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(2) Good vision and lighting

The balcony has no windows, which means that you have a panoramic view. The sky is clear during the day, the lights are bright at night, and looking out the window at the beautiful scenery, it seems as if the whole world is under your feet.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

In addition, whether it is the first rays of sunlight in the morning or the sunset dyeing the sky red in the evening, it brings infinite reverie and poetry to life.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(3) Good ventilation environment

Without balcony windows, the ventilation environment in the home will naturally be better, even if there are balcony sliding doors, the air circulation is better than that of traditional closed balconies, thus bringing more freshness and comfort to the interior.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(4) The function is more flexible

The balcony itself has a variety of functional changes, although whether it is sealed or not does not affect the positioning of the balcony, but in the case of the balcony is not sealed, the joy of life will obviously be more.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Netizen @lazy sheep: Since the balcony was not sealed, this has become the most frequently used space in the home. Barbecue, boiling tea, reading books, being in a daze, you can be as happy as you want.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Netizen @ hawthorn cake: For a person who has never raised flowers and plants, after having this open balcony, every day he either takes care of the plants on the balcony, or on the way to buy green plants, the balcony is almost full.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Netizen @小金: Who understands the feeling of freedom to dry the quilt, as long as the weather is good, they will take the quilt to the balcony to dry, and I feel that I have become diligent.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

2. What are the problems of unsealed windows on the balcony?

I believe that there are many people who are entangled between sealing and not sealing the balcony when decorating, for fear that they will regret the wrong choice.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Next, let's focus on the few issues that everyone is most concerned about and see if you can accept it.

(1) Security issues

The first thing to consider if the balcony is not sealed is the safety issue, especially if you live in a high-rise building, or if you have children at home, it is very dangerous to look at.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Therefore, the general solution is to install an invisible protective net on the balcony and lock the balcony sliding door to prevent children from running to the balcony without permission.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

PS: Don't be happy for yourself, and don't install invisible protective nets when you have children, this is a completely irresponsible behavior. (The same goes for families with pets)

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(2) Stormwater problem

What should I do if the balcony is not sealed and the rain drifts in? In fact, this problem is not as serious as everyone imagined, as long as the balcony is waterproof, and the floor tiles are good for the drainage slope, the impact is not great.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Moreover, the rain will only drift in if it rains heavily. Taking a step back, what if the rain drifts in? At most, I can't move on the balcony.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

If you really mind, install an electric sunshade on the balcony, which can not only block the rain but also shade the sun, and has a certain windproof effect, which is a little expensive.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

If you want to save money, you can also hang a shower curtain to keep out the rain, and the effect is not bad, but it is not very beautiful.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(3) Dust problem

In fact, in my opinion, dust is the biggest problem for families with unsealed balconies. Whether you live on a high-rise or a low-rise floor, open balconies are particularly dusty.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

If you're a lazy person, give up the idea of an open balcony, there's basically no good solution other than diligent care.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors
Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

If you are a diligent person, you can install a spray gun shower on the balcony, in addition to washing away the balcony dust, it is also convenient to water the flowers and plants.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

In addition, some families will install dust curtains on their balconies. In fact, it does not play a big role, and it loses the meaning of making an open balcony.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(4) Mosquito problem

For families living on low floors, the biggest problem of unsealed balconies is that there will be a lot of mosquitoes in summer, which greatly affects the quality of life.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

In fact, this is a common problem of open balconies, and you can take a way to reduce the trouble of mosquitoes to life as much as possible.

1) Install invisible screens at the sliding doors of the balcony to prevent mosquitoes from entering the room.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

2) Light a plate of mosquito coils on the balcony and hang some yellow boards to catch a lot of mosquitoes.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

3) Installing a screen window on the balcony can keep mosquitoes out, but it will be ugly.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

(5) Cabinet electrical problems

Many people are worried that if the balcony is not sealed, the cabinet and washing machine will be affected after long-term exposure to the wind and sun.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

In fact, this problem is very easy to solve, you can build a laundry cabinet and embed the washing machine into it to play a protective role. You can install metal cabinets on the balcony to protect it from the sun and waterproof.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors
Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

If there is a built-in space on one side of the balcony, you can also hang a dust curtain partition and hide the washing machine and dryer inside, which can also play a protective role.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to my mother's advice! After the balcony insisted on not sealing the windows, the threshold was about to be trampled by the neighbors

Write at the end:

That's all for this issue.

In fact, whether the balcony is sealed or not depends on your own needs and preferences, as well as whether you can accept the shortcomings it has. If you think that none of this is a problem, then it is indeed more fragrant to leave the balcony unsealed. What do you think about this?