
I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

author:Wait for the wind to come to G
Narrator: Zhao Min

I am 56 years old this year, retired from public institutions, retirement salary of 5800 yuan, I divorced my daughter when I was 6 years old, I raised my daughter alone, now retired, my daughter is also married, I took a paralyzed 65-year-old man home, my daughter was very angry, she said that she would not care about me when she was old.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

My marriage is unhappy, since I gave birth to a daughter, my husband and mother-in-law have not treated me well, because my eldest brother's family gave birth to a girl, and everyone put their hopes on me, hoping that I would give birth to a boy and give them a family lineage.

When I was a month pregnant, my mother-in-law asked someone to calculate for me, asked an old Chinese medicine doctor to give me a pulse, and held an awl to hang the thread for me, and couldn't wait to know if I was pregnant with a boy or a girl.

When I was three months pregnant, my mother-in-law accompanied me to do B ultrasound, she didn't care about the child's health, and always asked the doctor about the child's gender, and the doctor was speechless.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

Later, when I saw that I liked to eat sour, with butterfly spots on my face and a pointed belly, my mother-in-law was very happy and thought that I was definitely pregnant with a boy.

When she met people, she said: "My old daughter-in-law is pregnant with a boy, and we have a successor!" ”

We don't know what the inheritance has to do with her, an old woman.

Because my mother-in-law decided that I was pregnant with a boy, she took good care of me throughout the pregnancy, and I was grateful to my mother-in-law for whatever I wanted to eat.

I was about to give birth, and the last time I had a prenatal checkup, the doctor clearly told me that it was a girl, and I went home and told my husband that it was a girl, and my husband couldn't accept this fact, and told me to give birth and see it again.

The mother-in-law even said: "This is not accurate, often at the last moment!" ”

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

As a result, when the child was born, it was a girl, and the mother-in-law was so angry that she turned around and left, and she never came again during the entire confinement period.

My husband doesn't like his daughter either, he is impatient when he hears the child crying, and he makes excuses to come home late at night.

The daughter is growing up day by day, she is very beautiful and obedient, but she is not loved by her husband, and he always dislikes her daughter.

I don't know why he is so obsessed with having a son, and their family has no throne to inherit!

When my child was 6 years old, he suddenly filed for divorce with me one day, and I wondered if I had heard it wrong, and I was not mentally prepared at all.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

I asked him why, and he didn't hide it, saying that he had someone outside, and he was pregnant, and it was a boy, and he could not have the woman, but he had to have this son.

In this way, I took my daughter out of the house, and someone asked why he made a mistake and you went out of the house?

Because the house I live in is in my mother-in-law's name, it does not belong to the joint property of husband and wife, in the past few years, I have earned little, my husband is not at home, and he does not take much money from home, and the children spend a lot, so our family has not saved any money.

After taking the children out, our mother and daughter had nowhere to go, so I rented a small one-room house next to the children's school.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

After we divorced, he couldn't wait to marry that woman into the door, God has eyes, she gave birth to a girl, and her ex-husband was devastated.

It's just that that woman is not as easy to handle as me, she is ruthless enough, he doesn't dare to mention divorce!

I was struggling to get through my life with my daughter, and that's when I met him, the man who changed my life.

He is 9 years older than me and has never been married, and the reason why he is not married is because 14 years ago, the person he loves died suddenly in a car accident, and he was in his arms, and he has not been able to get out of that shadow.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

He saw that I was very pitiful with my children, always took care of me, and lent me money to buy a house (he didn't ask for the money later), so that our mother and daughter had a home of their own.

When I can't take care of my daughter, he will take the initiative to help me pick up, cook for my daughter, take her to the amusement park to play, in the process of my daughter's growth, he played the role of a father, he took care of our mother from all aspects.

I knew he liked me and he wanted to start a family with me, but I thought about my daughter, I was afraid that after I remarried, the child would be angry, I was afraid that my daughter would be rebellious, I rejected him, I told him that we can only be friends.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

Later, he got married, but divorced two years later, and he came to me again and said that he couldn't let go of anyone else.

He said he wouldn't ask me to marry him, but he would allow him to silently guard us and not reject him from thousands of miles away.

Under his care, my daughter and I have lived happily, both financially and spiritually, and I feel very happy.

In a flash, my daughter was already in college, and after my daughter left college, he moved into my house.

He pays his daughter's college living expenses on time every month, and he also takes the initiative to pay for the tuition fees, and usually buys mobile phones and computers for his daughter... He treats his daughter as his own and responds to all requests.

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

Soon, my daughter graduated and returned to our city and moved in with me again, because considering that my daughter was older and it was inconvenient to live together, I asked him to move back to his own home.

I promised him that when my daughter got married, he would come back to me, and I would take care of him when he was old.

It's just that my daughter has been reluctant to get married until last year, when she was 29 years old, she finally got married, but I am 56 years old, and he is 65 years old.

And he had a cerebral hemorrhage the year before and was paralyzed, and his nephew sent him to a nursing home.

I went to see him at the nursing home and I told him, "We can finally be together now, I'll pick you up!" ”

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

He said, "I'm like this, and I'm going to hurt you!" ”

I told him, "You weren't afraid that I would hurt you, so how could I be afraid that you would hurt me?" I owe you too much in my life, even if I make up for you! ”

I took him home, and my daughter found out, and she was very angry, and she actually said, "Who is he, what does he have to do with us, you don't know, my dad is left alone now, you and my dad should remarry, lest I worry about you both!" ”

I was angry: "You are so ungrateful, who took you to play when you were a child?" Who will provide you with your education in college? Now you hate him? Whether your father divorces or not has nothing to do with me, so don't think about it. ”

I'm 56 years old, with a retirement salary of 5,800, and I'm going to take a 65-year-old paralyzed man home, and I'm going to serve him!

The reason why the daughter is so oriented to her father is because her father is rich now, and when she got married, her father also bought her a car of 300,000 yuan as a dowry, and bought her at once.

When my daughter heard me say this, she dropped a cruel sentence: "If you don't listen to me, I won't care about you when I'm old!" ”

This is the good daughter I have raised for more than 20 years, just like her father in her bones.

No matter what, I want to be worthy of my conscience, when I get old, I will go to a nursing home, and the fate of mother and daughter in this life will be over!