
If I have high blood pressure in my thirties and forties and don't want to take blood pressure medication, is there any way to lower my blood pressure?

author:Listen to health every day
  • High blood pressure, the number one killer of health, people with uncontrolled high blood pressure, life expectancy will be shortened by 5-8 years.
  • The damage of hypertension to the body will go through a chronic process of more than ten or twenty years, and the resulting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and coronary heart disease will seriously reduce the quality of life, and some people often die because of this.

Mr. Zhang, who was not yet 50 years old, discovered high blood pressure in his thirties and ignored it because he didn't feel anything. Not long ago, when I was at work, I suddenly couldn't move half of my body, and although I was treated, I was left with hemiplegia, and I had to use a wheelchair as my companion. The child is still in college, and his parents are almost 80 years old and need to be taken care of, but he can't take care of his own life, and he regrets not taking high blood pressure seriously.

If I have high blood pressure in my thirties and forties and don't want to take blood pressure medication, is there any way to lower my blood pressure?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in life, in addition to the lack of understanding of the harm of high blood pressure, most of them are caused by reluctance to take antihypertensive drugs, worried that once they take antihypertensive drugs, they will use them for a lifetime, and they are afraid that "it is three points of poison of medicine" and hurt the body, but they do not know that it is high blood pressure that hurts the body rather than blood pressure drugs, and it is a knowing move to lower blood pressure in time when taking medication.

Of course, taking antihypertensive drugs is only one of the ways to control high blood pressure, not that you must take antihypertensive drugs if you have high blood pressure, starting from the three reasons that lead to the occurrence of high blood pressure, through the establishment of good living habits, many people with high blood pressure can effectively control their blood pressure, these three reasons are:

  • The heart rate is higher than 80 beats per minute for a long time, and the blood pumped by the heart cannot flow back into the heart in time, and a large amount of blood is retained in the blood vessels, resulting in an increase in blood vessel pressure.
  • The total amount of blood throughout the body increases, and blood pressure rises beyond the normal capacity of blood vessels to hold blood.
  • Vascular aging and even pathological atherosclerosis occurs, and the elasticity decreases, which cannot effectively buffer the blood flow pressure, resulting in a continuous increase in the pressure in the blood vessels.
If I have high blood pressure in my thirties and forties and don't want to take blood pressure medication, is there any way to lower my blood pressure?

It can be seen that slowing down the heart rate, reducing blood volume, and delaying arteriosclerosis are the basic principles to avoid and reduce hypertension, and all antihypertensive drugs are used to lower blood pressure through these three ways, and many lifestyle habits in life can also achieve such goals. People with high blood pressure do not want to take antihypertensive drugs, so they should start from the details of life and strive to lower blood pressure, specifically to do:

  • Eat a light diet, strictly control the amount of salt every day, eat less than 6 grams of salt, and blood pressure can drop by 2-8mmHg.
  • Consistent exercise, 30-45 minutes of continuous sweating exercise every day, blood pressure can drop by 4-8mmHg, and muscle exercises such as lifting dumbbells, squats, push-ups and other muscles no less than twice a week can further enhance the benefits of exercise to control blood pressure.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, no less than one pound of fresh vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, and no less than half a pound of fresh fruits every day, blood pressure can drop by 8-14mmHg.
  • Quit smoking and limit alcohol, smoking must be quit, alcohol can not be drunk, at least to drink less than one or two liquor a day, blood pressure can drop by 2-4mmHg.
  • Regular work and rest, go to sleep before 23:00 every day, sleep enough for 7-9 hours, resolutely do not stay up late, blood pressure can drop by 4-8mmHg.
  • To control the waist circumference, men will control the waist circumference below 90cm and strive to control it below 85cm, and women will control the waist circumference below 85cm and strive to control it below 80cm, and the blood pressure can be reduced: 5-20mmHg
If I have high blood pressure in my thirties and forties and don't want to take blood pressure medication, is there any way to lower my blood pressure?

Clinical practice shows that if you adhere to such a lifestyle for half a year, your blood pressure is still higher than 140/90mmHg, it indicates that your own blood pressure regulation mechanism cannot maintain stable blood pressure through self-regulation, with the help of external force, that is, the help of antihypertensive drugs is necessary, at this time, do not hesitate to take antihypertensive drugs, you must know that the sooner you lower your blood pressure, the greater the benefits in the future, remember!

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