
If I die before I reach retirement age, what should I do with the social security I pay? The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied

author: Longnan Wen County released

As the social security system in mainland China becomes more and more mature, its coverage is becoming more and more extensive, and the issue of social security has become one of the topics that workers are most concerned about, and the payment and receipt of pensions and other related expenses are hot issues.

Recently, many people have been ridiculing: If you don't live to retirement age, won't social security be paid in vain?

Here's what I want to tell you: it won't be in vain!

If I die before I reach retirement age, what should I do with the social security I pay? The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied

Money from personal accounts can be withdrawn

Social security, that is, what we often call five insurances and one housing fund, includes endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, and housing provident fund. If a social security contributor dies suddenly, the money in his social security personal account can generally be withdrawn!

1. Provident Fund

According to the relevant provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund:

If an employee dies or is declared dead, the employee's heirs and legatees may withdraw the balance stored in the employee's housing provident fund account;

If there is no heir or legatee, the balance in the employee's housing provident fund account will be included in the value-added income of the housing provident fund.

That is to say, when the social security payer dies suddenly, the balance of his account can be withdrawn by his legal heirs, or he can designate a legatee who is not related by blood to withdraw the full amount; If no one withdraws it, the money will be handed over to the state.

2. Pension insurance

The basic endowment insurance implements the combination of social pooling and personal accounts, that is, the basic endowment insurance fund is composed of employer and individual contributions and government subsidies.


The employer shall pay the basic endowment insurance premiums in accordance with the proportion of the total wages of its employees stipulated by the state, which shall be credited to the basic endowment insurance pooling fund;

Employees shall pay basic pension insurance premiums in accordance with the proportion of their wages stipulated by the state, which shall be credited to their personal accounts.

Similarly, individual industrial and commercial households without employees, part-time employees who do not participate in the basic pension insurance at the employer, and other flexibly employed persons who participate in the basic pension insurance shall pay the basic pension insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of the state, which shall be credited to the basic pension insurance pooling fund and personal accounts respectively.

If a social security contributor dies suddenly, what happens to the money in the pooled account and the individual account?

The Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that:

Personal accounts are not allowed to be withdrawn in advance, and the interest rate on accounting shall not be lower than the interest rate of bank fixed deposits, and interest tax shall be exempted. In the event of the death of an individual, the balance of the personal account may be inherited.

That is to say, if the social security payer dies suddenly, the principal and interest of this part of the pension insurance paid by himself can be fully withdrawn by the heirs or the designated legatee, but the part of the pension in the overall account can never be obtained.

3. Medical insurance

Like endowment insurance, employees participating in basic medical insurance for employees are also jointly paid by the employer and the employee in accordance with national regulations.

If there is still a balance in the personal medical account in the medical insurance card after the death of the social security payer, the employer or family members can apply to the medical insurance agency for liquidation of their personal medical account and cancel their personal medical account with relevant certificates.

At the same time, the heir or legatee can apply to inherit the entire balance of their personal account.

Of course, if there are no heirs or legatees, the balance of the insured person's personal account will be included in the basic medical insurance pooling fund.

If I die before I reach retirement age, what should I do with the social security I pay? The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied

In addition to the personal account balance

And this money can be received!

1. Funeral allowance and pension

If an individual who participates in the basic pension insurance dies due to illness or non-work-related reasons, his surviving family members can receive funeral subsidies and pensions. The required funds are paid from the basic pension insurance fund.

1. Funeral expenses

The so-called funeral expenses are mainly used for the expenses required for the burial of the deceased, so the money is issued by the state to the immediate family members of the deceased.

2. 抚恤金

The pension is the comfort and economic compensation of special persons in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, and its payment standard should be higher than the funeral expenses as a whole.

In fact, the standards for the payment of funeral expenses and pensions in various provinces and cities are not uniform, among them, funeral expenses roughly range from 1,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan.

For example, Henan Province will issue a one-time pension of 3 months of pension and a 20-month basic pension; The capital of Shandong Province will issue a funeral allowance of 1,000 yuan and a pension of 10 months' average social wage; Beijing will pay 5,000 yuan for funeral expenses and a 20-month basic pension.

2. Relief expenses for supporting immediate family members and subsidies for living difficulties

Generally speaking, an employee supports his or her immediate family members, including the employee's spouse, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings.

Persons within this scope who rely on the salary or pension of the deceased employee as their main source of livelihood may be entitled to the living allowance for the surviving family members within 30 days of the death of the employee under any of the following circumstances.

  • total loss of ability to work;
  • The spouse of the employee who died due to illness or non-work-related death is at least 60 years old, and the female employee is at least 55 years old;
  • The parents of the employee who died due to illness or non-work-related reasons are at least 60 years old, and the female employee is at least 55 years old;
  • The child of the employee who dies due to illness or non-work-related reasons is under the age of 18;
  • The parents of the employee who died due to illness or non-work have died, and his grandfather or maternal grandfather is at least 60 years old, and his grandmother or maternal grandmother is at least 55 years old;
  • The children and their spouses of employees who have died due to illness or non-work have died or have completely lost the ability to work, and their grandchildren or grandchildren are under the age of 18;
  • The parents of the employee who died due to illness or non-work-related reasons are both deceased or completely incapacitated, and his siblings are under the age of 18.

To sum up, even if he dies before reaching retirement age, his family and heirs will have a lot of money to receive.

However, the standards and rules for receiving specific money vary from place to place, and the specific ones still need to refer to local regulations.

If I die before I reach retirement age, what should I do with the social security I pay? The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied

Attached is the reply of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on this issue

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied to netizens' comments on "worrying about participating in pension insurance":

If you have paid premiums for 15 years or even longer, if you die before retirement age, will the premiums you pay be gone?

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security replied:

The State ensures that the basic pension is paid in full and on time. The basic pension consists of a basic pension and a pension in an individual account. Among them, the basic pension is paid from the pension insurance pooling fund; The personal account pension is first paid from the amount saved in the personal account. When the amount of personal account savings becomes zero, the personal account pension is paid from the pooled fund.

In other words, retirees do not need to worry about how much money is left in their personal accounts, and the state will ensure that basic pensions, including personal account pensions, are paid on time and in full.

In addition, the national policy also stipulates that if a person participating in the pension insurance dies, the balance of his personal account can be inherited.

Death before retirement age is handled in the same way as death after retirement:

According to the regulations, the personal part of the pension payment and the interest can be refunded in full! It can be inherited by legal heirs. That is, when an employee dies during his or her employment or a retiree dies, if there is a balance in his personal account, the principal and interest of the individual contribution can be inherited, and according to the regulations, the inheritance amount is paid to the beneficiary or legal heir designated by the deceased during his lifetime, and the rest of the personal account will be merged into the social pooling fund.

The number of months of the personal account of the mainland pension insurance is 139 months, that is, the money in the personal account is distributed in 139 months, according to the retirement calculation of 60 years old, the employee receives his own money until the age of 71.5 to receive it, and if he dies before that, the balance in the personal account can be inherited.

Source: Caijian, Tencent News, Human Sunflower, 51 Social Security