
Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

author: Longnan Wen County released

As people age, people tend to become weaker, especially those with chronic wasting diseases and tumors, and their bodies become even weaker.

If signs of weakness are not taken seriously, it can lead to acute or critical illness.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness


Early manifestations of kidney deficiency – dry eyes

One of the early signs of kidney deficiency is dry eyes, which is more pronounced than other manifestations of kidney deficiency such as frequent urination at night and soreness in the waist and knees.

In addition to kidney yin deficiency, dry eyes may also be due to poor blood flow, resulting in the inability to deliver fluid to the eyes. Reading or writing for long periods of time can easily lead to dry eyes, but there is a simple and effective way to alleviate this symptom.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

Rub water around the eyes

Method: You can moisten your hands with water and gently rub the eye area, which can stimulate the key acupoints around the eyes, such as the eye acupoints, pupil hair, Cheng Wei acupoints, and fish waist, stimulate the qi of the meridians and relieve discomfort.

Rubbing your eyes with water several times a day, and every time you wash your hands, can significantly improve dry eyes.

Note: Do not allow water to get inside your eyes when rubbing your eyes.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~


Early manifestations of yang deficiency - cold lower limbs

The early signs of Yang Qi deficiency, such as cold in the lower limbs and soreness in the waist and knees, are often a sign that the Yang Qi in the body cannot be adequately distributed throughout the body, especially in the peripheral areas such as the hands and feet.

To solve this problem, a simple and effective treatment method is to soak your feet. Here's an affordable way to soak your feet.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

Sichuan pepper mugwort leaves to soak the feet


1. Mix 15 grams of Sichuan pepper and 15 grams of mugwort leaves, put them in a pot and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, take out the medicine bag (can be used for 2 to 3 days), then pour the liquid medicine into the foot soaking bucket, let it cool to 41 to 43 degrees Celsius, soak the feet for 15 to 20 minutes until slightly sweaty.

2. Massage the Yongquan acupoint, 100 times per foot.

Both Sichuan pepper and mugwort leaves help to warm yang and activate blood and smooth the meridians, thereby replenishing yang energy. This method is also suitable for headaches in patients with hypertensive liver yang.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

In addition, toe socks are also a recommended form of health care.

Toe socks help prevent athlete's foot, which is often caused by anaerobic bacteria, and is designed to allow air to circulate between the toes, reducing the occurrence of athlete's foot.

Toe socks also exercise the brain, as they cause discomfort in the toes when wearing them, prompting people to move their toes unconsciously, which helps prevent brain aging.

The toes are the intersection of the Zusanyin meridian and the Zusanyang meridian, as well as the acupuncture points where many meridians start and end.


Early manifestations of liver and kidney deficiency - osteoporosis

Liver and kidney weakness in older people often indicates signs of osteoporosis. Because the kidneys lack the essence and qi, the bones lose nourishment, so once you fall, it is very easy to fracture. At the same time, the deficiency of liver blood and liver yin will cause the muscles and veins to lose their original tension, thereby increasing the risk of bone dislocation.

For the common problems of liver and kidney deficiency and osteoporosis in the elderly, the method of soaking cucumber seed powder in water is recommended.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

Modern pharmacological studies have also shown that cucumber seeds can effectively promote the growth of osteoblasts. This powder has a good taste and has a grain aroma. Cucumber seed powder is a powder ground from cucumber seeds, which is an excellent Chinese herbal medicine for bone grafting, which has the effects of tonifying kidney, calcium, tendons and bones.

Cucumber seed meal

Method: It is recommended to take a spoonful of cucumber seed powder every day, which can be added to milk or porridge and stirred well before taking.

When your body is weak, you can't blindly take supplements!

When the body's ducts are not smooth, not only can the tonic not be absorbed, but also overflow, so it should be compensated for by patency.

In long-term clinical practice, it has been found that the use of bud drugs and ingredients to regulate liver and kidney weakness has significant effects, and I would like to introduce two unique secret recipes for disease prevention and deficiency.

Barley tea

Barley malt tea is a drink made with roasted barley malt as the main ingredient, and can be drunk as tea after decoction.

Drinking barley malt tea has the effect of replenishing physical strength, soothing the liver and regulating qi. For people with physical yang deficiency, astragalus can be added to tea in an appropriate amount to enhance its tonic effect; For those who are deficient in yin and are prone to fire, it is recommended to add lilies to balance yin and yang.

Precautions: Breastfeeding women should avoid drinking barley malt tea as it may cause a decrease in milk production.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

sesame oil

Sesame oil has the effect of detoxification and swelling. When using, you can use a cotton swab dipped in a small amount of sesame oil and apply it to the inner wall of the nasal cavity.

This procedure improves the protection of the nasal mucosa against the invasion of bacteria and dust, which in turn prevents the occurrence of colds and viral diseases.

Timely detection of early signs of weakness is the key to preventing serious illness! In this way, the body is stronger and younger~

Source: Health Talk