
These 3 signals, 3 indicators, indicate that your liver has been damaged! Drink a cup of this tea every day, strengthen the spleen and liver, and have a good complexion

author: Longnan Wen County released

On weekdays, many friends come to talk about and share their symptoms, but as everyone knows, many friends' livers have sent out distress signals!

You may not know that the liver is the "model worker" organ of our body. Even when it "worked" day and night, it never "cried tired" until it was exhausted.

Therefore, when I have many friends around me and find that my liver is very uncomfortable, it is either moderate to severe liver disease, liver cirrhosis, or even liver cancer.

According to scientific statistics, there are more than 120 million liver disease patients in China, with an average of 1 liver disease patient for every 12 people, and China accounts for 55% of the world's liver cancer patients, which is the country with the highest incidence of liver cancer and the largest number of liver cancer deaths in the world!

Today, I will talk about the health problems of the liver with you in detail.

These 3 signals, 3 indicators, indicate that your liver has been damaged! Drink a cup of this tea every day, strengthen the spleen and liver, and have a good complexion


These 3 signals indicate that the liver is sending out a distress signal!

1. The liver is not good, the eye is prophetic

The eyes are the windows to the soul, but they are also a "barometer" of liver health. The liver is open to the eyes, and if there is a problem with the liver, the eyes tend to react.

If your vision is blurred and dry, it means that your liver blood is insufficient;

If your eyes are red and bloodshot, it means that your liver is hot;

What's more important to note is that if the whites of the eyes are yellow, it may be a disorder of bilirubin metabolism in the liver, which is an important signal of liver damage.

2. The liver is not good, the head prophet

The liver hides blood, and the hair is blood. If the liver function is strong, the body will have sufficient qi and blood, and the hair will be black and shiny.

If you have gray hair on your temples, it means that you have a deficiency of liver and gallbladder;

If your hair is very oily and your hair loss is severe, it means that your liver is hot, or there is a problem with the liver's laxative function, resulting in poor flow of qi and blood in the body;

If your hair color is yellowish, it means that you have a deficiency of liver and blood;

If you have gray hair on the top of your head too early, it means that you have liver and kidney deficiency;

If you have gray hair on your hairline too early, it means that you don't have enough blood in your liver and spleen.

These 3 signals, 3 indicators, indicate that your liver has been damaged! Drink a cup of this tea every day, strengthen the spleen and liver, and have a good complexion

3. The liver is not good, and the face is prophetic

The liver is mainly drained, and the blood is also hidden. When the liver function is normal, the qi and blood flow smoothly, and the complexion is naturally ruddy and shiny.

If your face is dull and yellow, it means that the liver blood is insufficient and the nourishment is not enough;

To make matters worse, if the liver's detoxification function is weakened, toxins can build up in the body, which in turn can form melasma on the face.

At the same time, the health of the nose also reflects the condition of the liver. If the tip of the nose is red, swollen and acne, it may be that the liver is too angry. At this point, all you need to do is to lower the fire on the liver and let the liver return to its normal state.

In addition, bitter and bad breath also indicates that the liver is on fire and the turbidity is reversed.

The above is the distress signal sent by the liver! Can you compare and see, do you have any of these problems? If you don't have one, congratulations, your liver is healthy, keep it up!


Earlier, we learned from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and now we will talk about sharing it with you from the perspective of Western medicine.

I believe that everyone will check the liver function during the physical examination, have you noticed the results of the checklist? The following indicators are abnormal, indicating that our liver has been damaged!

These 3 signals, 3 indicators, indicate that your liver has been damaged! Drink a cup of this tea every day, strengthen the spleen and liver, and have a good complexion

1. Elevated aminotransferases

Aminotransferases such as alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase are the most direct indicators of liver cell damage.

2. Albumin decreases

Albumin, prealbumin, total protein, etc., are related to the synthesis capacity of the liver, and their decline means that the synthesis capacity of the liver is declining, which needs attention!

3. Elevated bilirubin

Total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, are related to the transport capacity of the liver. Their elevation means that there is a disorder in the liver's bilirubin metabolism, which is an important signal of liver damage.

When the above three abnormal indicators appear, it is necessary to go to the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in time to make a clear diagnosis and treat it in time.

These 3 signals, 3 indicators, indicate that your liver has been damaged! Drink a cup of this tea every day, strengthen the spleen and liver, and have a good complexion

Finally, let's talk about bringing you a liver-nourishing tea that you can drink every day. Liver blood deficiency, liver blood stasis, and liver qi deficiency can be taken into account, and you can drink it if your spleen and stomach are not good!

Ingredients: 10 grams of raw hawthorn, 7 dried longan, 6 grams of raw malt, 4 dried red dates, 5 dried roses.


1. Remove the shell and take out the longan meat;

2. Put the malt into a gauze bag;

3. Add 1200ml of water and cook malt, hawthorn, longan and red dates for 15 minutes;

4. Add roses, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

If you are afraid of the fire, you can appropriately reduce the amount of dried longan, and after cooking, you can also add some sweet and cold white sugar or rock sugar, and hawthorn together with "sweet and sour yin", the taste is also very good~

In addition, it is important to develop a good lifestyle and maintain a happy mood to maintain the liver.

I hope that everyone will pay more attention to the distress signals sent by the body and intervene as soon as possible, which is also an important concept of Chinese medicine - "treating diseases before they occur".

Source: Health Talk