
Li Manquan, a cadre who went south, recalled: Before and after going south

author:Taiyuan Old Area Construction Promotion Association
Li Manquan, a cadre who went south, recalled: Before and after going south

Many of our comrades who went south were transferred from the front line of the Taiyuan Campaign. In the autumn of 1948, the Taiyuan campaign began, Yan Xishan had more than 200,000 troops entrenched in Taiyuan, from the style of Liang to the Niuhuo Village area was full of fort bunkers, all of which were captured by our army one by one, and the final liberation of Taiyuan was in April 1949. The environment was very difficult, with enemy aircraft bombing during the day and enemy shells at night. For the cause of the people's liberation, the comrades ate and lived in small earthen caves in the wilderness, putting their lives on the line, and none of them complained of hardship and feared death. In the winter of 1948, the North China Bureau instructed the Jinzhong District Party Committee to transfer a large number of local cadres to form a leading group of the prefectural and county party committees and governments in the south. In principle, the cadres of the prefectural and county party committees in the old liberated areas should leave half of the cadres and leave half of them. I was participating in the battle on the Taiyuan front, and after receiving the order from the front headquarters like my comrades, I didn't say a word, but packed up my backpack and went to report to a local committee to participate in the southward journey.

In late March 1949, the cadres of the first prefectural party committee were concentrated in Yuxian County, where the prefectural party committee was located, and in early April, they were concentrated in Shijiazhuang for training. The allocation of cadres from the Wutai county party committee and government to the south was approved by the prefectural party committee: Li Tonggang, secretary of the county party committee, Luo Xifang, county magistrate, Zheng Xiancunbao, director of the organization department, Li Manquan, director of the propaganda department, Han Eryu, director of the public security bureau, Guo Santian, director of the armed forces department (deployed by military subdivisions), and Bai Shiguang, secretary of the county party committee, and other comrades, arrived in Shijiazhuang in early April under the leadership of the prefectural party committee to conduct intensive training and study. The contents are the documents of the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee, the current forms and tasks of the war, and the policies of the newly liberated areas towards the national bourgeoisie and the enemy's puppet army and political personnel. Comrade Ke Qingshi, mayor of Shijiazhuang City, made a report, introducing the experience of taking over the workers' work and stressing the need to pay attention to the local people's habits and the organizational discipline that should be observed when entering the newly liberated areas. After studying and retraining, all the members of our squadron have lifted their spirits, strengthened their fighting spirit, and strengthened their determination to march south. Before leaving, the Jinzhong District Party Committee also distributed uniforms, uniforms, and other items to the cadres of the brigade and squadron, so that our contingent was completely armed. At that time, due to the lack of train access along the Beijing-Guangzhou line, the Kuomintang troops besieged by the People's Liberation Army in Henan still occupied the bunker group, which blocked the march route of the southbound work group. Under the concern of the Jinzhong District Party Committee, we set off in early May and hired a large car to detour southeast out of Hebei and go straight to Kaifeng City at the junction of Henan and Shandong. After a few days of rest in Kaifeng, the higher authorities ordered us to go to Gongxian County for rectification and training. In Gongxian County, the southbound squadron was reorganized and reorganized, and the No. 5 squadron of the prefectural party committee and the Yuxian squadron were combined into one squadron, thus making full organizational and ideological preparations for the work in Hunan. The readjusted team is: Zhao Bingyan, secretary of the county party committee, Luo Xifang, county magistrate, Wang Sanjin, director of the organization department, Li Manquan, director of the propaganda department, Fan Fuhai, director of the public security bureau, Guo Santian, director of the armed forces, Bai Shiguang, secretary of the county party committee, Hao Yaolong, secretary of the government, and other comrades. During the more than half a month of study and reorganization in Gong County, we also found time to help the masses harvest wheat, thus strengthening the relationship between the military and the people, and winning praise from the masses. After the merger, the cadres of the two counties have been well united, the leadership of the county party committee has been strengthened, and the ideological and political work has also been greatly strengthened. At the beginning of June, he set off from Gongxian Station, went to Zhengzhou to hand over all the female comrades and sick numbers in the squadron to the brigade guard, and then passed from Zhengzhou to Xuzhou and Pukou. Arrived in Nanjing on June 15. In Nanjing, we visited the Sun Yat-sen Cemetery and received a vivid education, and with respect for Mr. Sun Yat-sen, we also aroused hatred for Chiang Kai-shek's betrayal of the revolutionary, anti-communist and anti-people. From Nanjing, we took a boat to Wuhan, because Wuhan and Nanjing had just been liberated, and although Chiang Kai-shek's planes bombed the Yangtze River in turn, more than 5,000 cadres and students from our Jinzhong District still took the Jianghan passenger ship and went up the river. The boatman cooperated very well with us, docked on sunny days, sailed at night, and sailed during the fog during the day, so we were not bombed by enemy planes, and arrived in Wuhan smoothly on June 28. In Wuhan, after the underground party in Hunan gave a briefing on the situation in Yueyang, Hunan, the provincial party committee decided to abolish the allocation of cadres of the Yueyang city party committee, leaving more than 20 people in Chengguan District, and Wang Xin, member of the county party committee, serving as secretary of the district party committee. After the reorganization in Wuhan, he entered Hunan with the army. When we took the train to Xianning, we learned that the bridge and railway in front of us had been destroyed by the Kuomintang, so we decided to march into Hunan on foot. Due to the unfamiliarity of the people, the complicated situation, and the fact that Changsha and Yueyang had not yet been liberated, the higher authorities instructed all our cadres to be both workers and combatants, and strengthened the leadership of the communications armament. From Chengning to Linxiang, each person was given a pound of biscuits, camped in the open air at night, and slept overnight at Yunxi Station on the evening of July 24.

Five days before us, the 475th Regiment of the 159th Division of the 46th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army entered Yueyang City. After they entered the city, the people of Yueyang were liberated from the dark rule of the Kuomintang. The Yueyang Squadron of the Political Work Group, the team directly under the Changsha Prefectural Committee, and the Xiangyin Squadron of the Political Work Group also docked at the north gate at about 8 o'clock in the evening of 25 July. After we entered the city, we saw that order had returned to normal, and after the People's Liberation Army (PLA) imposed military control, pickets patrolled the streets and alleys, and many citizens walked on the streets, standing on both sides to welcome us. Our squadron drove into the Kuomintang county government, and the cadres of Chengguan District drove directly into the Chengguan District of Yangcha Street. Most of the cadres of the prefectural party committee and administrative office were stationed in the old commissioner's office (where the 3517 factory is now located), and Wu Guang and other leading comrades lived in Hanlin Street. We were stationed in the Kuomintang county government, and there was a two-story wooden building in the back, a small hall with a single tile in front, and small bungalows on the east and west sides, except for a few small white wooden beds and filing cabinets, which were hollow and dilapidated. The environment is extremely cluttered. The county party committee realized that new work had begun. The team rested in place in the square in front of the gate, and the secretary and secretary went to see the house. The county party committee temporarily decided to give the good house to the brother squadron to live in, and most of the squadron classes of our squadron lived in the small hall on the spot, and only moved into the house after the comrades of the Xiangyin squadron left. After the backpack was put down, the county party committee, under the chairmanship of Comrade Zhao Bingyan, immediately held a meeting to listen to the reports of the reconnaissance personnel who entered the city during the day: First, the order in the market was basically normal after our army came under military control; second, the Kuomintang security team was stationed in the vicinity of Dongting Road and did not act; Third, the old government waits for the new government to arrive and hand it over. The county party committee decided on the next day's tasks: first, to take over the county government represented by Xu Xinyou; The second is to send some comrades to the streets to conduct investigations, and the armed cadres will go all out to grasp the preparatory work before the support; Third, the rest of the comrades cleaned up. After the meeting, the principal leaders of the county party committee took the initiative to contact the regimental headquarters of the 475th Regiment to contact Commander Qiao and Political Commissar Wang, focusing on the enemy situation and Xu Xinyou's attitude towards me.

On 26 July, leaders of the Yueyang County CPC Committee and the county government invited Xu Xinyou to come to the front building of the government to talk and be entertained by boiled water. After the meeting, Xu repeatedly told us that his self-defense brigade (security force) had laid down its arms and handed it over to the PLA for reorganization, and that the timing of the handover of official documents and files and the handling of the old staff of the county government were all subject to the arrangements of the new government. Political Commissar Zhao and County Magistrate Luo welcomed the uprising of Xu and his personnel, pointed out that Xu's attitude and actions against the liberation of Yueyang were wise, and asked for Xu's opinion, and we welcomed the work under the leadership of the people's government if he wished, and the same was true for the departure and retention of other government personnel. The county people's government declares that all private property, except for weapons and ammunition, will not be confiscated. As for the official documents, the files are waiting for the personnel to receive them. We repeatedly questioned the guns of the old government personnel, and Xu indicated that they had been handed over to the PLA, but he was not sure that they had all been handed over, and he was responsible for tracking them down. He thanked Political Commissar Zhao of the People's Government for his trust in him and his willingness to serve under the leadership of the new government. At that time, the county government had nothing but some simple office utensils. The old people also did not live in the county government office, it was an empty and broken mess. During our time with Xu Xinyou, he did learn a lot of good ideas and styles from the cadres who went south, and the people's government treated him equally, and later, with the approval of the prefectural party committee, he was transferred to Changsha to study, and after he returned, he successively served as the head of the county and regional supply and marketing science departments. The rest of the staff were rarely retained and all went home voluntarily. The liberation of Yueyang was relatively smooth and was not resolved by force, which is directly related to the role played by Xu Xinyou. The first reason is that at that time, our army was victorious on the battlefield, and the liberation of the whole of China (except Taiwan Province) was a foregone conclusion; Second, our army's policy of preferential treatment of prisoners of war is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; Third, our underground party organization has done a lot of work to publicize the policies of the People's Liberation Army and the war situation for him; Fourth, Xu himself was influenced by the wave of the Hunan Revolution when he was young, and his thinking was relatively progressive, and when Xu was the magistrate of Yueyang County and the commander of the puppet security self-defense force, the Kuomintang was already going downhill, and the Kuomintang carried Xu out as a scapegoat, so he always remembered the way out given to him by the Communist Party. He taught his children, relatives and friends to follow the Communist Party, and the Xu family's performance has been very good after liberation. Xu Xinyou passed away, but the people of Yueyang will never forget that he fulfilled his due responsibility for the liberation of the people of Yueyang and made his due contributions.

After the handover work was basically ready, at the end of July, a 10,000-person military and civilian meeting was held in the factory on the left side of Yueyang Building to celebrate the liberation of Yueyang. Long live the Communist Party of China! Long live Chairman Mao! With the slogan of long live the Chinese People's Liberation Army, it was announced that the Yueyang County People's Government had been established. After the speeches of the party, government, and military leaders, people from all walks of life made speeches, praising the discipline of the people's soldiers and cadres after entering the city, and severely denouncing the disasters brought to the people by Chiang Kai-shek tearing up the armistice agreement and fighting the civil war. Representatives from all walks of life unanimously expressed their support for the work of the people's government.

After the establishment of the people's government, in early August, in accordance with the instructions of the Changsha prefectural party committee, the county party committee quickly established a district government and set the principle of mobilizing the masses in depth and striving to open up the work of the new district. Specific arrangements: First, relying on the comrades of the underground party and the comrades with working relations with the underground party to understand the situation, the cadres should go down to the townships and towns as soon as possible, abolish the township offices of the Kuomintang, establish district people's governments, and temporarily use the Kuomintang's armor protection system to carry out work; the second is to mobilize the masses to support the front line by requisitioning food; the third is to recruit and train cadres and enrich the cadre team; Fourth, it is necessary to extensively carry out traditional education in hard work and honesty in performing official duties.

The first is the establishment of a district government. In early August, the cadres went down to the district. According to the cadres at that time, in addition to Chengguan District, there were only four districts, one district was set up in Xinkaitang, Hao Xiangji, secretary of the district party committee, and Li Shuqing, the district mayor; The second district has a new wall town, Zhao Jiande, secretary of the district party committee, and Lu Shutian, the head of the district; The three districts set up public fields, Mao Tianshun, secretary of the district party committee, and Wang Yunting, the head of the district; The four districts have Guangxingzhou, Han Benquan, secretary of the district party committee, and Luo Zongwen, the head of the district. Each district has 15 or 6 cadres. The county party committee divided labor, Zhao Bingyan, Chen Jianji, Guo Santian, Bai Shiguang and other comrades stayed at home, and the rest went down to various districts to help the district party committee carry out its work. Comrade Luo Xifang went to District 4, Comrade Wang Sanjin went to District 1, and I went to District 2 and 3. In 1949, Hunan was hit by a major flood, and even eating became a problem, and the masses still had concerns and did not dare to approach us. However, thanks to the reliance on the underground party and the comrades with whom the underground party was connected, the work situation quickly opened up. If we go down to the three districts, our work will rely on a local armed force of the people to open up the situation. This armed force was developed with the support of a certain unit of the People's Liberation Army that entered Tongcheng, Hubei Province in 1948, and consisted of about 80 people, and the general captain was Yang Zhenpan. Comrade Song Desheng, head of the armed forces of the district, who went down first, has already connected with this contingent. Most of the comrades were locals and had a good understanding of the situation in all aspects.

After the establishment of the district people's government, the work of the new district was quickly launched. Although in some places the enemy sabotage, they were all suppressed by our army in time. On one occasion, when we held a meeting of enlightened gentlemen at Zhugongqiao, a company of Li Gaofeng, who had been broken up by our People's Liberation Army, fled from Pingjiang to Weidong, and rumors spread for a while. It was said that more than 1,000 people would attack our district office and so on. At that time, the unit stationed in Yueyang was a reinforced company of the Railway Corps, and the district party committee agreed with me and the senior instructor of the unit to analyze the situation, and judged that there would not be many enemies, and it might be a small group of bandits scattered by Pingjiang. We first sent out scouts, and when it was almost dark, our troops took the initiative to march from Gongtian to Rao Village and Weidong, and laid an ambush in the evening to start the battle the next morning. In less than one hour of fighting, the bandits were completely wiped out by our army, more than 70 people were captured, 2 light machine guns, 60 rifles, and 2 war horses were captured. Prisoners are taken to the district, and according to the consistent policy of our army, those who are willing to go home will be given travel expenses (rice), and those who are unwilling to go home and ask to join our army will also be accepted, taken away by the People's Liberation Army, and the two war horses will be handed over to the county government for use.

The second is to mobilize the masses to requisition and borrow grain and do a good job in supporting the front. Yueyang is located in a strategic place, is a water and land transportation hub, the Chinese People's Liberation Army marched into the south and southwest of the Yangtze River, and the Yueyang people undertake extremely heavy logistical support tasks. In addition to more than 7,000 people from 16 units including the 475th Regiment of the original garrison, the bridge protection unit of the Railway Corps, and the 14th Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, there are more than 30,000 transit troops. In order to meet the deadline for the transfer and supply tasks, it is necessary to have a large number of grain and grass and means of transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to have a tight organization and competent staff in the first place. The county party committee decided to strengthen the work of the front headquarters, and set up a logistics department, and the transportation of troops in the past, including the grain and grass in the front of the support, was completed by the front headquarters; The logistics department was responsible for the supply, housing and supplies of all units and garrisons, including the port of Chenglingji, where a total of 16 ships were set up to dock and wait for orders. The fleet was formed into a class and lined up, with 10 to 15 small rows per class, ready to arrive, and completed the task of transporting more than 30,000 people and more than 1,100 mules and horses in Yiyang, Changde, Changsha, Jingzhou and other places on time, and was praised by the superiors and relevant units.

In order to further do a good job in the work of requisitioning grain, the county party committee held a meeting of the secretary of the district party committee and the head of the district on 24 October, and arranged the task of requisitioning grain on the basis of the calculations of the pilot project of borrowing and requisitioning and the typical investigation of the Yuan's house in the first district. In the year of the catastrophe, it was not long after liberation, and the task of completing 50 million catties in the county was very arduous. For such an arduous task, it is obviously difficult to accomplish it on time by relying on a grain collection team. In view of this situation, the county party committee held serious discussions and repeatedly emphasized that cadres are the decisive factor. In addition to the backbone, the county organized and mobilized nearly 400 primary school teachers, more than 100 students from the Construction College and more than 800 county and district cadres to go deep into the district and township to do work. In accordance with the policy of reasonable burdens, tasks were distributed to the grassroots level by level, the masses were mobilized to elect deputies, district representative meetings were held, democratic appraisal was held, and tasks were assigned to Baojia. In this way, there was soon an upsurge in grain delivery in the county, and a large number of grain people picked up and pushed to the railway stations along the line. Since late October, in less than a month, the county has completed more than 43 million catties of grain, basically completing the task. The cadres and the masses, including some enlightened landlords and old money, also reported that the task had been accomplished very well and they all felt glorious.

Looking back at the time of the relatively good completion of the tasks of requisitioning grain and supporting the front, a very important point is that we have continuously carried out ideological and political work on the cadres and soldiers in accordance with the changes in the situation, so that the cadres have developed good organizational discipline and a high degree of consciousness, and we have made it very clear that our purpose is to defeat Chiang Kai-shek, annihilate Chiang's bandit army, and liberate the whole of China. In 1949, the disaster in the Dongting Lake area was serious, and the water level was very high, but the task was to drive the boat even if the wind and waves were six or seventh. At that time, the Kuomintang county government handed over to the people's government eight sailboats, and undertook this glorious task. In particular, there are about six winds and waves on the lake, and in order to drive a sailboat, it is necessary for a veteran boatman with practical experience to take command of the boat. The fleet not only did a good job in supporting the front, but also undertook the task of suppressing bandits in the Dongting Lake area. In the course of completing these missions, these fleets have never had an accident.

In the whole county, in order to continue to clear away obstacles, carry out land reform ahead of schedule, and complete the task of autumn levy, we have also actively carried out propaganda work on rent reduction and interest reduction, with the focus on mobilizing the masses in accordance with the party's policy and waging some reasoning struggle against large landlords. After several months of launching. The basic masses dared to speak out, and the situation in the countryside changed greatly, and the Kuomintang system of protecting armor was completely abolished and the people's rural political power was established. The prestige of the people's government has begun to be established among the masses, and social order has basically stabilized.

The third is to hold training courses to train local cadres. At that time, I was responsible for organizing two batches of training classes for peasant activists in the autumn and winter, with dozens of people in each session and lasting one month. The first phase is in Yueyang Building, and the second phase is in Lakeside Middle School. After graduation, most of them were assigned to districts, and a few remained in county-level offices. The contents of the study include the situation, tasks, the land reform law, and "Serving the People," and so on, focusing on solving the problem of motives for participating in the revolution, establishing the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, and enabling everyone to understand that cadres of the people's government are servants of the people, and that they are not allowed to be officials and masters, and that the party can do whatever it needs to do, and that they cannot negotiate prices. After the training, the two batches of cadres were in high mood and active in their work. I remember that after a comrade joined the work, his lover wrote to him and said, "I have thought about you for a long time, I want you to join the work of the people's government and become a cadre of the people's government, but I never expected you to become an orderly, eat brown rice and drink winter melon soup every day." The cadre thought that his lover's thinking was wrong and handed over the letter to the county party committee. These cadres are highly disciplined, and many of them have become the backbone force. In this way, there are more cadres in the district. With the approval of the prefectural committee, in January 1950, it was adjusted to six rural areas, and the districts of Xiaokou and Rongjiawan were added. By June, it had been reorganized into nine districts. In July 1951, it was divided into 16 districts. District 1 Xinkaitang, District 2 Chenglingji, District 3 Chang'an Bridge, District 4 Xiaokou, District 5 Xinqiang, District 6 Rongjiawan, District 7 Huangsha Street, District 8 Duan Tangfu, District 9 Gongtian, District 10 Maotian, District 11 Buxianqiao, District 12 Weidong, District 13 Huang'an City, District 14 Guangxingzhou, District 15 Yinjiapu, District 16 Yanglinsuo. The county party committee has made new adjustments and arrangements for the leadership of the districts, district committees, and governments, thus further strengthening the leadership of the county party committee over rural work and making full ideological and organizational preparations for land reform and the suppression of counterrevolution.

Fourth, it is necessary to extensively carry out education on hard work and honesty in performing official duties. During the war years, our cadres were on a supply system, with 25 catties of grain and 15 yuan of vegetable money per person per month, working in the northern base areas, and local cadres wearing their own clothes, and cadres from other places were given less than two zhang of homespun cloth and one and a half catties of cotton every year during the winter, but the mood of the cadres was always strong. The superiors gave clothes to our comrades who went south, and everyone was very happy. Recall that our cadres and party members are full of confidence in the communist cause no matter what difficulties they have, and that our communist party members and revolutionary cadres have no right to seek personal interests except for the interests of the party and the nation, even if there are a few comrades who have not been working long to take advantage of some minor issues, they are often criticized and helped by the party organizations. We have been tempered, and our cadres are very conscious, always giving convenience to others and keeping difficulties to themselves. After going south to Yueyang, the county party committee always paid attention to carrying forward the party's fine traditions. Cadres are often educated in hard work and honesty. The new cadres recruited after liberation were also diligent and thrifty, did not spend a penny more than the public, took pride in hard work and simplicity, and were shameful in extravagance and waste; until the 1952 "three antis" movement, not a single cadre at or above the level of section chief had economic problems that could not be passed. Comrade Zhao Bingyan often said that our struggle against the bourgeoisie is protracted and complicated, that we must never relax the education on preventing corrosion among cadres, and that we should conscientiously remember the lessons of the executions of Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan in Tianjin.

The people's government's financial and economic system is also very strict, everything is done according to the system, and no one has the power to violate financial and economic discipline. We studied in Shijiazhuang, and the leaders of the district party committee told the comrades that we must be fully prepared ideologically, because the people who enter the new district do not understand us for the time being, and they will encounter many unexpected difficulties, and we must also be vigilant against being hit by the sugar-coated shells of the bourgeoisie after entering the city, and we must see who influences whom and who transforms whom. Later in the actual life environment, we realized that this is absolutely true. This is because everything changes, and after entering the city, our cadres feel that the environment has changed, and there are many new situations and new problems, but in any case, the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly cannot be changed, and the tradition of working hard and being honest and honest cannot be discarded.

In order to consolidate the newly-born red regime, defend the fruits of victory, and develop the revolutionary situation, after the establishment of district and township political power, we have given prominence to the work of eliminating bandits and opposing hegemony in light of the reality of Yueyang. After liberation, especially when the red regime had just been established, class contradictions and class struggles were very intense, and this objectively existed. The social situation in Yueyang is complicated, and although the Kuomintang and the Three Youth Leagues, the special agents of the military command, the reactionary associations of Daomen, and the bandits in the Dongting Lake area have been given lenient treatment as long as they no longer regard themselves as enemies of the people and take the initiative to register and turn themselves in at the public security organs, there will always be a small number of diehards whose reactionary nature remains unchanged and who oppose the Communist Party and the people's government and kill our cadres and grassroots activists at every opportunity. In the winter of 1949, the ammunition depot confiscated by the county people's government was exploded. Early in the morning of April 3, 1950, Comrade Li Liuping, deputy secretary of the county party committee, passed through the first district to attend the meeting of the county party committee in the second district. In 1953, a street in Chenglingji was set on fire by the enemy. The constant occurrence of these counter-revolutionary sabotage proves that the class enemy is not resigned to their defeat and is trying to fight to the death. In particular, the comeback of bandits such as Hu Kun and Hu Chuntai on April 3, 1950 proved this point. The bandit leaders, Hu Kun and Hu Chuntai, were originally two battalion commanders of the Kuomintang county self-defense brigade, and they had no choice but to lay down their arms under the general trend, but their reactionary nature of being anti-communist and anti-people was difficult to change. They gathered more than 20 subordinates, colluded with the traitor Liu Xiangtao, and cooperated with the inside and outside, first attacking the squadron of the first district and then attacking the district government of our first district, causing the "April 3" tragedy, causing heavy casualties among the cadres of our first district; Sun Suocheng, deputy secretary of the district party committee, Wang Liangyu, chief of the investigation unit of the county public security bureau, Hou Guozhen, propaganda member of the district party committee, Wang Yingde, platoon leader of the independent regiment, Ma Zongting, organization officer of the county brigade, Li Ziqing, head of the district squadron, Peng Guangchao, squad leader of the artillery company, Kang Jingqiu, district public security officer, and Chen Haiquan, detective of the county public security bureau. Ten cadres, including Tan Zigui, a new cadre, were brutally killed. On 4 April, after learning of the report, the county party committee sent an independent regiment, the county brigade, and the railway troops to attack by separate routes. Wang Sanjin, director of the organization department of the county, and Chen Jianji, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, led several cadres to the first district, buried the martyred comrades, and rectified the work of the first district. On April 5, the arrested bandits Huang Juqiu, Zhou Lihe, Hu Youyuan, Zhao Boyin, and others were shot on the spot at Kangwang Bridge. On April 10, bandits Li Changhan and Chen Guohai and traitors Ren Duchu and Liu Xiangtao were shot in Yueyang City. After Hu Kun escaped, he was discovered by the masses, and the peasants beat gongs, and the masses rose in all directions, capturing Hu Kun and handing it over to the people's government to suppress it in Yueyang. The arrest and suppression of all the stubborn bandits who had risen from the stock mountain and the fact that not a single one of them escaped the net greatly boosted the spirit of the broad masses of the people, established a healthy atmosphere, and played a positive role in promoting the land reform and the suppression of the counterrevolution in Yueyang County, and also enabled us to sum up a bloody lesson, that is, under no circumstances should we take the enemy lightly and we must never be soft-hearted towards the stubborn reactionary elements, otherwise it would be a crime against the people. From the winter of 1950 to the spring of 1951, large-scale land reform and the suppression of counter-revolution were carried out, and large bandits were basically eliminated. With the support of the People's Liberation Army garrison, the people's local armed forces have been established, with more than 300 county brigades and more than 20 district squadrons. For example, a local guerrilla unit in Yang Zhenpan of the Third District (Chang'an Bridge) was retained after reorganization and became the foundation of the squadron in the Third District, and the cadres at and above the level of the original squadron and detachment were transferred to the county to arrange work. Yang Zhenpan was later promoted to deputy county magistrate of Yueyang County.

Before the start of the land reform and anti-rebellion movement, the county party committee made full preparations. First, the counties and districts should train cadres and poor middle peasant activists, arouse class consciousness, conscientiously study the land reform law and other policies, hand over the party's policies to the cadres and activists, educate the cadres to learn the lessons of the land reform in the north, not infringe on the interests of the middle peasants, protect the grassroots cadres, and strictly guard against the provocation of bad people and the chaos of the class camp. Second, the district teams conscientiously conducted social surveys and mastered first-hand materials. Third, the task force visits the poor and asks about the suffering, takes root in contact, and organizes the class ranks. Fourth, the movement moved from point to point, unleashed the masses, struggled against the bully landlords, carried out reasoning and grievances, and continued to carry out division and disintegration of the enemy, as long as he bowed his head and confessed his guilt, the people's government would give a way out. Due to the timely instructions of the provincial party committee and the prefectural party committee, the land reform town in Yueyang County did not take a detour, and the land reform review task in 1951 was relatively small, and was praised by the provincial land reform committee. The work of suppressing the counterrevolution was also done well, and the Central and Southern Bureau instructed Comrade Zhao Bingyan, secretary of the Yueyang County Party Committee, to personally write a report of no more than 1,500 words to the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao.

Li Manquan, a cadre who went south, recalled: Before and after going south