
1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

author:Xi'an Net

According to upstream news reports, on June 29, a number of outdoor enthusiasts posted online that a lightning strike occurred in Matianling, located in Wei County, Hebei Province, resulting in deaths and injuries. It is understood that on the afternoon of the 29th, a traveler died in the lightning strike, and another traveler was transferred to the hospital without life.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Scene of the incident (network diagram)

It is reported that recently, because of the beautiful scenery of alpine meadows, Matianling has been called "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei's own Altay" by netizens and has become an Internet celebrity check-in point.

Before the incident, a thunder and lightning warning had been issued in the local area

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Ambulance arrived at the scene to save people (network diagram)

According to upstream news reports, the reporter inquired at the National Early Warning Information Release Center that the Wei County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for thunder and lightning at 9:15 on June 29: It is expected that in the next 6 hours, all towns and towns in our county will be affected by scattered thunder and lightning weather, and individual towns may be accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, hail, and short-term heavy precipitation, please take precautions. The Wei County Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning signal for thunder and lightning at 14:47 and 20:43, and the relevant warning was not lifted until 23:52.

June to August is the peak period of lightning and lightning

Lightning can damage power systems and communication equipment

Triggering forest fires

and even led to casualties

Recently, many people have been "recruited"

Related Cases

1. The station was suddenly struck by lightning

On the evening of June 13, someone was struck by lightning in the railway station square of Jinzhou North Railway Station, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, and it can be seen through the surveillance video that the two people walked on the square with two umbrellas, holding luggage in their hands, and after a strong light, the lightning hit the umbrella, and the two fell to the ground instantly.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

2. Sudden lightning strikes in the scenic spot

At 16:13 on May 25, a lightning strike occurred in the Feilaishi area of Huangshan Scenic Area, and 13 tourists at the scene were injured or feeling unwell.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

3. The night climb was not opened, and the scenic spot was struck by lightning

On May 18, three college students from Xizhazi Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou District, Beijing, camped and stayed overnight after climbing the unopened Jiankouye Great Wall at night. In the early morning of the 19th, 3 people were struck by lightning, 2 people were slightly contusioned after being hit, and 1 person fainted after being hit and was seriously injured.

4. The old man was struck by lightning in the field On April 16, an old man in Le'an County, Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province went to work in the field and was unfortunately struck by lightning on the way home and died.

Lightning prevention "double 30 principle"

In thunderstorms, do not go to high places, and try not to be outdoors or near metal objects. Regarding lightning protection, Zhu Dingzhen, former chief of the public meteorological service of the China Meteorological Administration, said that these two 30 should be kept in mind.

The first "30" refers to 30 seconds, if the time from seeing lightning to hearing thunder is less than 30 seconds, it means that the thunder and lightning are within 10 kilometers, even if there is no thunder and rain overhead, it is recommended to find a lightning shelter as soon as possible.

The second "30" refers to 30 minutes, and it is recommended to hear thunder one last time and go out again after 30 minutes.

Outdoor lightning protection guide

01 Thunderstorms outdoors

Immediately seek shelter from a building equipped with a lightning rod or a reinforced concrete building.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!
1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

If you have to take shelter near a tree, be sure to crouch at least 2 meters away from the tree, lower your belongings, and wait 20 minutes for the thunder to stop before moving to a safe place.

02 Lightning protection in the car

When driving during a thunderstorm, especially on the highway, be careful not to get out of the car easily. If lightning strikes a car, the current will travel to the ground through the surface of the vehicle, and it will be safe in the car. Remember not to park in an open field or on high ground, and do not park under a tree or a tall chimney, as this can easily lead to lightning.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Hide in the car, pay attention to turn off the engine, sound system, radio, etc., and close all windows so that the vehicle forms a completely enclosed space.

Please put away the "lightning protection action"!

When thunder and lightning come

If it happens to be in the open field, in the woods

It is necessary to take reasonable lightning protection actions

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Squat down in a lightning protection position, and at the same time use insulating equipment such as sleeping pads and backpacks under your buttocks, and wrap your hands around your knees to block the current on the ground. If your hands are empty, you should first squat down, stand on tiptoe so that your feet touch the ground as little as possible, and at the same time the heels and heels should be together to form a circuit, so that the electricity flows through the toes, from the left foot to the right foot, so that it does not pass through the heart and brain. Also, keep your head down and cover your ears tightly to protect your hearing.

Indoor lightning protection guide

Close doors and windows and stay away from balconies and exterior walls, etc.; Do not take a bath with an electric water heater, and it is best to unplug all mains; Do not approach and touch any metal lines;

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Try not to answer and make calls to mobile or landline phones, as telephone lines and electromagnetic waves from mobile phones may introduce lightning and injury to people; Stay away from electrical outlets and don't stay under lights; Don't be curious, stick your head and hands out of the window or stand on the balcony to avoid being struck by lightning.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

If you are in the kitchen when thunder sounds, immediately stop washing food and utensils with water.

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

If you are taking a shower when the thunder sounds, leave immediately, as the water in the shower, bathtub and faucet may conduct electricity.

How can companies protect against the risk of lightning strikes? How to protect against lightning in enterprises

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Equipment and piping should be grounded

Equip the tank with lightning rods

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!
1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Operators learn lightning protection knowledge

Check the lightning protection device in advance and set up relevant risk warnings

1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!
1 dead and 1 injured near the "Internet celebrity check-in point"! Be vigilant about this matter!

Source: Emergency Management Department of the People's Republic of China