
There are 214 questions in the question bank of "Party Rules and Party Discipline Knowledge Answering Competition".

author:Mei Jun
There are 214 questions in the question bank of "Party Rules and Party Discipline Knowledge Answering Competition".

1. [Multiple Choice]

1. The Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China stipulate that Party organizations and Party members who violate Party discipline must strictly and impartially enforce discipline, and no Party organizations and Party members who are not subject to discipline are allowed within the Party. This embodies one of the principles that should be followed in the party's disciplinary work: _____.

A. Seek truth from facts

B. All are equal before party discipline

Answer: B

2. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", the Party's _____ at all levels are the special organs for intra-Party supervision, performing the duties of supervision and discipline accountability, strengthening the supervision and inspection of Party organizations and leading cadres within their jurisdiction in complying with the Party Constitution, Party rules and Party discipline, and implementing the Party's line, principles and policies, and undertaking specific tasks such as strengthening supervision over the performance of duties and the exercise of power by Party committees at the same level, especially members of the Standing Committee, Party work departments and Party organizations under direct leadership, and Party leading cadres.

A. Disciplinary Inspection Committee

B. Supervisory Committee

Answer: A

3. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", intra-Party supervision must put discipline in the forefront, use the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, and often carry out criticism and self-criticism, interviews and correspondence, so that "red face and sweating" become _____; Light Party discipline punishment and organizational adjustment have become _____ for disciplinary violations; Heavy Party discipline sanctions or major job adjustments become _____; Serious violations of discipline and suspected violations of the law are to be filed for review and become _____.

A. Normal: Majority, Minority, Minority

B. Very few minority most normal

Answer: A

4. On the basis of the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", where it is discovered that leading cadres have emerging or tendentious problems in areas such as ideology, work style, and discipline, the responsible person of the relevant Party organization shall promptly _____ them; Where minor disciplinary violations are discovered, the responsible person for the higher-level Party organization shall _____ them, and have them make an explanation or review, and report to the higher-level Discipline Inspection Commission and organization department after being signed by the principal responsible person for the Party organization to which they belong.

A. Reminder Conversation Admonishment conversation

B. Admonishment Conversation Reminder Conversation

Answer: A

5. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", discipline inspection organs must put the maintenance of the Party's _____ in the first place, and resolutely correct and investigate and deal with acts such as policies and countermeasures, orders that are not carried out, prohibitions that are not followed, duplicity, disobedience, gangs and factions, deception and confrontation of organizations, and so forth.

A. Work discipline and work rules

B. Political discipline and political rules

Answer: B

6. On the basis of the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Oversight", establish and complete systems for the _____ of Party leading cadres interfering in major matters, and discover issues such as using their positions to facilitate interference in the selection and appointment of cadres, project construction, discipline enforcement, judicial activities, etc., and shall promptly report to the Party organization at the level above.

A. Reporting

B. Records

Answer: B

7. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", the system of the Party's organizational life should be strictly enforced, and _____ should be regularized, and important or general problems should be convened in a timely manner. _____ emphasis should be placed on solving outstanding problems, and leading cadres should clearly and thoroughly explain the problems reported by the masses, give feedback from inspections, and organize interviews and letters of inquiry at the meeting, carry out criticism and self-criticism, put forward rectification measures, and accept organizational supervision.

A. Organizational Life Meeting Organizational Life Meeting

B. Democratic Life Association Democratic Life Society

Answer: B

8. According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, members of the Central Committee must strictly abide by the Party's political discipline and rules, and shall resolutely resist any conduct that violates the Party Constitution, undermines Party discipline, or endangers the unity and unity of the Party, and shall promptly report to the Party Central Committee. The opinions of members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee _____ reflected in writing or in other forms to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee or the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

A. Signed real name

B. Anonymous

Answer: A

9. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Education and Management of Party Members", Party members who lack ideals and beliefs, have wavering political positions, and have lost the requirements for Party membership should be _____.

A. Critical education

B. Expulsion

Answer: B

10. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where failure to perform the primary responsibility or oversight responsibility for the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, or ineffective performance of the primary responsibility or oversight responsibility for the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, causing serious harm or serious negative impact to the Party organization, the directly responsible and leadership responsible persons are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be removed from internal Party positions or given sanctions of _____.

A. Expulsion from the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: B

11. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who participate in secret groups or other activities to split the Party are to be given sanctions of _____ or expulsion from the Party.

A. Party probation

B. Removal from office in the Party

Answer: A

12. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members are lawfully retained in custody or arrested, the Party organization shall ______ their rights as Party members such as the right to vote, to elect, and to be elected in accordance with their management authority.

A. Suspension

B. Termination

Answer: A

13. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where leading Party cadres have a misplaced view of political performance, violate the new development concept, deviate from the requirements of high-quality development, and cause greater harm to the interests of the Party, the State, and the people, they are to be given _____ sanctions.

A. Warning or Serious Warning

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: A

14. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", within _____ Party member receiving a warning or receiving a serious _____warning, he must not be promoted or further used within the Party, nor must he be recommended to an organization outside the Party for a position outside the Party that is higher than his or her original position or further used.

A. One year One and a half years

B. Two years Two and a half years

Answer: A

15. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members who have been expelled from the Party must not rejoin the Party within _____, nor may they be recommended to serve in positions outside the Party that are equivalent to or higher than their original positions. Where there are other provisions that do not allow re-entry into the Party, follow those provisions.

A. Five years

B. Ten years

Answer: A

16. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members _____ the right to vote, elect, and be elected during the period of Party probation. Where there are truly expressions of repentance and reformation during the period of Party probation, their rights as Party members are to be restored after the period is completed; Where they persist in not changing or discover other violations of discipline that should be subject to Party discipline sanctions, they shall _____.

A. Not expelled from the party

B. Yes Removal from party office

Answer: A

17. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members are lawfully sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years or more (excluding three years) for crimes of negligence, they shall be given _____ sanctions.

A. Serious Warning

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

18. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members who have been sanctioned for violating Party discipline are _____ revoked by Party organizations after the period of influence is completed.

A. No

B. Yes

Answer: A

19. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members who have conduct that seriously tarnishes the Party's image, such as soliciting prostitutes or taking or injecting drugs, and seriously tarnishes the Party's image, shall be given _____ sanctions.

A. Expulsion from the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

20. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party organizations discover in the course of disciplinary review that Party members have seriously violated discipline and are suspected of violating the law or committing crimes, in principle, a decision on Party discipline sanctions is to be made first, and after being given governmental sanctions by the _____ or by the organ (unit) for appointment and removal, they are to be transferred to the relevant state organs for handling in accordance with law.

A. Supervisory Organs

B. People's courts

Answer: A

21. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the types of disciplinary sanctions against Party members include: _____, _____, _____, Party probation, and expulsion from the Party.

A. Warning Serious Warning Removal from office in the party

B. Demerit Major Demerit Demotion

Answer: A

22. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", violations of Party discipline by Party organizations and Party members shall be based on _____, with the Party Constitution, other internal Party regulations, and state laws and regulations as the measure, and discipline and law enforcement shall be carried through, the nature of _____ shall be accurately determined, different situations shall be distinguished, and appropriately handled.

A. Factual Conduct

B. Policy Disciplinary Violations

Answer: A

23. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", ideological education and _____ shall be strengthened for Party members who believe in religion.

A. Request correction within a time limit

B. Persuade him to quit the party

Answer: A

24. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", for Party members who have received Party probation for one year, and still do not meet the requirements for reinstatement of Party membership rights after the period is completed, the period of Party probation shall be extended for _____ years. The period of Party probation must not exceed _____ years at the longest.

A.一 二


Answer: A

25. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the higher-level Party organization shall order Party organizations that violate Party discipline to make _____ or circulate criticism.

A. Written check

B. Oral Review

Answer: A

26. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Punishment Regulations", those who engage in speculation, befriend political swindlers, or are exploited by political swindlers, are to be given serious warnings or _____ sanctions.

A. Verbal criticism

B. Removal from office in the Party

Answer: B

27. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions and deployments only states that they do not implement them, or where the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions and deployments is not resolute, discounted, or adapted, causing a negative impact or serious consequences politically, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Warning or Serious Warning

B. Demerit or major demerit

Answer: A

28. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", refusal to carry out decisions such as on the assignment, transfer, or exchange of Party organizations, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Warning, serious warning, or removal from internal Party positions

B. Party probation or expulsion from the Party

Answer: A

29. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where after leaving a job or retiring (leaving) a post, relevant provisions are violated by accepting employment from an enterprise, intermediary organization, or other unit within the jurisdiction of the former position, or from an enterprise or intermediary organization that is _____ to the original job, or where an individual engages in for-profit activities that are under the jurisdiction of the former position or _____ with the former job, and the circumstances are more minor, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, a sanction of removal from internal Party positions is to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be given Party probation.

A. Directly Related: Directly Related

B. Irrelevant Unrelated

Answer: A

30. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where authority or influence is used to handle weddings and funerals, causing a negative impact, ______ sanctions are to be given.

A. Warning or Serious Warning

B. Removal from office in the Party

Answer: A

31. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", deepen the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, regularly carry out criticism and self-criticism, and promptly carry out conversation reminders, criticism and education, order inspections, and admonishments, so that "blushing and sweating" become the norm_____; Those with heavy party discipline and major job adjustments have become a minority; Those who have seriously violated discipline and are suspected of committing crimes have become a very small minority.

A. Light Party discipline punishment and organizational adjustment

B. Light Party discipline sanctions and job adjustments

Answer: A

32. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where _____ gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards (coupons), securities, equity, other financial products, or other property are accepted, and the circumstances are more minor, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Normal courtesy exchanges

B. may affect the impartial performance of official duties

Answer: B

33. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who publicly publish articles, speeches, declarations, statements, and so forth that adhere to the position of bourgeois liberalization, oppose the Four Basic Principles, and oppose the Party's decision on reform and opening up through methods such as the Internet, radio, television, newspapers and periodicals, leaflets, books, etc., or through methods such as lectures, forums, report meetings, or symposia, are to be given _____ sanctions.

A. Expulsion from the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

34. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the provisions of the Party Constitution and other internal Party regulations are violated by employing deception or other means to recruit persons who do not meet the requirements for Party membership into Party members, or by issuing proof of Party membership status for non-Party members, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

35. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where relevant provisions are violated by applying for _____ exit documents (mainland) permits, permits for traveling to Hong Kong and Macao, or entering or exiting the country (border) without approval, and the circumstances are more minor, a warning or serious warning is to be given: where the circumstances are serious, a sanction of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation is to be given: where the circumstances are serious, a sanction of expulsion from the Party is to be given.

A. For personal reasons

B. On duty

Answer: A

36. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where relevant provisions are violated by engaging in profit-making activities, buying or selling stocks, or making other securities investments, and the circumstances are more minor, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Warning or Serious Warning

B. Removal from office in the Party

Answer: A

37. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where lower-level Party organizations refuse to implement or change the decisions of higher-level Party organizations without authorization, the directly responsible persons and _____ are to be given warnings or serious warnings.

A. Leaders and Leaders

B. Participants

Answer: A

38. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where ______ and their spouses, children and their spouses, and other relatives and other persons with specific relationships are given gifts that _____ normal exchange of gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards (coupons), securities, equity, other financial products, and other such property, and where the circumstances are more serious, a warning or serious warning is given, and where the circumstances are serious, removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are given.

A. Engaging in official business Significantly exceeding

B. Engaging in non-official business has not been exceeded

Answer: A

39. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where in activities involving foreign interests, their words and deeds cause a vile political impact and harm the dignity and interests of the Party and the State, _____ sanctions are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Removal from internal Party positions or Party probation

B. Warning or Serious Warning

Answer: A

40. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where there is disagreement with the Party Central Committee on major issues of principle, and there are actual remarks or conduct, or negative consequences are caused, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Warning or Serious Warning

B. Removal from internal Party positions or Party probation

Answer: A

41. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the organ enforcing the Party discipline sanction decision or the unit to which the sanctioned Party member belongs, shall report the implementation of the sanction decision to the organ that made or approved the sanction decision within _____. Where Party members are dissatisfied with the Party discipline sanctions, they may submit appeals in accordance with the Party Constitution and relevant provisions.

A. Six months

B. One year

Answer: A

42. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where political rumors are created, disseminated, or disseminated, undermining the unity and unity of the Party, and the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Party probation

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

43. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members in overseas institutions or groups (groups) temporarily leaving the country (outside the mainland) who leave the organization for less than _____ months and then voluntarily return, are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation; Those who have left the organization for more than _____ months are to be handled as leaving the Party on their own initiative, and are to be removed from the Party.



Answer: B

44. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who organize or participate in organizations aimed at opposing the Party's leadership, opposing the socialist system, or being hostile to the government are to be given _____ sanctions.

A. Party probation

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

45. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", the Commission for Discipline Inspection shall perform its special duties of _____ and assist the Party committee at the same level in carrying out accountability work. Discipline Inspection Commission's stationed (dispatched) bodies are to carry out accountability work in accordance with their duties and authority.

A. Supervision

B. Administration

Answer: A

46. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", where the subject of accountability is dissatisfied with the accountability decision, they may submit a written appeal to the Party organization that made the accountability decision within 1 month of receiving the accountability decision. After the Party organization making the accountability decision receives a written appeal, it shall make a decision on handling the appeal within 1 month, and inform the Party organization and leading cadre that submitted the appeal and the Party organization to which they belong in _____ form. The implementation of the accountability decision is not stopped during the appeal period.

A. Written

B. Oral

Answer: A

47. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", after an accountability decision is made, it shall be promptly announced to the Party organization being held accountable, the leading cadres being held accountable, and the Party organization to which they belong and urging implementation. The relevant accountability situation shall be reported to the Discipline Inspection Commission and the organizational departments, and the Discipline Inspection Commission shall include the accountability decision materials in the integrity file of the leading cadres being held accountable, and the organization departments shall include the accountability decision materials in the personnel files of the leading cadres being held accountable, and report them to the organizational department at the level above for filing; Where organizational adjustment or organizational disposition is involved, the corresponding formalities shall be completed within the _____.

A. 1 month

B. 2 months

Answer: A

48. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", _____ is the basic organization of the Party, the basic unit for Party organizations to carry out their work, the fighting fortress of the Party in grassroots organizations in society, and the foundation of all the Party's work and combat effectiveness, and is responsible for directly educating Party members, managing Party members, supervising Party members, organizing the masses, publicizing the masses, rallying the masses, and serving the masses.

A. Party branch

B. Party Groups

Answer: A

49. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", the Party branch Party member congress is the deliberative and decision-making body of the Party branch, with the participation of all Party members, and is generally convened once _____.

A. Quarterly

B. Monthly

Answer: A

50. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", the establishment of Party branches is generally applied for by the _____, and the grassroots Party committee of the township (street) or unit where it is located is to convene a meeting to study and decide on and approve it, and the time for approval is generally not to exceed 1 month.

A. Grassroots Party organizations

B. Grassroots units

Answer: B

51. According to the Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation), one of the basic tasks of Party branches is to educate and train activists who want to join the Party, do a good job of regular _____ work, put political standards in the first place, strictly enforce procedures and discipline, and develop Party members with pure political qualities. Discover, cultivate, and recommend outstanding talents among party members and the masses.

A. Develop Party members

B. Organize Party members

Answer: A

52. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", one of the principles that must be followed in the work of Party branches is: persist in putting the _____ of the Party in the first place, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve the "four obedience", take a clear stand on politics, resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole Party, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.

A. Organizational Building

B. Political construction

Answer: B

53. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", the higher-level Party organization shall promptly adjust or abolish Party branches that no longer meet the requirements for establishment due to changes in the number of Party members, units, regions, and so forth. The adjustment and revocation of Party branches are generally reported by the Party branch to the township (street) or unit grassroots Party committee for approval, and may also be directly decided by the township (street) or unit grassroots Party committee where it is located, and reported to the organization department of the _____ Party committee for the record.

A. Superior

B. Level

Answer: A

54. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", innovate the form of Party branch establishment in light of actual conditions, so that the Party's organizations and Party work are fully covered. Large-scale, cross-regional professional farmers' cooperative organizations, specialized markets, commercial blocks, commercial buildings, etc., shall establish a Party branch if they meet the requirements. Units with less than 3 formal Party members shall establish a joint Party branch in accordance with the principles of geographical proximity, similar industries, appropriate scale, and ease of management. The number of units covered by the joint party branch is generally not more than _____.



Answer: A

55. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", where the relationship between Party members and organizations is not transferred to an organization temporarily established for the purpose of carrying out a certain task, a _____ Party branch may be established with the approval of the higher-level Party organization.

A. Temporary

B. Special Projects

Answer: A

2. [Multiple Choice]

56. "Voluntary confession" as used in the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China" refers to Party members suspected of violating discipline who confess _____ issues to relevant organizations before organizing conversations, correspondence, or preliminary verifications, or issues that they confess to _____ during conversations, inquiries, preliminary verifications, and case filing reviews.

A. Yourself

B. Others

C. The organization is not mastered

D. The organization has mastered

Answer: AC

57.According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", one of the principles that should be followed in the Party's disciplinary work is to insist that the Party should manage the Party and comprehensively and strictly govern the Party. We should persist in strict _____, strict _____, and strict _____ for a long time, strengthen the education, management, and supervision of party organizations at all levels and all party members, put discipline in the forefront, grasp small problems as early as possible, and prevent micro problems from getting worse.

A. Tone

B. Measures

C. Atmosphere

Answer: ABC

58. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members shall be given heavier or more severe sanctions in any of the following circumstances: _____ others violating discipline; _____ the proceeds of disciplinary violations; After receiving a sanction for violating discipline, he shall be punished by Party discipline for _____; After receiving a disciplinary sanction, it is discovered that they should be subject to Party discipline sanctions in other _____ before they were sanctioned; Other circumstances of heavier or aggravated sanctions as provided for in internal Party regulations.

A. Coercion and instigation

B. Refusal to hand over or refund

C. Intentional violation of discipline

D. There is no explanation


59. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party organization leading bodies collectively make decisions to violate Party discipline or carry out other conduct that violates Party discipline, and members with _____ are to be dealt with in accordance with _____.

A. Contributory Intent

B. Joint Disciplinary Violations

Answer: AB

60. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party organizations discover during disciplinary review that Party members have committed corruption, bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, power rent-seeking, benefit transfer, favoritism, or waste of state assets, they shall be given sanctions of _____, _____, or _____.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Party probation

C. Expulsion from the Party

D. Serious Warning

Answer: ABC

61. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", there are _____ in confrontation with organizational review; _____; _____; _____; where any of the other conduct such as resistance to organizational review is to be given, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Collusion or fabrication, destruction, transfer, or concealment of evidence

B. Prevent others from exposing or reporting or providing evidentiary materials

C. Shielding co-defendants

D. Provide false information to the organization to cover up the facts


62. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members who violate the law or commit crimes shall be given Party disciplinary sanctions in accordance with provisions, so that the applicable _____ and applicable _____ are organically integrated, and Party discipline and government affairs are matched.

A. Discipline

B. Facts

C. Laws

D. Evidence

Answer: AC

63. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who violate the principle of democratic centralism by committing any of the following conduct are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given: (1) Major decisions made by _____ Party organizations; (2) Violating the rules of procedure by _____ deciding major issues; (3) Deliberately _____ to decide on major matters, the appointment and removal of important cadres, the arrangement of important projects, and the use of large amounts of funds; (4) _____ in the name of collective decision-making.

A. Refusal to implement or change without authorization

B. Individuals or a small number of people

C. Circumvent collective decision-making

D. Collective violations


64. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where any of the following conduct is committed, and the circumstances are more serious, a warning or serious warning is to be given: (1) Violating _____ provisions by concealing or failing to report; (2) When organizing conversations and inquiries, not truthfully _____ to the organization; (3) Failure to report as required or not truthfully reporting _____; (4) Failure to truthfully fill in personal _____.

A. Report on personal matters

B. Explain the problem

C. Personal whereabouts

D. Archival Materials


65. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", in the selection and appointment of cadres, where there is conduct that violates the provisions on the selection and appointment of cadres, such as cronyism, exclusion of dissidents, sealing official positions, interceding and interfering, running for official positions, or making sudden promotions or adjustments of cadres, where the circumstances are more minor, warnings or serious warnings are to be given to those responsible for _____ and those who are _____ responsible; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Direct

B. Leadership

C. Monitoring

Answer: AB

66. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where non-organizational activities such as _____ and _____ are carried out in democratic recommendations, democratic evaluations, organizational inspections, and intra-Party elections, and the circumstances are serious, sanctions of expulsion from the Party are to be given.

A. Canvassing

B. Election assistance

Answer: AB

67. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", in the work of promoting the ability of leading cadres to be able to go up and down, to do a good job of humanism, and to engage in any of the following conduct, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are more serious, are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given: _____; _____; _____。

A. Circumvent organizational adjustments with sanctions such as party discipline and government affairs

B. Replace Party discipline and government affairs with organizational adjustments

C. Other behaviors that avoid the important and make light treatments

Answer: ABC

68. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", after the issue of dereliction of duty and responsibility of the subject of the investigation is ascertained, the investigation team shall write factual materials, meet with the subject of the investigation, hear their statements and defenses, and record them in the case file; Reasonable opinions shall be adopted. The subject of the investigation shall sign an opinion on the factual materials, and where a different opinion is signed or refuses to sign, the investigation team shall _____ or _____.

A. Explanations

B. Indicate the situation

C. Make a statement

Answer: AB

69. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", in the Party's accountability work, the targets of accountability are _____ and _____, with emphasis on Party committees (Party groups), Party work organs and their leading members, and discipline inspection commissions and institutions stationed (dispatched) by discipline inspection commissions and their leading members.

A. Party organization

B. Leading cadres of the Party

C. Ordinary Party members

Answer: AB

3. [True/False]

70. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", leading Party cadres shall report on their integrity and accept deliberations at the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee (or Party group) every year. The focus of the report on responsibility and integrity is on the implementation of political discipline and political rules, the fulfillment of the responsibility of governing the Party, the promotion of the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work, and the implementation of integrity and discipline. The report on accountability and integrity shall be included in the integrity file and disclosed within a certain scope. _____

Answer: True

71.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, there are no forbidden areas and no exceptions for intra-Party supervision. _____

Answer: True

72. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Oversight", members of the leadership group who discover that there are problems with the principal responsible person of the leadership group shall promptly raise them with them, and cannot directly report to the higher-level Party organization. _____

Answer: False

73. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who do not follow relevant provisions to request instructions or report major matters to the organization, and where the circumstances are more serious, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation. _____

Answer: False

74. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members and cadres receive Party disciplinary sanctions and need to be dealt with concurrently by the organization, the Party organization shall give the organizational punishment in accordance with provisions. _____

Answer: True

75. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party discipline responsibility is not to be pursued for Party discipline if the conduct of Party members causes losses or consequences, but is not intentional or negligent, but is caused by force majeure or other reasons. _____

Answer: True

76. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party member leading cadres who do not report, resist, or fight for erroneous thoughts and conduct such as violations of political discipline and political rules, or who leave them alone, or engage in unprincipled harmony and cause a negative impact, are to be given warnings or serious warnings, and where the circumstances are more serious, they are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation. _____

Answer: True

77. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", leading Party cadres who violate relevant provisions by organizing or participating in spontaneously established hometown associations, alumni associations, comrades-in-arms associations, and so forth, and where the circumstances are serious, are to be given warnings, serious warnings, or removal from internal Party positions. _____

Answer: True

78. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members have symptomatic or tendentious problems with work style and discipline, or where violations of Party discipline are minor, they may be given a reminder to talk, criticize and educate, or ordered to be inspected, or given an admonition, and Party discipline sanctions are not to be given. _____

Answer: True

79. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", economic benefits obtained from violations of discipline shall be confiscated or ordered to be returned. Compensation for disciplinary gains and economic losses that are voluntarily handed over shall be accepted, and confiscated or returned to the relevant units and individuals in accordance with provisions. _____

Answer: True

80. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", where the circumstances are more minor, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given warnings or serious warnings where they interfere with inspections or inspections or do not implement the requirements for inspections and inspections. _____

Answer: True

81. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where banquets or arrangements for travel, fitness, entertainment, or other activities might impact the fair performance of official duties are accepted or provided, and the circumstances are more serious, warnings or serious warnings are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given. _____

Answer: True

82. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the borrowing of money, housing, vehicles, and so forth from management and service targets might impact the fair performance of official duties, and the circumstances are more serious, warnings or serious warnings are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions, Party probation, or expulsion from the Party are to be given. _____

Answer: True

83. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where violations of the Party's fine traditions, work practices, and other Party rules are violated, causing a negative impact or serious consequences politically, warnings or serious warnings are to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. _____

Answer: True

84. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who violate relevant provisions to obtain foreign nationality or obtain permanent residence qualifications or long-term residence permits outside the country (territory) are to be given warnings or serious warnings. _____

Answer: False

85. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where methods such as coercion, threats, deception, or solicitation are used to obstruct Party members' independent exercise of their right to vote, elect, or to be elected, and where the circumstances are more minor, sanctions may not be given. _____

Answer: False

86. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where probationary Party members violate Party discipline, and the circumstances are more minor, and probationary Party membership qualifications may be retained, the Party organization shall criticize and educate them or extend the probationary period. _____

Answer: True

87. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", in the course of a Party organization disciplinary review, Party members who have an obligation to testify in accordance with laws and regulations refuse to testify or intentionally provide false information, and the circumstances are serious, are to be removed from internal Party positions, placed on Party probation, or expelled from the Party. _____

Answer: True

88. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", those who conceal or distort the truth, or use their authority or the influence of their positions to seek benefits for themselves or others in violation of relevant provisions, are to be given warnings or serious warnings in the recruitment, evaluation, promotion, evaluation of professional titles, honors and commendations, awarding academic titles, conscription, placement of retired soldiers, and other such work; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. _____

Answer: True

89. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members stationed abroad or in groups (groups) temporarily leaving the country (mainland) leave the organization without authorization, or Party members engaged in foreign affairs, confidential, military, or other work violate relevant provisions by contacting and interacting with foreign institutions or personnel, they are to be given warnings, serious warnings, or removal from internal Party positions. _____

Answer: True

90. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who organize superstitious activities are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. Where they participate in superstitious activities or engage in superstitious activities by individuals, causing a negative impact, they are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. _____

Answer: True

91. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", after an accountability investigation is initiated, an investigation team shall be formed to carry out the investigation in accordance with regulations, discipline, and law, to ascertain issues of dereliction of duty and responsibility by Party organizations and Party leading cadres, comprehensively consider subjective and objective factors, and correctly distinguish between different situations such as improper implementation, ineffective enforcement, or non-enforcement that occur in the course of implementing the Party Central Committee's or higher-level decisions and deployments, and accurately submit opinions on how to handle them, so that the facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, the basis is sufficient, the responsibilities are clear, the procedures are compliant, and the handling is appropriate. Prevent weak accountability or generalized or simplistic accountability. _____

Answer: True

92.According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", accountability decisions should be made by Party organizations with management authority. _____

Answer: True

93. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", accountability decisions should be made by Party organizations with management authority. For Party organizations directly under the direct leadership of the Party committee at the same level, discipline inspection commissions and Party work organs may employ methods of inspection and notification to conduct accountability upon approval by the Party committee at the same level or its principal responsible person. Where reorganization is adopted for accountability, it is to be implemented in accordance with the authority and procedures provided for in the Party Constitution and relevant internal Party regulations. _____

Answer: True

94. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", after an accountability decision is made, where it is discovered that the determination of the facts of accountability is unclear, the evidence is not conclusive, the basis is insufficient, the responsibility is not clear, the procedures are not compliant, the handling is inappropriate, or there are other situations that should not be held accountable or are not accurately accountable, they shall be promptly corrected. When necessary, the higher-level Party organization may directly make corrections or order the Party organization that made the accountability decision to make corrections. _____

Answer: True

95.According to the Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China, accountability should clearly distinguish responsibilities. The leadership group of the Party organization bears overall leadership responsibility within the scope of their duties, the main responsible person of the leadership group and the members of the team directly in charge bear the main leadership responsibility within the scope of their duties, and the team members who participate in decision-making and work bear important leadership responsibility within the scope of their duties. Where Party organizations are held accountable, the members of the responsible leadership group in that Party organization shall be held accountable at the same time. _____

Answer: True

96. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", Party branches in different fields are to undertake their own different key tasks in light of actual conditions. The village party branch comprehensively leads all kinds of organizations and various tasks subordinate to the village, carries out work around the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, organizes and leads the peasant masses to develop the collective economy, take the road of common prosperity, lead village-level governance, and build a harmonious and beautiful village. Party branches in impoverished villages shall mobilize and lead the masses to make every effort to win the battle against poverty. _____

Answer: True

97. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", the establishment of Party branches shall be included as an important part of the work reports and evaluations of Party building work by Party committee secretaries at all levels, and be an important basis for judging their performance of their political responsibility for governing the Party. Where the construction of Party branches is not effective and all work is not implemented, the Party committee at the level above and its organizational department shall give a talk. Where serious problems arise in the establishment of Party branches, and Party members and the masses have strong reactions, they shall be strictly held accountable in accordance with provisions. _____

Answer: True

98. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where after leaving office or retiring (leaving) from office, the former authority or the influence of one's position is used to seek benefits for others, and one's spouse, children, their spouses, or other relatives or other persons with specific relationships accept property from the other party, and the circumstances are more serious, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions, Party probation, or expulsion from the Party are to be given. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: True

99. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where articles, speeches, manifestos, statements, and so forth, that violate the Four Basic Principles, violate or distort the Party's reform and opening up decision-making, or have other serious political issues, are publicly published through methods such as the internet, radio, television, newspapers and periodicals, leaflets, books, etc., or through methods such as lectures, forums, report meetings, or symposia, and the circumstances are more minor, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: True

4. [Fill in the blanks]

100. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", members of the leading bodies of Party organizations who have been subject to reorganization are _____, except where they shall receive a sanction of removal from internal Party positions or higher.

Answer: All are naturally dismissed

101. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who are disloyal or dishonest to the Party, who are inconsistent with what they say and what they say, who act in disobedience to their superiors and subordinates, who engage in duplicity, or who are two-faced, causing a negative impact politically, are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

Answer: Expulsion from the party

5. New question on June 25, 2024

102. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", when receiving feedback on a cadre's general disciplinary violations, they should promptly find _____ to verify, talk to remind them, and make inquiries by appointment, so that the cadres can explain the problem clearly.

A. Personally

B. The main person in charge of the Party organization

Answer: A

103. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", for statistical _____ conduct, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are more minor, are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Falsification

B. Falsification and negligence

Answer: A

104. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where authority or the influence of one's position is used to occupy public property for personal use in violation of relevant provisions, for a period of more than ____, and the circumstances are more serious, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are serious, a sanction of removal from internal Party positions is to be given.

A. Six months

B. Three months

Answer: A

105. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", Party branches shall organize Party members to participate in Party member congresses, Party group meetings, and attend Party classes on a regular basis, and hold regular Party branch committee meetings. Party classes should respond to issues of general concern based on the ideology and work reality of Party members, pay attention to the people around them and talk about things around them, and enhance their attractiveness. Leading Party cadres shall regularly give Party lectures to Party members at the grassroots level, and Party committee (Party group) secretaries _____ give Party lectures at least once.

A. Monthly

B. Annually

Answer: B

106. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Sanctions Regulations", where a life of extravagance, extravagance and waste, greed for pleasure, or pursuit of low-grade pleasures causes a negative impact, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Party probation

B. Removal from office in the Party

Answer: B

107.According to the Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation), the _____ is the leading body for the day-to-day work of Party branches.

A. Party branch party member meeting

B. Party Branch Committee

Answer: B

108. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where there is a clear unfairness in favoring relatives and friends in matters such as social security, social assistance, policy support, and the distribution of disaster relief funds and materials, a warning or serious warning is to be given, and where the circumstances are more serious, a sanction of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation is to be given: where the circumstances are serious, a sanction of expulsion from the Party is to be given. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

109. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", change official itineraries, take the opportunity to travel, and give warnings or serious warnings to those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are more minor. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

110. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where leading Party cadres do not attach importance to the establishment of family style, and neglect their spouses, children, and their spouses in a manner that causes a negative impact or serious consequences, they are to be given warnings or serious warnings, and where the circumstances are serious, they are to be removed from internal Party positions. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

111. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where public order and good customs are violated, and improper words or deeds in public places or cyberspace cause a negative impact, warnings or serious warnings are to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

112. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where meetings are simply used to implement meetings and documents to implement documents, and no action is taken in actual work, causing serious harm or serious negative impact, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given _____ sanctions.

A. Warning or Serious Warning

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: A

113.According to the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China, Party members and cadres must correctly exercise the power entrusted by the people, be honest and honest, oppose _____, and oppose any _____ behavior.

A. Privileged Ideas and Privileged Phenomena

B. Abuse of power and personal gain

Answer: AB

114. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the spouses, children, and spouses of leading Party cadres violate relevant provisions by engaging in business activities that might affect their fair performance of official duties in the area and scope of operations under the jurisdiction of the leading Party cadres, or have other conduct that violates the provisions on prohibiting business and running enterprises, the leading Party cadres shall _____ in accordance with the provisions; where corrections are refused, they shall _____ their current position or have their position adjusted by the organization; Those who do not resign from their current positions or do not obey organizational adjustments are to be removed from internal Party positions.

A. Correct

B. Resignation

Answer: AB

115.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, the focus of intra-Party supervision is on the Party's _____ and _____.

A. Governing Organs

B. Leading cadres, especially principal leading cadres

Answer: AB

116. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where authority or the influence of one's position is used to embezzle public or private property that is not under one's management, or embezzle public or private property by means such as symbolic payment of money, or _____ or _____ to accept services or use labor services, and the circumstances are more minor, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Gratuitous

B. Remuneration is paid symbolically

C. Equivalent Payment

Answer: AB

6. New question on June 26, 2024

117. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", Party branches shall organize Party members to participate in Party member congresses, Party group meetings, and Party classes on a regular basis, and convene regular Party branch committee meetings. "_____" should highlight political study and education, highlight the tempering of party spirit, take "two studies and one action" as the main content, combine the ideology and actual work of party members, determine the theme and specific methods, and achieve a variety of forms and a solemn atmosphere.

Answer: Three sessions and one lesson

118. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the sanction of removal from internal Party positions refers to the removal of sanctioned Party members from internal Party positions elected or appointed by organizations within the Party. For those who hold two or more positions within the Party, the Party organization shall make it clear whether they will be removed from all positions or one or more positions when making a sanction decision. If it is decided to remove one of his or her positions, he or she must be removed from the _____ position he has held.

A. Minimum

B. Max

Answer: B

119. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", Party branches convene organizational life meetings at least once a year, usually arranged in _____, but may also be convened at any time as needed for work. Organizational life meetings are generally held in the form of Party branch Party member meetings, Party branch committee meetings or Party group meetings.

A. Q4

B. Q1

Answer: A

120.According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who should be removed from internal Party positions but do not hold internal Party positions shall be given _____ sanctions. At the same time, those who hold positions in organizations outside the Party shall be recommended to be removed from their positions outside the Party.

A. Warning

B. Serious Warning

Answer: B

121. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", the correct treatment of cadres who are held accountable, cadres whose influence period has expired, and who have performed well, are to be used normally in accordance with the relevant provisions on the selection and appointment of cadres. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

122. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party and state organs engage in business or run enterprises in violation of relevant provisions, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

123. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", where relevant provisions are violated by organizing or participating in banquets, entertainment, or fitness activities paid for with _____, or using _____ to purchase, give, or distribute gifts, consumption cards (coupons), and so forth, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are more minor, are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Public funds

B. Borrowing from others Borrowing from others

Answer: A

124. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where relevant provisions are violated by obtaining, holding, or actually using various consumption cards (coupons) such as sports and fitness cards, club and club membership cards, or golf cards, or violating relevant provisions by entering or leaving private clubs, and the circumstances are more serious, a warning or serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

125. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", violating the regulations on the management of receptions by exceeding standards or exceeding the scope of reception, or taking the opportunity to eat and drink, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are more serious, are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

126. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where delegates to Party congresses at all levels receive sanctions of _____ or more, the Party organization shall terminate their qualifications as representatives.

A. Party probation

B. Serious Warning

Answer: A

127. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the national or collective interests are violated in the distribution or purchase of housing, and the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

128. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", lifelong accountability is implemented, and those who are derelict in their duties and responsibilities are vile in nature and have serious consequences, regardless of whether the responsible person is transferred, promoted, or retired, shall be strictly held accountable. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

129. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", where it is necessary to give governmental sanctions or other dispositions to the targets of accountability, the Party organization that made the accountability decision shall notify the relevant units, and the relevant units shall promptly handle it and report the results to the Party organization that made the accountability decision. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

130. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where authority or influence is used to seek benefits for spouses, children, their spouses, and other relatives and other persons with specific relationships, in areas such as approval and supervision, resource development, financial credit, bulk procurement, land use right transfer, real estate development, project bidding, and public financial revenue and expenditure, and where the circumstances are serious, expulsion from the Party is to be given.

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

131. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", members of the leading bodies of Party organizations who have been reorganized are _____ except for those who shall receive a sanction of removal from internal Party positions or higher.

A. Dismissal naturally

B. Maintain positions within the party

Answer: A

132.The "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China" apply to _____ and _____ who violate Party discipline and should be held accountable for Party discipline.

A. Party organization

B. Party membership

Answer: AB

133. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party organizations have not yet made public matters such as _____, _____, or _____, or other content that should be kept confidential, are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Selection and appointment of cadres

B. Disciplinary review

C. Patrol Inspection

Answer: ABC

134. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party organizations and Party members who violate _____, _____, ____, _____, or endanger _____ must be held accountable for their conduct that should be given disciplinary punishment or punishment in accordance with regulations.

A. Party Constitution and other internal Party regulations

B. National laws and regulations

C. Party and state policies

D. Socialist morality

E. The interests of the Party, the state and the people


135. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who violate the regulations on the management of conference activities by committing any of the following conduct, are to be given warnings or serious warnings to those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, and where the circumstances are more serious; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions are to be given: _____; _____; Other violations of the regulations on the management of conference activities.

A. Hold a meeting in a scenic area where meetings are prohibited

B. Decide or approve the holding of various festivals and celebrations

Answer: AB

136. On the basis of the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", strictly control the selection and appointment of cadres to "respond to opinions on Party conduct and integrity", comprehensively grasp the situation learned in daily work, strengthen analysis and judgment, and evaluate the integrity of cadres in a realistic manner, to prevent "_____" and "_____".

A. Promotion with illness

B. Sick to work

C. Nepotism

Answer: AB

137. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where relevant provisions are violated by _____ judicial activities or discipline enforcement activities, _____ to the relevant localities or departments, or otherwise exert influence on judicial activities or discipline enforcement activities, and the circumstances are more minor, a serious warning is to be given; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Intervention and meddling

B. Inquire about the case, say hello, and intercede

Answer: AB

138. On the basis of the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", establish and complete an intra-Party supervision system of unified leadership by the Party Central Committee, _____ supervision by Party committees (Party groups), _____ supervision by discipline inspection organs, _____ supervision by Party work departments, _____ supervision of Party basic level organizations, and ______ supervision of Party members.

A. Comprehensive

B. Responsible

C. Functions

D. Daily



139.According to the Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation), Party branches shall strictly implement the Party's organizational life system, carry out criticism and self-criticism frequently, conscientiously and seriously, and enhance the _____, _____, _____, and _____ of political life within the Party.

A. Political

B. Epochality

C. Principle

D. Militancy


140.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, the Party's _____, _____, and _____ have overall leadership over intra-Party supervision. The plenary session of the Central Committee hears the work report of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee every year, supervises the work of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and makes arrangements for the major tasks of strengthening intra-Party supervision.

A. Central Committee

B. Politburo of the Central Committee

C. Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

Answer: ABC

141. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where a matter that should be reported is _____ or _____ during a higher-level inspection or inspection or reporting to a higher level, causing serious harm or serious negative impact, the person directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given a warning or serious warning: where the circumstances are serious, they are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation.

A. No reporting

B. Misreporting

Answer: AB

7. New on June 27, 2024

142. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", _____ sanctions refer to the punishment given in a reduced level in addition to the range of sanctions that should be received for violations of discipline as provided for in these Regulations. "_____ sanctions" refers to giving sanctions in addition to the range of sanctions that should be received for violations of discipline as provided for in these Regulations. The provisions of the first paragraph of the first paragraph do not apply to violations of discipline that only have one level of expulsion from the Party as provided for in these Regulations.

A. Light and heavy

B. Mitigation of aggravation

Answer: B

143. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the constitutive elements of a disciplinary violation provided for in one article are all included in the constitutive elements of a disciplinary violation provided for in another article, and where the special provisions are inconsistent with the general provisions, the _____ applies.

A. General Provisions

B. Special Provisions

Answer: B

144. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members receive another Party disciplinary sanction during the period of influence of a Party disciplinary sanction, the period of impact is the sum of the period of impact during which the original sanction has not yet been enforced and the period of impact of the new sanction. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

145. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", when encountering a serious threat to state property or the lives and property of the masses, where it can be saved but is not saved, and the circumstances are more serious, a warning, serious warning, or removal from internal Party positions is to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be placed on Party probation or expelled from the Party. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

146. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party organizations discover during disciplinary review that Party members have engaged in conduct provided for in the Criminal Law, which does not constitute a crime but must be pursued for Party discipline responsibility, or that they have other illegal conduct such as undermining the order of the socialist market economy or violating the administration of public security, harming the interests of the Party, the State, and the people, they shall be given sanctions ranging from warnings to expulsion from the Party depending on the specific circumstances. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

147. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are more serious, are to be given warnings or serious warnings in violation of relevant provisions by equipping, purchasing, replacing, decorating, or using official vehicles, or otherwise violating the provisions on the management of official vehicles; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

148. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", Party branches with a relatively large number of Party members or Party members' places of work and residence are relatively scattered, shall be divided into several Party groups and set up Party group leaders in accordance with the principle of facilitating the organization and development of activities. The leader of the Party group can only be designated by the Party branch, and cannot be recommended by the Party members of the Party group to which they belong. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: B

149. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", the term of office of village and community Party branch committees is 3 years, and the term of office of Party branch committees of other basic level units is generally 5 years. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: B

150. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", where there are a large number of floating Party members and their places of work or residence are relatively fixed and concentrated, Party organizations shall be _____ by _____ Party organizations, and Party branches of floating Party members shall be established by relying on parks, chambers of commerce, industry associations, offices in other areas, and so forth.

A. Outflow Inflow

B. Inflow Destination Outflow

Answer: A

151. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", where clans or underworld forces are used to oppress the public, or where activities related to underworld and evil forces are connived, or serve as a 'protective umbrella' for underworld forces, _____ sanctions are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from Party positions or Party probation Expulsion from the Party

B. Serious warnings or removal from Party positions and Party probation

Answer: A

152. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", temporary Party branches are mainly to organize Party members to carry out political study, educate, manage, and supervise Party members, and to educate and train Party activists, and generally _____ recruit Party members, sanction and dispose of Party members, do not collect Party dues, do not elect delegates to Party congresses, and carry out re-election.


B. Nope

Answer: B

153.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, Party organizations should rectify all problems discovered during supervision. The results of corrections shall be promptly reported to the higher-level Party organization, and when necessary, the lower-level Party organization and Party members may be reported and _____.

A. Disclosure within the organization

B. Disclosure to the public

Answer: B

154. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", those who violate the spirit of the Central Committee's Eight Provisions, those who have seriously violated discipline and are subject to review and expulsion from the Party, those who are held accountable for serious dereliction of duty and responsibility, as well as unhealthy practices and corruption that occur around the masses and have a bad impact, shall be reported and exposed _____.

A. Name names

B. No roll call

Answer: A

155. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where trading power or property is traded for money and sex, and the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

156. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the standard or scope of fundraising is exceeded and expenses are apportioned to the masses, increasing the burden on the masses, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given _____ sanctions, where the circumstances are serious.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

157. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who organize or use clan forces to oppose the Party and the government, obstruct the implementation of the Party's and the State's principles and policies, as well as decision-making arrangements, or undermine the construction of the Party's basic level organizations, are to be given _____ sanctions.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

158. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where interference with the autonomy of production and operation is caused, causing relatively large losses to the public's property, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from internal Party positions or Party probation

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: A

159. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where a person has two or more violations of discipline that should be subject to Party discipline sanctions as provided for in these Regulations, they shall be handled together, and the sanctions shall be increased by one level according to the _____ punishment that should be received among the several types of disciplinary violations; Where one of the violations of discipline shall be expelled from the Party, the sanction of expulsion from the Party shall be given.

A. Minimum

B. Max

Answer: B

160. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", failure to follow provisions to disclose Party affairs, government affairs, factory affairs, village (residential) affairs, and so forth, violates the public's right to know, and those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility, where the circumstances are serious, are to be given _____ sanctions.

A. Removal from internal Party positions or Party probation

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: A

161. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who organize or use religious activities to oppose the Party's theories, lines, principles, policies, and resolutions, and undermine ethnic unity, are to be given _____ sanctions to the planners, organizers, and core elements.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

162. In accordance with the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", discipline enforcement reviews are to be conducted in accordance with rules and disciplines, with emphasis on reviewing leading cadres _____, _____, and _____, and all three types of circumstances are the top priority.

A. Don't converge and don't stop

B. The clues of the problem are concentrated and the masses have a strong reaction

C. Now in an important position and may need to be promoted

Answer: ABC

163.According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", the following principles shall be adhered to in the Party's accountability work: (1) follow rules and discipline and seek truth from facts; (2) Failure to take responsibility must be asked and _____; (3) Consistent and _____ rights and responsibilities; (4) Combining strict management and benevolence, and paying equal attention to incentives and constraints; (5) Punishing the former and the latter, treating the sick and saving people; (6) Collective decision-making and _____.

A. Accountability must be strict

B. Fault is comparable

C. Clarify responsibilities

D. The penalty for error is comparable

Answer: ABC

164.According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", accountability may be waived or waived in any of the following circumstances: (1) _____; (2) _____; (3) _____.

A. Mistakes made due to lack of experience and early experimentation in promoting reform, and mistakes in exploratory experiments without clear limits are unintentional mistakes in promoting development

B. Raising clear objections or reservations to erroneous decisions in collective decision-making

C. Having performed their duties and responsibilities in the implementation of the decision, but causing losses due to force majeure, unforeseeable and other factors

Answer: ABC

165. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where leading Party cadres violate the _____ protection system by seeking _____ for themselves, their spouses, children, their spouses, and their spouses, and other relatives, staff members, and other persons with specific relationships in areas such as transportation, medical care, and security, and where the circumstances are more serious, they are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given.

A. Work and life

B. Special Treatment

Answer: AB

166. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are given warnings or serious warnings where the circumstances are more serious; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be removed from internal Party positions or placed on Party probation: Issues involving the people's production, livelihood, and other vital interests can be resolved in accordance with policies or relevant provisions but are not resolved in a timely manner, _____, causing a negative impact; _____ the demands of the masses in line with the policy, damaging the relationship between the party and the masses and the cadres and the masses; Treat the masses _____ and cause adverse effects; _____, harming the interests of the masses; Other _____ and other acts that harm the interests of the public.

A. Lazy and inefficient

B. Negative coping, prevarication

C. Bad attitude, simple and rude

D. Deception, deception

E. Inaction, indiscriminate action, slow action, false action


167. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", the accountability of Party organizations may take the following methods, depending on the degree of harm and the specific circumstances: _____, _____, and _____.

A. Check

B. Notification

C. Reorganization

D. Dissolution

Answer: ABC

168. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where relevant provisions are violated by self-determination of _____ or indiscriminate issuance of _____, and so forth, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given warnings or serious warnings where the circumstances are more minor; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Remuneration

B. Allowances, subsidies, bonuses, benefits

Answer: AB

New on June 28, 2024

169. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", Party branch secretaries shall have good political qualities, love the Party's work, have a certain level of policy theory, organizational and coordination skills, and the ability to work with the masses, dare to take responsibility, be willing to contribute, take the lead in playing a vanguard and exemplary role, have high prestige among Party members and the masses, and generally have _____ Party experience.

A. More than half a year

B. More than 1 year

Answer: B

170. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", the training of Party branch secretaries is included in the education and training plan for Party members and cadres, and new Party branch secretaries shall be trained for their positions. The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee organizes and carries out demonstration training for Party branch secretaries, and localities, industries, and systems generally carry out rotational training for all Party branch secretaries in a hierarchical and classified manner according to the affiliation of Party organizations. Party branch secretaries shall participate in at least _____ centralized rotation training organized by Party organizations at or above the county level each year.


B. 3 times

Answer: A

171.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, leading Party cadres shall strengthen self-restraint, regularly check their words and deeds against the Party Constitution, conscientiously abide by the norms of intra-Party political life, honesty and self-discipline, strengthen the cultivation of Party spirit, cultivate moral sentiments, and always maintain the political nature of Communists. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

172. The "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision" stipulate that these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China" in order to uphold the Party's leadership, strengthen Party building, comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, strengthen intra-Party supervision, and maintain the Party's _____.

A. Advancement and purity

B. Contemporary and extensive

Answer: A

173.According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", after the investigation subject's dereliction of duty and responsibility is ascertained, the investigation team shall write factual materials, meet with the subject of the investigation, hear their statements and defenses, and record them in the case file; Reasonable opinions shall be adopted. The subject of the investigation shall sign an opinion on the factual materials, and where a different opinion is signed or refuses to sign, the investigation team shall make an explanation or note the circumstances. After the investigation work is completed, the investigation team shall _____ and discuss and form an investigation report, listing the basic circumstances of the investigation subject, the basis of the investigation, the investigation process, the facts of accountability, the attitude and understanding of the investigation subject and their defenses, and the handling opinions and basis, and the investigation team leader and relevant personnel shall sign and perform the approval formalities.

Answer: Collective

174. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", on the basis of the special circumstances of the case, a _____ decision or a _____ decision and a report to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for approval may also reduce the punishment of Party members who violate discipline beyond the range of sanctions provided for in these Regulations.

A. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

B. Provincial (Ministerial) Commission for Discipline Inspection (excluding sub-provincial municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection)

C. Provincial (ministerial) level Party committees

Answer: AB

175. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the circumstances of a Party member's crime are minor and the people's procuratorate makes a decision not to prosecute in accordance with law, or the people's court makes a guilty verdict in accordance with law and waives criminal punishment, no internal Party sanctions should be given. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: B

176. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where a Party member who violates discipline dies before the Party organization makes a sanction decision, or where it is discovered after his death that he has committed serious disciplinary violations, and shall be expelled from the Party, his Party membership shall be _____; For those who should be given the following sanctions of Party probation, a written conclusion of violation of Party discipline and corresponding disposition are to be made.

A. Reservations

B. Expulsion

Answer: B

177. On the basis of the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", Party organizations and leading Party cadres violate the Party Constitution and other internal Party regulations, do not perform or incorrectly perform their duties, have lax construction of Party style, are ineffective in implementing the spirit of the Central Committee's Eight Provisions and their implementation rules, fail to effectively rectify the "four winds" problem, have prominent _____ and _____ problems, have a high level of attitude in the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions and deployments, take few actions, and have poor implementation, are divorced from reality and the masses, procrastinate and perfunctory, pass the buck, and cause serious consequences. There should be accountability.

A. Formalism

B. Idealism

C. Bureaucracy

Answer: AC

178. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members are pursued for criminal responsibility in accordance with law, the Party organization shall give Party disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations on the basis of the effective judgments, rulings, or decisions of the judicial organs, as well as the facts, nature, and circumstances ascertained by them_____.

A. Supervisory Organs

B. Party organization

Answer: A

179.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, intra-Party supervision must implement democratic centralism, be carried out in accordance with rules and discipline, strengthen top-down _____, improve bottom-up _____, and give play to the role of _____ at the same level.

A. Organizational supervision, democratic supervision, and mutual supervision

B. Democratic supervision, mutual supervision, and organizational supervision

Answer: A

180. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", Party organizations and leading Party cadres violate the Party Constitution and other internal Party regulations, do not perform or incorrectly perform their duties, have weak Party organizational construction, do not implement the responsibility system for Party building work, seriously violate the principle of democratic centralism, do not implement the rules for deliberation and decision-making of leadership groups, do not implement the Party's _____ life systems such as democratic life meetings and "three meetings and one lesson", do not implement the system for leading cadres to report personal matters, and Party organizations are weak and slack. Where problems such as the selection and appointment of cadres in violation of regulations are prominent, causing a vile impact, they shall be held accountable.

A. Politics

B. Organization

Answer: B

181. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (Provisional)", higher-level Party organizations shall combine the actual conditions in different fields, highlight political standards, and follow organizational procedures and employ a variety of methods to select outstanding Party members who meet the requirements to serve as Party branch secretaries. Villages and communities shall pay attention to selecting Party branch secretaries from among such groups as villagers, demobilized veterans, economic and commercial workers, rural teachers, rural doctors, social workers, college students, village officials, retired cadres and workers, and so forth. Where there is no suitable candidate, the higher-level Party organization _____ select and appoint Party branch secretaries across regions or from organs, enterprises, and public institutions.

A.No, you cannot

B. Yes

Answer: B

182. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who apply for political asylum outside the country (territory) or foreign embassies (consulates) in China, or who flee to foreign embassies (consulates) outside the country (territory) or foreign embassies (consulates) in China after violating discipline, are to be expelled from the Party. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

183. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members are lawfully sentenced to the principal punishment provided for in the Criminal Law (including the announcement of a suspended sentence) for intentional crimes, they shall be given _____ sanctions.

A. Party probation

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

184. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where Party members and cadres who hold ranks or separate job sequences are sanctioned for violating Party discipline, and it is necessary to adjust their rank or separate job sequence levels, it is to be implemented with reference to the provisions of these Regulations on positions outside the Party. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

185. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", after a Party discipline sanction decision is made, it shall be announced to all Party members in the Party's basic level organization to which the sanctioned Party member belongs, as well as to themselves, within the _____, and if they are members of the leadership group, they shall also announce it to the leadership group of the Party organization to which they belong, and the sanction decision materials shall be included in the sanctioned person's file in accordance with the cadre management authority and organizational relationship.

A. One month

B. Three months

Answer: A

186.According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", Party organizations shall protect Party members' rights to know and supervise, and encourage and support Party members to play an active role in intra-Party supervision. Advocate _____ reflect the facts of disciplinary violations, and Party organizations shall keep the report and accusation strictly confidential, and give them feedback on the handling of the situation in an appropriate manner, and those who interfere with or obstruct oversight, or retaliate against supervisors, are to be severely dealt with in accordance with discipline.

A. Signed real name

B. Anonymous

Answer: A

187. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the discipline inspection organ undertaking the case or the discipline inspection organ at the level above the discipline inspection organ shall recommend that the relevant organizations and departmental units make corrections in accordance with provisions for positions, ranks, titles, academic qualifications, academic qualifications, degrees, awards, qualifications, and other benefits obtained through disciplinary violations. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

188. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", Party members whose whereabouts are unknown after violating discipline shall be dealt with on a case-by-case basis: (1) Where there is a serious violation of discipline that should be expelled from the Party, the Party organization shall make a decision to expel them from the Party; (2) Except in the circumstances provided for in the preceding paragraph, where their whereabouts have been unknown for more than _____, the Party organization shall remove them from the list in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution.

A. Three months

B. Six months

Answer: B

189. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions", where mutual use of their authority or influence in their positions to seek benefits for each other and their spouses, children and their spouses, and other relatives, staff members, and other persons with specific relationships, and the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Expulsion from the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

190. On the basis of the "Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Sanctions Regulations", where _____ spouses, children, their spouses, and other relatives, staff members, and other persons with specific relationships take advantage of the authority or _____influence of Party members and cadres themselves, and the circumstances are more minor, they are to be given warnings or serious warnings; where the circumstances are more serious, sanctions of removal from internal Party positions or Party probation are to be given; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be expelled from the Party.

A. Connivance, acquiescence

B. Seeking personal gain

Answer: AB

191. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", Party committees (Party groups) shall perform the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the Party, strengthen leadership over accountability efforts in their respective regions, departments, and units, and pursue the _____, _____, and _____ of Party organizations and leading Party cadres who have dereliction of duty and responsibility in Party building and the Party's cause.

A. Principal Responsibility

B. Oversight Responsibility

C. Leadership Responsibility

Answer: ABC

8. New question on July 1, 2024

192. In accordance with the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", emphasis is placed on the selection of township and neighborhood leading cadres from among the secretaries of Party branches in _____, and the recruitment of civil servants and personnel of public institutions. Cultivate and establish advanced models of party branch secretaries, and commend and praise outstanding party branch secretaries.

A. Excellent villages and communities

B. Provincial and municipal government agencies

Answer: A

193. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who organize participation in sects or cults are to be given _____ sanctions to the planners, organizers, and core elements.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

194. In accordance with the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", strictly implement the cadre inspection and evaluation system, comprehensively examine the performance of morality, ability, diligence, performance, and integrity, emphasizing both political achievements and political ethics, focusing on the performance of implementing the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and higher-level Party organizations, fulfilling the responsibility of governing the Party, the position on major issues of principle, the attitude towards the people, and the completion of urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy tasks. During inspections and evaluations, the principal responsible person for Party organizations shall make an evaluation of team members seeking truth from facts. The assessment comments are _____ included in the cadre files.

A.After meeting with the person in question

B. In the case of confidentiality of the person in question

Answer: A

195.According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", the Party's working organs shall perform oversight duties in accordance with their functions, and carry out accountability work in their own organs, systems, and fields. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

196. According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", Party organizations and leading Party cadres violate the Party Constitution and other internal Party regulations, do not perform or incorrectly perform their duties, have the main responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, the implementation of oversight responsibilities is not in place, the supervision and restraint of public power is ineffective, the doctrine of being a good person is prevalent, they are not responsible and do not take responsibility, they are weak in _____ supervision, the problems that should be discovered are not discovered, they are not reported or dealt with when they are discovered, the leadership of inspections and inspections is not effective, and the implementation of the requirements for inspections and rectifications is superficial and not in place. Where accountability is not held accountable, and serious consequences are caused, accountability shall be given.

A. Within the party

B. Outside the Party

Answer: A

197.According to the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision, the Party's work departments shall strictly implement various supervision systems, strengthen intra-Party supervision within the scope of their duties, and strengthen both internal supervision of _____ and daily supervision of _____.

A. The department, the unit, the system

B. The system, the department, the unit

Answer: A

198.According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the calculation of economic losses shall include all property losses that have actually been caused at the time the case is filed, including all expenses and expenses paid to recover the losses caused by the disciplinary violations. The economic losses that continue to occur from the time the case is filed to the end of the case before it is disposed of _____ are counted.

A. It should be combined

B. No

Answer: A

199. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where two or more persons jointly and intentionally violate discipline, those who _____ are to be given heavier sanctions, except as otherwise provided in these Regulations; Other members are to be punished separately in accordance with their role and responsibilities in the joint violation of discipline.

A. Headed by

B. Ancillary Participation

Answer: A

200. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the organ enforcing the Party discipline sanction decision or the unit to which the sanctioned Party member belongs, shall report the implementation of the sanction decision to the organ that made or approved the sanction decision within six months. Where Party members are not satisfied with the Party discipline sanctions they have received, they may submit a _____ in accordance with the Party Constitution and relevant provisions.

A. Grievances

B. Litigation

Answer: A

201. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", the Party's discipline building must adhere to the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership, resolutely safeguard General Secretary Xi Jinping's position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and carry forward the great spirit of Party building. Adhere to self-revolution, implement the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, promote the solution of the unique problems of the big party, improve the _____ system, and comprehensively strengthen the party, _____ provide a strong _____ for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

A. Comprehensively and strictly govern the party

B. Discipline building

C. Disciplinary safeguards

Answer: ABC

202. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given to those who read, browse, or listen to newspapers and periodicals, books, audio-visual products, electronic reading materials, as well as online text, pictures, audio, or video materials, where the circumstances are serious.

A. Warning, serious warning, or removal from internal Party positions

B. Removal from internal Party positions or Party probation

Answer: A

203. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where the production, sale, or dissemination of newspapers and periodicals, books, audio-visual products, and electronic reading materials that falsely discuss the major policies of the Party Central Committee and undermine the Party's centralization and unity, as well as online texts, pictures, audio, or video materials, and so forth, where the circumstances are serious, _____ points are to be given.

A. Party probation

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

204.According to the "Regulations on the Accountability of the Communist Party of China", the Party organizations and leading cadres who are held accountable and their _____ shall deeply learn lessons and clarify corrective measures. Party organizations that make accountability decisions shall strengthen oversight and inspections, and promote the use of cases to promote reform.

A. Higher-level Party organizations

B. Party organization

Answer: B

205. Unless otherwise indicated, the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China" refers to the above and below _____ the same level and number.

A. Not included

B. Yes

Answer: B

206. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", organizing or participating in gatherings, processions, demonstrations, or other activities that oppose the Party's basic theory, basic line, basic strategy, or major principles and policies, or organizing lectures, forums, report meetings, symposiums, or other means, to oppose the Party's basic theory, basic line, basic strategy, or major principles and policies, causing a serious negative impact, to other participants other than the planners, organizers, and core elements, or by providing information, materials, or property, Where venues or other methods support the activities described above, and the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Removal from office in the Party

B. Expulsion from the Party

Answer: B

207. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", the primary leadership responsibility for disciplinary violations refers to leading Party cadres who, within the scope of their duties, do not perform or incorrectly perform their duties for the work they are in charge of, and bear direct leadership responsibility for the losses or consequences caused. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

208. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who privately carry or send newspapers and periodicals, books, audio-visual products, electronic reading materials, and so forth that tarnish the image of the Party and the State, or slander or slander Party and State leaders or heroic models, or distort the history of the Party, the People's Republic of China, or the history of the People's Army, and _____ them, are to be removed from internal Party positions, placed on Party probation, or expelled from the Party.

A. The circumstances are serious

B. The plot is heavier

Answer: A

209. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where articles, speeches, manifestos, statements, etc., that adhere to the position of bourgeois liberalization and oppose the Four Basic Principles, or oppose the Party's reform and opening up decision-making, or provide facilitation for the above-mentioned conduct, those directly responsible and those with leadership responsibility are to be given _____ sanctions; where the circumstances are serious, they are to be placed on Party probation or expelled from the Party.

A. Serious warnings or removal from positions within the Party

B. Warning or Serious Warning

Answer: A

210. On the basis of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", where political conduct is vile, anonymous false accusations are made, intentional framing or other rumors are created, causing harm or negative impact, and the circumstances are serious, _____ sanctions are to be given.

A. Expulsion from the Party

B. Party probation

Answer: A

211. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", members of Party branch committees shall consciously accept the supervision of higher-level Party organizations, Party members, and the masses, and strengthen mutual supervision. Party branch secretaries shall report on their work to the higher-level Party organization and Party branch Party member congress on a _____, and accept evaluations, and the results of the evaluations are to be an important basis for selection and selection.

A. Monthly

B. Annually

Answer: B

212. According to the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Intra-Party Supervision", the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work shall strengthen leadership over the inspection work of provincial, autonomous region, and directly governed municipality Party committees, relevant central ministries and commissions, and Party groups (Party committees) of central state organs and departments. The Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall promote the establishment of a _____ system for the Party's city (prefecture, prefecture, league) and county (city, district, banner) committees, so that the strict management of the Party extends to the grassroots level.

A. Patrols

B. Patrols

Answer: B

213. According to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", those who act as political liars are to be removed from internal Party positions, placed on Party probation, or expelled from the Party. _____

A. Correct

B. Error

Answer: A

214. In accordance with the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches of the Communist Party of China (for Trial Implementation)", establish a working mechanism for the continuous rectification of weak and sloppy Party branches. Where they are not suitable to serve as Party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries, or members, the _____ shall make adjustments in a timely manner.

A. Higher-level Party organizations

B. Party organization

Answer: A

There are 214 questions in the question bank of "Party Rules and Party Discipline Knowledge Answering Competition".
There are 214 questions in the question bank of "Party Rules and Party Discipline Knowledge Answering Competition".