
Ying'er ignored Baochai's dissuasion when playing cards, and kept saying that Jia Huan was cheating, who gave her the courage?

author:Such as a jade child

In the twentieth chapter of the book, it is written that the school is on holiday in the first month, and needles are also taboo in the boudoir, which is idle time. Jia Huan also came to play in the garden, and happened to meet Baochai, Xiangling, and Ying'er to play Go together.

Baochai didn't refuse, so he let him come up and sit down and play. At first, Jia Huan won, and he liked it very much, but then he lost a few games in a row, so he was a little anxious, and he reached out to grab the dice before he was stable, and said that he won at six points.

Ying'er said: "It's clearly a ㄠ! Baochai saw that Jia Huan was anxious, so he looked at Ying'er and said: "The bigger it is, the more unruly, do you still rely on you?" Don't put down the money yet! ”

Ying'er was full of grievances, and when she saw Baochai say, she didn't dare to say anything, so she had to put down the money and muttered in her mouth: "A master still relies on our money, and even I don't care about it." Qian'er and Bao Er Ye were stubborn, he lost those, and he was not in a hurry. The rest of the money was grabbed by a few little girls, and he just laughed. ”

Baochai didn't wait to finish speaking, and hurriedly drank it. Jia Huan said: "What do I compare to Baoyu?" You are afraid of him, you are all good with him, and you all bully me and I am not raised by my wife. And he cried. Baochai hurriedly persuaded him: "Good brother, don't say this, people are laughing at you." He scolded Ying'er again.

Ying'er ignored Baochai's dissuasion when playing cards, and kept saying that Jia Huan was cheating, who gave her the courage?

In the above description, Ying'er's approach is really eye-opening. Is this the behavior that a girl should have, it's not like it at all, it's almost the same to say that she's a young lady.

Jia Huan is not sensible, and he plans to cheat if he loses, which of course should not be, this is also because Jia Huan has no money on him, Aunt Zhao is in charge of it tightly, and he has low self-esteem that he is not raised by his wife, so his temperament is inevitably a little weird. For this matter, Baoyu later educated him, and Sister Feng also criticized him, so it was okay.

Now back to Ying'er, Ying'er is just Baochai's girl, and the Xue family lives in Jiafu, should she respect her master? Although Jia Huan is a concubine, he has always been the young master of Jiafu, and Baochai does not look down on him, at least on the surface, he is peaceful.

But Ying'er is different, she doesn't take Jia Huan in her eyes at all. Not only did she win or lose with Jia Huan, but even Baochai looked at her and asked her to put down the money, and she continued to mumble that Jia Huan relied on her money, and compared Baoyu with him.

To be honest, there are a few people who can compare with Baoyu, Baoyu is not short of money, and he is a phoenix-like existence, so he naturally doesn't care about that money. Baochai didn't wait for her to finish, and hurriedly drank it, Jia Huan listened to Ying'er's words, and cried when she had an inferiority complex, and Baochai hurriedly scolded Ying'er.

Ying'er ignored Baochai's dissuasion when playing cards, and kept saying that Jia Huan was cheating, who gave her the courage?

Look at Baochai's attitude towards Ying'er, first look, and use her eyes to signal her not to talk nonsense. Ying'er didn't care, and continued to hit Jia Huan with words, and Baochai stopped drinking with her, which shows that she was already very anxious, knowing that Ying'er's words couldn't be said, and finally Baochai had to scold Ying'er. Baochai has always been more protective of the people around her, if it weren't for Ying'er really talking too much, Baochai wouldn't have scolded her.

But even so, I don't see Ying'er admit her mistake and say sorry to Jia Huan, this Ying'er is really powerful, dare to love even Baochai can't control her?

remembered that Baoyu went to see Baochai that day, and Baochai asked her to pour tea, and she also called three times in a row to pour it; Later, she casually climbed and folded Aunt Chunyan's wicker basket, and said unashamedly, "Others can't do it, I make it alone", Ying'er's approach is really eye-catching.

She is a little girl, why dare not respect the master of Jiafu, nor listen to her master's words, and do whatever she wants? In fact, what she did was to help Baochai do a lot of things, and knew a lot of Baochai's secrets (after all, they worked together), so she felt that Baochai couldn't do without her, and she wouldn't really treat her, so she developed such an arrogant attitude.

As Baochai's personal girl, she knows the inside story very well and participates in the troubles. And when she had the opportunity, she talked about Baochai's goodness in front of Baoyu, these should have been instructed by Baochai, she knew that Baochai had such ulterior secrets, so she was naturally not so afraid of Baochai. She also dreamed that after the golden and jade relationship became good, she could also become Baoyu's woman, so of course she didn't pay attention to Jia Huan.

Ying'er ignored Baochai's dissuasion when playing cards, and kept saying that Jia Huan was cheating, who gave her the courage?

Ying'er's approach is also comparable to the attacker, who thought that he and Baoyu had a husband and wife, so he began to take Baoyu. Restricting Baoyu's movements everywhere and at all times, he was not allowed to see Sister Lin more, and he was jealous and even drove Baoyu out of Yihong Courtyard and told him not to enter this house again. Isn't this just forgetting your identity and treating yourself as a hostess? Take big everywhere, dare to love your surname and don't remember anything.

Ying'er is the same, thinking that she is a girl who is inseparable from Baochai's side, thinking that she has done those things for Baochai, she has chips in her hand, and she can marry together in the future, so she is proud, and others don't pay attention to it.

As everyone knows, whether it is Ying'er or Raider, the more they know, the more Baochai can't tolerate them. They helped the matter of Jinyu's good relationship, and Baochai made it even more impossible for them to marry Baoyu. Their arrogance, bigness, and self-righteousness are only temporary, and after the success of the golden and jade relationship, they are the people who must be eliminated.

From chess pieces to discarded pieces, it is their fate. It's ridiculous that they only see the immediate benefits and have no scruples, but they can't guess the end of their future abandonment.

Ying'er ignored Baochai's dissuasion when playing cards, and kept saying that Jia Huan was cheating, who gave her the courage?