
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

author:Guangzhou Zengcheng release
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

Editor's note: The dream of rural revitalization, the love of women in Yangcheng. In order to help the revitalization of rural industries and promote the revitalization of rural female talents, the Guangzhou Women's Federation has issued an implementation plan to build "Guangzhou Women's Head Goose Village". According to the plan, the Zengcheng District Women's Federation is now launching the column of "Highlighting the Power of Women's Role Models", interviewing the village secretaries of the second batch of 14 "Women's Touyan Villages", exploring the effective experience of building "Touyan Villages", condensing the power of women in rural revitalization, and contributing to the strength of Yangcheng women in promoting the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations, and in comprehensively boosting the "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Villages" and the "Green Beauty Guangdong" Ecological Construction Practice.

Gong Meigui, female, Han nationality, born in August 1974, is currently the secretary of the general party branch and director of the villagers' committee of Nanchi Village, responsible for presiding over the overall work of the village. Under her leadership, Nanchi Village has relied on advantageous resources to vigorously develop characteristic industries, and the good wishes of rural revitalization have gradually become a reality, and have won the honorary titles of "One Village, One Product, One Town, One Industry" Star Fruit Professional Village in Guangdong Province, "Guangzhou Municipal Beautiful Village", "Zhongxin Town 2020 Performance Appraisal Excellent Village", "Zengcheng District 2021 Harmonious Forest Area Ping An Village", Zhongxin Town 2022 Outstanding Assessment, 2023 Provincial Rural Governance Demonstration Village and other honorary titles.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

Create a distinctive star fruit brand

Lead the villagers to increase their income and get rich

Flame Flame Summer Sun

Drive into Namchi Village

The road is lined with endless carambola forests

There is a faint scent of star blossoms in the air

In the woods

Several farmers are busy pruning,

Fertilization, weeding

It's a busy scene

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

In the past, Nanchi Village was famous for growing rice,

Lychees, bananas, sweet potatoes, and vegetables are the mainstay

The plots are scattered and the villagers' incomes are low

Today, Nanchi Village has been rated

Provincial-level "one village, one product" professional village

Developed into

It is mainly planted with star fruit and guava

Characteristic agricultural villages

Namchi Village is how from an ordinary village

Transformed into a provincial demonstration village?

This is due to Gong Meigui leading the village party branch

The road to rural revitalization has been explored

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

Nanchi Village is located in the north-central part of Zhongxin Town, at the source of Lian'an Reservoir, rich in water resources and superior geographical environment.

Since taking office, Gong Meigui has deeply implemented the rural revitalization strategy, seized the opportunity in a timely manner, combined with the many years of star fruit planting experience in Nanchi Village, improved the original star fruit varieties, created a characteristic star fruit brand, and adopted the model of "large households with retail households and industrial employment", vigorously developed the "star fruit +" planting model, and led Nanchi Village to embark on a characteristic road of rural development.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

At present, star fruit planting has become the main industry of Nanchi Village, more than 35% of the farmers in the village are engaged in star fruit planting, the star fruit produced is large in shape, high sweetness, crisp flesh, juicy and less residue, favored by the market, has become a well-known main brand of agricultural products. Every time the fruit is harvested, a large number of buyers go to the field to buy star fruit, which has become the main income item of Nanchi Village's agricultural economy.

In recent years, Nanchi Village has also vigorously introduced four family farms, including Yongneng Family Farm, Feidong Family Farm, Yongsheng Family Farm, and Xiangjia Farm, and established two professional farmer cooperatives, namely Huanchuang Agricultural Professional Cooperative and Lvjian Fruit Planting Farmer Cooperative, to actively explore the development path of combining tourism, picking and leisure and deep processing and deep processing to extend the industrial chain, and promote the revitalization of rural industries.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

Gong Meigui said

"Next, we will continue to play the 'special' color card and sing the song of 'production'. By actively integrating resources, we will strive to create 'one village, one product', continue to do a good job in the 'local specialty' article of star fruit, and promote the prosperity of the industry and the prosperity of rich farmers. ”

Give full play to the unique strengths of women

Build a beautiful and harmonious home

Nice brick house

Neat patio

Clear windows


In the village of Nanchi

Clean and tidy courtyards can be seen everywhere

In recent years, Gong Meigui has promoted the establishment of a women's volunteer service team in Nanchi Village, actively mobilizing women to participate in the action of planting trees and adding greenery, rural greening and beautification, and at the same time, through the evaluation of "beautiful courtyard" and "most beautiful family", leading women to start from beautifying "small homes", integrating the concept of ecological civilization into family education and family style, and building a beautiful and harmonious home.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

In addition, the members of the service team took on the role of "peacemakers", they went to the village, listened attentively, and patiently resolved the conflicts between the villagers. When the village committee carried out various activities, they became planners, lecturers, and volunteers, and actively assisted the village committee in carrying out various mass activities.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

Nowadays, every holiday, the village will hold a wealth of cultural and entertainment activities and popular science knowledge publicity activities. The village committee also actively links the resources of various colleges and universities, and jointly carries out activities such as college students going to the countryside, agricultural science popularization, intangible cultural heritage inheritance, and live broadcast to help farmers, so as to open rich and interesting public welfare courses for children in the village, so that children can have many good places to go during the holidays, and at the same time broaden their horizons and make parents feel more at ease.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

At the same time, the rural construction and development of Nanchi Village has also received strong support from all walks of life. On January 12, 2024, under the leadership of outstanding entrepreneurs, village sages, and caring people in the village, Nanchi Village actively mobilized and organized the establishment of the Village Charity Foundation, and as of June 2024, nearly 10,000 yuan has been raised. Next, the village charity foundation will accept the supervision of the villagers throughout the whole process, and make positive contributions to the public welfare undertakings in the village with the purpose of "respecting the old and caring for the young, helping the poor and helping the disabled".

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

In the next step, Nanchi Village will continue to follow the "four haves" standard of Women's Touyan Village, give full play to the strength of the Women's Volunteer Service Team, make every effort to promote the construction of Nanchi Village's beautiful village, and further optimize the living environment and infrastructure construction. At the same time, with the promotion of the "Millions and Thousands Project" as the starting point, we will dig deep into the local characteristic agricultural and cultural resources, do a good job of "one village, one product" article, take the development path of characteristic industries, and draw a new picture of rural revitalization with employment and strong villages, rich people, and beautiful and livable.

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization

Source: Ou Rong Media Center, reporter Chen Huiyu

Editors: Liu Yingjie, intern Huang Ziyan

Editors-in-charge: Huang Jiarong, Zheng Dehong

Review: Zhu Zhuodong, Zhang Huifang

The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization
The power of women's role models is highlighted | Gong Meigui: Gather the power of women and empower rural revitalization