
【71 Album】Xu Teli's students went to a distant place

author:Phoenix Vision

Text / Picture Chen Gongsen

1. Genius

In July 1916, Chen Bingwen, a 17-year-old boy born in the ravine of Zhangjiachong, Chixia Village, Jiangbei Town, was admitted to Changsha Changjun Middle School with excellent results. When the good news came, the villagers came to congratulate and praised Chen Bingwen as a golden phoenix in Chixia Mountain. Chen Bingwen's parents, Chen Yuzhao and Sheng, laughed from ear to ear: "This is thanks to Mr. Xu (Xu Teli) who has cultivated him since he was a child, so that he is today!" ”

Although the two families are more than ten kilometers apart, the poor school founded by Xu Lao in Guanyintang is the only "palace" for children from poor families in the Wumei area in the eastern township of Changsha.

Chen Bingwen, who has been brilliant since childhood, was inspired by the spirit of Xu Lao's education, worked hard and was admitted to Changjun in one fell swoop. During his studies at Changjun Middle School, Chen Bingwen often received teachings from Mr. Xu, who was open-minded and studious, diligent in thinking, and always kept in mind Mr. Xu's strict academic thinking, and spurred himself not to relax for a moment. In Changjun, he excelled in both character and learning, ranked among the best in his homework, especially the foreign language that other students did not want to learn, but he was particularly interested, and his grades ranked among the top few in the whole grade, and he loved martial arts, and he was an excellent basketball player.

At the same time, Mr. Xu also learned that Chen Bingwen's ideological progress often discussed national affairs with enthusiastic young people, with lofty goals and determination to save the country, and was a talent worth cultivating.

In the Spring Festival of 1920, Chen Bingwen graduated from Changjun and returned home for the New Year. Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Chen Bingwen received a letter written by Mr. Xu Teli (at that time, Xu Teli was working and studying abroad), the content of which was about recommending him to teach at Changsha Xiuye School. The spring was cold, Chen Bingwen sat by the stove and looked at Mr. Xu's letter, very excited. The letter wrote: You have lived up to my expectations, you have worked very hard in your studies, and you are excellent in character and learning, which is very good! If there is nothing else to do, how about teaching at Changsha Xiu Ye School in a few days? My old colleagues in the Registry will make arrangements......

Chen Bingwen read the letter, got up and looked out the window deeply, as if the gentleman who was far away from the ocean was in front of him, and said to himself: "You are far away in a foreign country, and you are still concerned about my future...... As he spoke, his eyes moistened.

After Chen Bingwen was recommended by Xu Teli to teach at Changsha Xiuye School, his teaching work was highly praised by his colleagues. His loud voice and vivid language made the students love him. Coupled with his image of a vigorous tiger in the stadium, the students were envious. Later, as soon as my colleagues from the Xiu School saw Xu Teli, they said: "Mr. Xu is really discerning, and Bingwen talents are rare!" ”

More importantly, Chen Bingwen has taken a leap forward in his thinking. The revolutionary idea of pursuing truth and seeking the liberation of the people is growing day by day. Together with Mao Zetan, Tian Boyang and others, he engaged in revolutionary activities, leading students to participate in anti-imperialist and anti-militarist struggles and support workers' strikes. In 1923, he was introduced by Li Weihan and joined the Communist Party of China. Later, Chen Bingwen introduced the school's students Wang Fanglin (Wang Shoudao), Liu Yu (Liu Xiaoyu) and other progressive youths to join the Communist Youth League. Xu Teli watched Chen Bingwen grow and mature step by step, and felt very happy for this fellow villager from the bottom of his heart.

2. Entrust important tasks

Late one night in the winter of 1925, Chen Bingwen was busy finishing a lesson plan. Suddenly, he heard a soft knock on the door, he got up and opened the door to see that it was Mr. Xu Teli (Xu Teli was the principal of Hunan Provincial No. 1 Girls' School at that time). He hurriedly pulled a chair and invited Mr. Xu to sit, Xu Teli went to the bookcase and casually flipped through the lesson plan, put it down, and said to Chen Bingwen thoughtfully: "Now the situation has changed, according to the arrangement of the party organization, you have to return to your hometown to carry out a more important task, return to your hometown to run a school, establish a peasant association, and push the revolution to a larger scale...... Then after two hours of long talks, the teachers and students analyzed the situation, how to arrange the specific work, how to carry out each step, and so on.

At the behest of Xu Teli, Chen Bingwen returned to Wumei Township (now Jiangbei Town) in early December and began the preparatory work for the establishment of the 18th High School in Changsha County. Chen Bingwen was appointed as the principal and engaged in revolutionary activities under the cover of being a civics teacher. Taking advantage of the opportunity of visiting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival, Chen Bingcheng, Chen Shesheng, Chen Jilin, Zhang Liangfan and others were successively recruited into the party.

The following year, the Eighteenth District Farmers' Association was established. Chen Bingwen was elected chairman of the NPC National Committee, and Chen Bing became vice chairman. When the 18th High School was founded, the local temple surnamed Zhang and Wu was used as the school building, so the diehards in the two surnames were extremely dissatisfied, and the local bullies advocated that Yueqiu gathered a group of local tyrants and inferior gentry to often make difficulties with the school, in a vain attempt to bring down the school. After the establishment of the peasant association, Chen Bingwen put forward slogans such as "anti-oppression, anti-exploitation, rent reduction and interest reduction" and led the peasants in the struggle against the local tyrants and inferior gentry. As a result, the local tyrants and shoddy gentry surnamed Zhang and Wu colluded to plot to destroy the school and confront the peasant cooperatives.

After the Northern Expeditionary Army entered Hunan Province, the peasant movement grew stronger and stronger. Chen Bingwen, Chen Bingcheng, and others thoroughly exposed the crimes of the local tyrants and shoddy gentry in sabotaging the educational cause, oppressing and exploiting the peasants, and confronting the peasant associations, and called on the peasant brothers in the whole region to unite and wage a resolute struggle against the local tyrants and inferior gentry. His voice was loud and very agitatory, and in addition to the fact that the local tyrants and inferior gentry exploited and oppressed the peasants too much, the peasants had deep grievances. At the meeting venue, slogans such as "Down with the local tyrants and shoddy gentry," "oppose exploitation," and "Long live the peasant association" were earth-shattering, and the people immediately arrested the local tyrants and shoddy gentry Wu Changpi, Sheng Shoucheng, and Chen Fusheng, who were the leaders of the meeting, and put on high hats on them to parade around Hetian. After the meeting, he ordered local tyrants Zhang Yueqiu and Chen Zhongming to open a warehouse to release grain. The vast number of peasants raised their eyebrows and smiled, and the peasant cooperative movement won a great victory.

On February 2, 1927, the District Peasant Association held a peasant association conference in Chixia Yangshan Temple to celebrate the Spring Festival and the great victory of the peasant revolutionary movement. After the meeting, a theatrical program was also performed. There was thunderous applause on and off the stage, laughter and laughter, and the peasants in the whole region were immersed in unprecedented joy.

【71 Album】Xu Teli's students went to a distant place

The tomb of the martyr Chen Bingwen

3. Teachers and students have a discussion

Just as the peasant association movement was surging, Xu Teli returned to his hometown of Wumei Township in the spring of that year to investigate the peasant movement for a week.

The day after Xu Teli returned to his hometown, Chen Bingwen rushed to Mr. Xu's home in Guanyintang, Wumei Mountain, in the afternoon to report to him on the teaching and new rural movement work in recent years.

The teacher and student sat in the fire room of the miscellaneous house on the west side. It was drizzling outside, it was very cold, Xu Teli lit the fire very vigorously, added firewood piece by piece with iron tongs, and quietly listened to Chen Bingwen's narration of the situation.

"On the orders of my husband, from the winter of 1925 to the present, I have worked hard to follow your and organizational arrangements, withstood the pressure and difficulties from all quarters, established the 18th high school, recruited more than a dozen Communist Party members, established a peasant association, launched a huge peasant movement against exploitation, oppression, and local tyrants, propagated revolutionary ideas in the form of literature and art, united the people of the whole region, and effectively dealt a blow to the arrogance of the reactionary forces! The movement of farmers' associations is in full swing and is rejoicing......"

In particular, Chen Bingwen explained very carefully the situation of the peasant associations vigorously carrying out propaganda activities, performing theatrical performances, and mobilizing women and young people to emancipate their minds and join the revolution. Mr. Xu didn't say a word, and from time to time he made a lot of notes in his notebook, looking very excited.

Teachers and students chatted for nearly three hours, and it gradually became dark. At this time, the master and mother Xiong Licheng had already prepared dinner, gently pushed the door in and asked them to have dinner. During the dinner, Mr. Xu praised Chen Bingwen in front of his family and several other faculty members. He also said: "His work in the past few years has greatly exceeded my original imagination, and the peasant cooperative movement has been carried out so hotly and so greatly, which is also a revolution for me!" ”

Chen Bingwen continued: "I will never forget Mr. Xu's cultivation. Only by working hard to make a revolution and benefit one party can I be worthy of the grace of my husband. Although the road ahead is very difficult, I should not be afraid to move forward bravely, and never let down the high expectations of my husband......"

Due to the busy work of the peasant association, Chen Bingwen said goodbye to Mr. Xu and his wife after dinner, and returned to the Chixia Yangshan Temple to attend the working meeting of the peasant cooperative committee. At the meeting, Chen Bingwen conveyed to the participating comrades Mr. Xu Teli's high evaluation of the farmers' association and the spirit of the superior organization, and everyone was greatly encouraged.

The teacher-student conversation made Xu Teli have a great shock, and he was amazed by the great achievements of his student Chen Bingwen in just a few years.

In an essay he wrote after returning to his hometown, he wrote: "By this time I had been teaching for thirty years, and I had become a high-ranking intellectual, and I had never seen such greatness as women and children in books. I have also studied in Japan, studied in Europe, and lived in France, Belgium, Germany, and other countries for the shortest period of three months and the longest for four years, and I have never seen such a great thing as an illiterate peasant and his women and children, and I went to the countryside for a week, which revolutionized my mind from the age of eighteen to fifty! Kang Liang and Zhongshan, whom I used to admire, were nothing compared to the role of the organized peasants in the Chinese revolution! ”

4. Death from injury

In the winter of 1953, when Xu Teli went to Hunan for investigation, he and his wife returned to their hometown of Wumei Mountain. In the former residence of Guanyintang, sitting in the classroom where classes were originally held, the blackened desks and chairs, and the mottled blackboard are still quietly in place.

He suddenly remembered his outstanding students, one of whom was Chen Bingwen. Xu Teli softly read out the three words "Chen Bingwen". He had already heard that he had been killed by the Kuomintang, and he couldn't help but sigh and feel very sad. At this time, a local veteran cadre who accompanied him saw Xu Teli's thoughts, so he briefly described the situation before and after Chen Bingwen's sacrifice to Mr. Xu-

On May 21, 1927, after the "Ma-Ri Incident" in Changsha, the peasant revolutionary movement was brutally suppressed, and Chen Bingcheng, vice chairman of the 18th District Peasant Association, and Chen Tongsheng, member of the committee, were brutally killed. Chen Bingwen took refuge in Jiangxi and later transferred to Zhejiang. In March of the following year, he returned to his hometown to contact the underground party organization, but unfortunately on the night of his return, he was spied on by the secret agents arranged by the regimental defense bureau for a long time, and was rounded up in the middle of the night and escorted to the Changsha Shovel Communist Court. Under the severe torture of the reactionaries, he remained loyal and unyielding, and did not say a word. On April 28, Chen Bingwen was killed in Changsha Literacy Ridge. When he was tied to the execution ground, he resisted the tying and threw the mark, and his right arm was broken by the jailer, but he still endured the severe pain and shouted the slogan along the way: "Long live the Communist Party!" "Down with the reactionaries!" "Kill all the local tyrants and inferior gentry!" When he was about to be executed, he stood up with his head held high and stood up for righteousness at the age of 28.

When Xu Teli heard this, he couldn't help wiping away a handful of tears, paused, and said, "What a tough guy and a good student." In fact, he didn't die, he just went to a distant place......" As he spoke, Xu Teli choked up and couldn't say any more.

About the Author

【71 Album】Xu Teli's students went to a distant place

Chen Gongsen has been engaged in grassroots cultural work for more than 40 years. Love to read, love to think. Advocating excellent traditional culture and revering sages. He once dreamed of being a writer, and has edited and published "Red Memory" and "Jiangbei Stories: That Mountain, That Man, That Legend". Due to being busy with work, he stopped writing for many years. Now start to be idle and relive old dreams. I want to write something to express my inner world, let my friends share it, and make myself happy. So much for.

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