
Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

author:Elephant car

Becoming one of the top ten car companies in the world, a dream that was once out of reach of almost all Chinese car companies, has now been realized by BYD. BYD not only made the dream a reality on behalf of Chinese automobiles, but also became the world's third largest car company in one fell swoop, which is enough to make the Chinese people proud and proud.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

1. The world's third largest car company

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, and BYD, a leading new energy car company in China and even the world, has encountered many ups and downs this year. In China, other car companies that have been robbed of market share are frantically smearing BYD; Internationally, European and American auto powers, which feel threatened, have pointed the finger at BYD and other Chinese car companies in the form of tariffs. For example, in May, the United States announced that tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles would be increased from 25% to 100%; In June, the European Union announced that it would impose temporary tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, of which BYD was imposed an additional 17.4%. However, BYD is not afraid of any wind and rain and continues to achieve beautiful results, and the capital market also casts a "vote of confidence" for it with real money.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

On June 17, BYD's share price climbed to 259.87 yuan, up about 60% from its low in February. As a result, BYD's market value has also soared from 473.4 billion yuan to 755.9 billion yuan, soaring by more than 280 billion yuan in more than four months. It is worth mentioning that BYD's current market value is as high as 93.68 billion US dollars, second only to Tesla of the United States and Toyota of Japan, and it is the third largest car company in the world in one fell swoop, trampling on the giants of multinational car companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Stellantis, and Ford.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

2. Sales volume is among the top 10 in the world

Some people may say that the market value is only temporary, which does not indicate any problems, and BYD cannot be touted like this. Such an opinion is either stupid or bad, Chinese cars have already stood up, but some people are still kneeling. In fact, even in terms of actual sales, BYD is among the top ten car companies in the world, and it has long become a behemoth that cannot be ignored. In 2020, BYD's sales will only be 430,000 units, not to mention internationally, and its presence in China is not very high. However, since 2021, BYD's sales have entered a stage of rapid growth, which is impressive.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

With 730,000 units in 2021 and 1.86 million units in 2022, BYD's sales are soaring. By 2023, BYD will sell 3.02 million units, successfully entering the top 10 global car companies in terms of sales, and beating Suzuki to rank ninth. Entering 2024, BYD's sales continue to skyrocket. In April this year, BYD sold 312,700 vehicles, ranking among the top five in the world, ranking fourth, second only to Toyota, Volkswagen, and Ford, and surpassing Honda, Hyundai, Suzuki, Chevrolet, Kia, and Nissan. With the acceleration of BYD's globalization, the scale of sales will further increase.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

3. The king passed on the blessings and came bitterly

In the past 40 years of joint ventures, many state-owned car companies that have cooperated with multinational car companies have indeed made certain profits and basically won by lying down, but in essence, they have not gotten rid of the technical shackles, and are just vines attached to large multinational car companies, without the ability to be self-reliant. Other private car companies can only survive in the cracks of joint venture cars, relying on cost-effective heap configurations. BYD is different, Wang Chuanfu, an engineer, adheres to the development concept of "technology is king, innovation-oriented", and leads BYD to embark on a technology-driven road.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

From the day of car manufacturing, BYD began to develop new energy core technologies such as power batteries and plug-in hybrids. For more than 20 years, BYD has also experienced the "darkest moment" in the selection of technical routes and R&D investment. Speaking of the hardships of the year, Wang Chuanfu choked up and cried several times in public: "We were afraid that we wouldn't be able to wait for spring, and we really almost couldn't go on." BYD finally waited for the spring of 2021 to take advantage of the outbreak of new energy vehicles and soared into the sky to become a benchmark enterprise in the new energy vehicle industry in China and even the world.

Soared by 280 billion! The world's third largest car company was born in China this time

Deeply cultivated in the industry for more than 20 years, BYD has not only mastered core technologies such as "three electrics", automotive-grade IGBT chips, and energy storage systems, but has now built a unique vertical and deep, large and stable supply chain system. In the new energy vehicle industry, BYD does not have any possibility of being stuck by the West. In the past 70 years, the technical shackles of Chinese automobiles that have been put on the body by foreign-funded car companies have been completely broken by BYD for the first time. The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to an automobile power. On this road, BYD led the team to the forefront.

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