
Three-dog detoxification, no blockage for a year, eat more of these 2 dishes, nourish the liver and kidneys, energetic, simple stir-fry nutritious and delicious!

author:Longnan Danchang released

In summer, humidity is heavier, and Chinese medicine believes that dampness is the source of all diseases, which can easily lead to heaviness and fatigue of the body, and even affect the normal functioning of the digestive system and endocrine system. At this time, eating some foods that clear away heat and detoxify, promote dampness and reduce swelling can help the body remove excess moisture and make you feel relaxed all year round.

Today, Mr. Hou recommends 2 ingredients to you, a fungus and a cucumber, which are guaranteed to make you healthy and energetic in summer, and they are unimpeded all year round!

Three-dog detoxification, no blockage for a year, eat more of these 2 dishes, nourish the liver and kidneys, energetic, simple stir-fry nutritious and delicious!

Fungus - a master of cleansing

|1. Clears away heat and dampness

Dog days are heavy in humidity, and the fungus is flat and sweet, which has a good effect of diluting water and dampness, which can help the body discharge excess moisture and reduce the discomfort caused by dampness and heat, such as heavy limbs, indigestion, etc. After eating it, the whole person can feel a lot lighter.

Three-dog detoxification, no blockage for a year, eat more of these 2 dishes, nourish the liver and kidneys, energetic, simple stir-fry nutritious and delicious!

|2. Nourish blood and beauty

Don't look at the fungus black, it is a good hand for blood replenishment. The fungus is rich in iron, which helps to prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, and can effectively improve the symptoms of paleness and fatigue, so that you can look ruddy and radiant.

|3. Promotes digestion

In summer, people generally have poor appetite, and the dietary fiber in the fungus can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, prevent constipation, and allow you to maintain good digestive function even in the hot summer.

The summer wonder of cucumbers

|1. Clear the heat and quench the heat, and quench the thirst

In dog days, the heat is unbearable, the human body loses water quickly, the water content of cucumbers is as high as 96%, eat a few slices, it is called a heart-to-heart cool, instantly relieve dry mouth, more comfortable than drinking ice water.

|2. Beauty and anti-aging

Vitamin C and vitamin E in cucumber, which are natural beauty factors, can resist oxidation, promote skin cell regeneration, and reduce wrinkles on the face.

Three-dog detoxification, no blockage for a year, eat more of these 2 dishes, nourish the liver and kidneys, energetic, simple stir-fry nutritious and delicious!

|3. Stimulates metabolism and detoxifies the body

The potassium salt in cucumber can speed up blood circulation, promote the body's metabolism, help remove excess salt and toxins from the body, and keep your body refreshed and free from edema on hot summer days.

Fungus mixed with cucumbers

Ingredients: 2 fresh cucumbers, a small handful of dried fungus, a few cloves of garlic, a few millet peppers, a small handful of white sesame seeds; Light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt, sesame oil, appropriate amount.


Soak the dried fungus in cold water first, add a spoonful of cornstarch to help remove impurities, control the water temperature at about 40 degrees, and soak it for about 20 minutes, then wash it carefully, remove the hard pedicle, and tear it to a palatable size.

Boil the water in the pot, add a little salt, blanch the fungus for 5 minutes, which can better remove the earthy smell of the fungus, take it out after blanching, and cool it with cold water to maintain the crispness of the fungus.

After the cucumber is washed, gently pat it a few times with the back of a knife and cut it into small pieces or strips, which will make the cucumber more flavorful. After marinating with salt for 5 minutes, squeeze out the excess water so that the cucumber is more crispy.

Three-dog detoxification, no blockage for a year, eat more of these 2 dishes, nourish the liver and kidneys, energetic, simple stir-fry nutritious and delicious!

Take a small bowl, add minced garlic, millet pepper rings, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, half a tablespoon of sugar, a small amount of salt, and then drizzle a small spoon of sesame oil, stir well, this sauce is the soul!

Find a large bowl, pour in the processed cucumber and fungus, pour in the seasoned sauce, sprinkle with chopped green onions and fried white sesame seeds, bring disposable gloves, and mix evenly with your hands, so that each piece of fungus and cucumber can be evenly coated with seasoning, and the taste is better.

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Source: Teacher Hou talks about dietary therapy

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