
Student Assault on Teacher at Graduation Ceremony, Fudan University: Expulsion!

author:The first scene

On June 19, it was reported on the Internet that at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University Law School, a student punched the teacher.

Video posted online shows a male student walking straight up to the teacher standing second from the right at the degree conferment ceremony held that day, swinging a fist at his head and quickly leaving. The teacher's glasses and tutor's hat were knocked off, and the teacher standing on the right flashed to the side, apparently frightened. Afterwards, after a brief tidying up, the ceremony continued.

Student Assault on Teacher at Graduation Ceremony, Fudan University: Expulsion!

Screenshot of the video of the scene of the incident

At about 20 o'clock, the staff of the security office of the Jiangwan campus responded that the police had taken the beating student away to make a record, and the beaten teacher went to the hospital. Staff said that the cause of the incident is still under further investigation.

A number of netizens broke the news that after the beating, the boy posted on Moments, saying that he wanted to hit the dean, and at the same time attached a long article stating the reason for the beating.

Student Assault on Teacher at Graduation Ceremony, Fudan University: Expulsion!

It was revealed that the teacher who was beaten by the boy was not the dean, but a teacher. In this regard, the suspected boy's own account then apologized for "hitting the wrong person".

Student Assault on Teacher at Graduation Ceremony, Fudan University: Expulsion!

On July 2, Fudan University Law School released the release

"Statement on the Incident of Attacking Teachers at the Graduation Ceremony of Our School"

On June 19, 2024, Xia Moumou, a 2019 undergraduate student of our college, attacked the teacher in front of the rostrum at the graduation ceremony of the college.

This is a serious incident that deliberately undermines the order of education and teaching, and the impact is extremely bad. Due to personal reasons, the student did not hesitate to attack innocent teachers at the solemn graduation ceremony, which deviated from the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education, impacted the bottom line of social morality, damaged the reputation of the school, hurt the feelings of teachers, students and alumni, and caused a bad social impact.

After the incident, the school and college immediately expressed condolences to the teacher who was attacked, cooperated with the police to conduct an in-depth and careful investigation, and did a good job in accordance with the principles of law and regulations, respect for teachers and education, and education and guidance.

At present, the public security organs have imposed a public security detention punishment on Xia. In accordance with the Regulations on Student Disciplinary Actions of Fudan University, the university has informed me and made a decision to expel him.

Schools and colleges will further strengthen respect for teachers, carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, and implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with virtue.

Student Assault on Teacher at Graduation Ceremony, Fudan University: Expulsion!

The Student Affairs Office of Fudan Law School responded in the evening that the school is investigating the incident, and the investigation has not yet been clarified.

Source: First Field Synthesis