
If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

author:Longnan Danchang released

There are still many people who don't know anything about what is cold and sticky, fatty and sweet, and today I will talk to you about those that seem to be delicious, but in fact they may be the "culprits" that hurt our spleen and stomach. The spleen and stomach, as important organs of our body, can cause a series of health problems once there is a problem. In daily life, we tend to ignore some foods that are harmful to the spleen and stomach, and long-term intake will lead to impaired spleen and stomach function. Today, let's learn about the five types of foods that the spleen and stomach don't like, so as to better maintain the spleen and stomach in daily life and avoid harm.

In the classic of traditional Chinese medicine "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing", the principle of "eating and drinking sparingly" is emphasized. This not only means that we should maintain regular eating habits and avoid overeating, but also requires us to be restrained in our food choices and avoid excessive intake of foods that are not good for the spleen and stomach.

So, what foods do the spleen and stomach don't like? This includes cold, sticky, fatty, sweet, and other types of food. However, many people don't know the exact definition of these foods. Next, let's unravel the mystery of these foods and understand why they are the "culprits" of harm to our spleen and stomach.

Avoid eating raw and cold

Foods that have not been cooked or processed, such as raw pickles, sashimi, salads and salads, may contain more bacteria or parasites because they have not been processed at high temperatures, which can easily cause adverse health effects after consumption.

Secondly, those foods that are significantly lower than body temperature, such as iced drinks, ice cream, and food that has just been taken out of the refrigerator, will irritate our mouth, esophagus and stomach when eaten, causing gastric vasoconstriction, affecting the secretion of gastric juice and the digestion of food, thus causing stomach discomfort.

If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

In addition, in TCM theory, some foods are classified as cold in nature, such as pears, persimmons, watermelon, grapefruit, kiwifruit, cucumbers, bitter gourds, mung beans, green tea, and some aquatic foods. Excessive consumption of these foods can easily lead to aggravation of cold in the body, damage the spleen and stomach yang, and cause symptoms such as indigestion, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Therefore, in order to protect our spleen and stomach health, we should try to avoid excessive consumption of raw and cold foods. For people with weak spleen and stomach, the intake of raw and cold food should be strictly controlled. When eating fruit, you can choose to boil it into a sweet soup and pair it with a little tangerine peel and ginger slices, which can not only retain the nutrients of the fruit, but also reduce its cold nature, which is more friendly to our spleen and stomach.

Avoid sticky foods

As for glutinous rice and yellow sticky rice, which are "sticky foods" and sticky nourishing things, although these two types are considered to have tonic effects, they are actually not easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Especially for those with weak spleen and stomach function, eating a little glutinous rice may feel bloated because the spleen and stomach have difficulty processing these foods. Especially people with a thick tongue coating should avoid these foods.

When the tongue coating is thick and greasy, whether it is white or yellow, it indicates that the spleen and stomach are in a state of congestion. Ingestion of sticky and indigestible food at this time may lead to various symptoms of indigestion. In addition, sticky and damp foods will not only affect the normal function of the spleen and stomach, but may also promote dampness, further increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, and form a vicious circle.

If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

Therefore, when choosing food, we need to pay special attention to the nature of the food and the condition of our own spleen and stomach. For people with weak spleen and stomach function or thick tongue coating, they should try to avoid eating these sticky and indigestible foods to avoid aggravating the burden on the spleen and stomach.

In addition to the foods mentioned above, we should also be wary of foods that can cause qi stagnation, hiccups, bloating, and acid reflux, such as sweet potatoes, taro, pumpkin, potatoes, chestnuts, and whole grains and beans. Although these foods are often praised as good for nourishing the spleen and stomach, we can't ignore the potential risks.

Although the objective composition of these foods is beneficial to the body, due to the high amount of starch and crude fiber in them, it may backfire if eaten casually regardless of one's condition. Especially for those who have weak digestive function, frequent food accumulation, hiccups and acid reflux, or already have problems such as peptic ulcers, chronic gastritis, reflux esophagitis, etc., it is strongly recommended to avoid excessive consumption of such foods to avoid aggravating symptoms or causing discomfort.

Avoid greasy foods

Fatty foods, which include not only foods rich in animal fats, such as fatty meats and animal fats; It also includes foods made by frying and frying them, such as fried dough sticks, fried cakes, fried chicken, and skewers.

On the one hand, this kind of high-energy and greasy food, due to its indigestible properties, will bring a heavy burden to our stomach and intestines, making it in an overworking state; On the other hand, excessive intake can easily promote the production of dampness and phlegm in the body, further aggravate the symptoms of spleen deficiency and lung fever, and may even lead to frequent coughing problems, making spleen and stomach function problems more serious.

If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

It is more important to note that long-term intake of a large amount of greasy food will lead to the accumulation of fat in liver cells, which will not only affect the normal digestion and detoxification function of the liver, but also may induce health problems such as fatty liver.

Therefore, for those who have a thick tongue coating, tooth marks on the tongue side, and cracks on the tongue surface; and people with high blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, uric acid and other indicators; People who are prone to oily skin and sticky stools; As well as people with enlarged tonsils and often feel phlegm in their throats, they need to be vigilant about the intake of such foods and try to stay away from them.

Avoid sweets

The "sweet" in "fatty, sweet, and thick" mainly refers to foods that have been processed with added sugar, sugar substitutes, or sweeteners, such as delicate snacks, sweet chocolates, candies, tempting juices, refreshing sodas, and the popular milk tea. These sweet flavors, tasted in moderation, can indeed nourish the spleen and stomach, harmonize the body, and bring a sense of pleasure and relaxation.

However, once you consume these sweets in excess, you will interact excessively with the body, which will cause damage to the spleen and stomach. They will stimulate the hyperfunction of the spleen and stomach, excessively consume the yin and jin of the spleen and stomach, and lead to the rise of deficiency fire, thus causing the gradual decline of spleen and stomach function.

If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

To make matters worse, modern sweets tend to be highly nutrient-dense and difficult to digest. Excessive consumption will not only increase the burden on the spleen and stomach and affect its function, but also may lead to poor water and moisture transportation, and then produce dampness and phlegm turbidity. This damp phlegm, in turn, will further damage the function of the spleen and stomach, forming a vicious circle.

Therefore, when we enjoy the deliciousness and pleasure brought by sweets, we must do it in moderation and not in excess, so as not to bring unnecessary burden and damage to the body.

Avoid heavy foods

Thick flavor often refers to foods that use too much of the seasoning.

In daily life, whether cooking at home or dining out, there are always some people who feel that the food is "not tasty enough", so they pursue the taste of too sweet, too spicy, too salty, too sour, and too oily. This naturally also includes the overuse of MSG, essence of chicken, or other spices that add flavor and color.

However, the long-term excessive pursuit of this heavy taste will cause the internal organs of the body to lose the balance of the function, deplete the essence of the spleen and stomach, and then lead to a series of problems, such as decreased appetite, body dryness, weakened digestion, increased phlegm and dampness, worsening bad breath, and poor complexion.

If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

Therefore, when it comes to food selection and intake, we should grasp a degree. Whether it is "moderation" or "abstinence", it does not mean that we completely give up certain foods, but that we should rationally decide whether to eat and how much to eat according to our constitution and health condition.

As for how to maintain the spleen and stomach, it is not complicated. You don't need to worry too much about what foods you can't eat, but you need to focus on a balanced and moderate diet. Maintain a diversified diet, moderate intake of various nutrients, and avoid over-reliance on heavy foods, so as to truly take care of the spleen and stomach and maintain the health of the body.

A health soup

Regulates the stomach and replenishes blood

The maintenance of the spleen and stomach is not achieved overnight, nor is it a meal work, it needs gradual conditioning, and gradually "nourishing the soil" through the method of dietary therapy.

In the process of regulating the spleen and stomach, it is important to maintain the balance of the stomach environment. In terms of diet, we should focus on mild, soft, light, vegetarian and fresh ingredients, which will help to maintain the spleen and stomach.

Among them, soup is a very representative form of dietary therapy. It is warm and sticky, similar to porridge, which can greatly reduce the digestive burden of the stomach, and is an ideal way for people with a weak spleen and stomach. By drinking soup, we can help the spleen and stomach gradually recover and improve the overall digestive function.

"Yam pork belly soup", this soup has a good effect of warming the spleen and stomach and nourishing qi and blood.

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork belly, 300 grams of yam, 10 red dates, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of wolfberry, appropriate amount of water, appropriate amount of salt.


1. Wash the pork belly, blanch it in boiling water to remove the blood, then remove it and wash it, cut it into strips for later use.

2. Peel the yam, wash it and cut it into cubes; Wash and pit the jujubes; Slice the ginger and set aside.

3. Put the pork belly, yam, red dates, and ginger together in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer slowly for 1-2 hours.

4. During the stewing process, goji berries can be added in an appropriate amount according to personal taste.

5. Finally, add salt to taste, cook for a few more minutes and turn off the heat to enjoy the delicious yam pork belly soup.

If you have a bad spleen and stomach, you must stay away from these five types of food, the more you eat, the greater the harm!

Middle elbow hole

The door to stomach disease conditioning

In addition to paying attention to the balance and moderation of diet, we can also regulate the spleen and stomach through a variety of daily methods, among which abdominal rubbing, moxibustion and kneading the middle navel points are extremely effective ways.

"Rubbing the navel acupoints" is known as an excellent choice for regulating the spleen and stomach. As a place where stomach qi gathers, by massaging this acupoint, we can achieve multiple effects such as strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing the central qi, dissolving dampness and stagnation, regulating the central focus, and adjusting the lifting and lowering.

For common stomach discomfort such as stomach pain, bloating, and acid swallowing, rubbing the navel acupoints has a significant therapeutic effect. What's more worth mentioning is that this method can also improve the body's immunity, and also has a positive effect on improving problems such as anorexia in children.

In terms of specific operation, we can first rub our hands hot, and then gently stop on the middle navel acupoint, and quickly press and knead on the epidermis of the acupuncture point. When you feel that the acupuncture points are gradually heating up and the heat begins to penetrate downward, it means that it has played a conditioning role.

Of course, if conditions permit, we can also use moxibustion to regulate the acupoints. The heat of moxibustion can penetrate deep into the acupuncture points to further activate the function of the spleen and stomach and achieve a better conditioning effect.

Source; Junhetang

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