
2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

author:There is no snow in winter

We always hear people say: "Knowledge changes fate", but in real life, it is not necessarily knowledge that changes fate, but also charm and means. Recently, a woman wanted to be promoted through a "shortcut", but failed to do so, and finally reported a pair of county magistrates with her real name, saying that the other party concealed the fact that she was married and dated her, and she was intimidated by the other party after she became pregnant.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

The woman is a supernumerary, 27-year-old she and 15 years older than the deputy county magistrate came together, according to the woman, she didn't know that the other party was married at first, until later I found out that because the relationship between the two was not glorious, so the woman planned to abort after pregnancy, but during the woman's miscarriage, the man only took out 40,000 yuan, and then did not show up again, and he ignored it during the abortion, and then directly took out 150,000 yuan to say that the relationship between the two would be cleared in the future, which made the woman very angry, In the end, a report was made, and the chat records of the two were also exposed on the Internet.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

Regarding the woman's revelations, many people said that the woman was not authentic, and she had the purpose of being in a position from the beginning, but in the end, the preparation of the promise could not be implemented, so she bit back, and was even complained that she did not respect her body in exchange for benefits. Some people also said: "A greedy prostitute and a fishing and unhooking are not good things." ”

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion
2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

The woman above did not achieve her own purpose, so she chose to be exposed, and the one we are going to talk about today is also using her body in exchange for benefits, the difference in the ending is that she really achieved her goal, and in less than 3 years, she "slept" all the way from a temporary worker to a female manager, and her ability and promotion speed are really jaw-dropping.

This person is Tao Moufang, the most beautiful female manager of China Southern Airlines, who was once a smash hit.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

Tao Moufang was born in an ordinary family in Guilin, Guangxi, and has been very beautiful since he was a child, and he is also very diligent in his studies. After graduating from high school, Tao Moufang was admitted to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, although he has been studying hard during college, he still encountered a wall everywhere when looking for a job after graduation. It wasn't until later that she saw the recruitment information of China Southern Airlines, Tao Moufang regained her energy to go to the interview, and her hard work paid off, and she was finally admitted to the finance department of a company under China Southern Airlines.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

There is a good saying: "The ideal is plump, and the reality is skinny." At the beginning, Tao Moufang was very satisfied with her work, but as the working hours became longer and longer, she saw more and more people and things, and she gradually felt the gap between herself and others, especially when she saw other people's luxury cars and mansions and luxurious lives, she also cast envious eyes. But she realized that without background and connections, it was almost impossible to get promoted and raised, so she gradually had a wrong idea, until she met someone, and her idea was finally realized, this person was Lu Mouye, who changed her fate.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

Lu Mouye used to be the general manager of the finance department of China Southern Airlines, for Tao Moufang, it is simply a ceiling-level existence, although Lu Mouye is much older than Tao Moufang, and she has long been married and has children, but she doesn't care at all, with her beauty and appearance, she gradually became Lu Mouye's lover.

The two often eat together, go on dates, and do things that lovers should do, all of which in Tao Moufang's opinion, not only is she not ashamed, but even proud, because only by doing this can she quickly achieve her goal.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

Sure enough, climbing the big tree of Lu Mouye, Tao Moufang's career can be said to have soared, in just less than three years, all the way from a temporary worker who everyone calls to drink, upgraded to the manager of the financial department of China Southern Airlines, and later changed to become the deputy director-level manager of a central enterprise with an annual management of 1.8 billion infrastructure projects.

Tao Moufang's quick promotion made many people dumbfounded, and he was called by many people as the fastest promoted deputy director of a central enterprise.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

But as the saying goes, "If you don't know anything until you don't know it." The relationship between the two has long been an open secret in China Southern Airlines, and even the whereabouts of the two have been mastered. In 2012, someone exposed the opening records of the two on the Internet, which I don't know, I was shocked when I saw it, it turned out that in the two years from 2009 to 2011, Tao Moufang and Lu Mouye opened a total of 410 times, and the room fee was as high as more than 300,000 yuan. In other words, after removing Tao Moufang's menstrual period, the two of them opened a house almost every day.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

I have to say that Tao Moufang paid his body and youth for his own promotion, while Lu Mouye used his power to engage in power trading, both sides knew that this was an immoral practice, but in the end they still crossed the bottom line of morality, regardless of the company's image and professional ethics, and reached this dirty deal.

You must know that the relationship between Lu Mouye and Tao Moufang is no longer a simple moral issue, but has violated the law, so after the matter was exposed, the two were investigated. In the end, Tao Moufang was suspended, while Lu Mouye was arrested on suspicion of corruption.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

However, after being arrested, in order to reduce his criminal responsibility, Lu Mouye also reported two other senior officials of China Southern Airlines to the public prosecution, one is Xu Moubo, the former deputy general manager, chief financial officer and chief accountant, and the other is Hu Mouqun, the former general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Southern Airlines.

In the end, Lu Mouye was sentenced to 7 years in prison.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

In fact, there are many incidents of power and sex trading in life, especially now, many women choose to cling in order to take shortcuts, exchanging their bodies for benefits, regardless of the moral bottom line. On the other hand, many officials have turned one young and beautiful female subordinate after another into their lovers by virtue of the power in their hands, without any regard for human ethics and morality, nor into account the feelings of their wives at home, which is really embarrassing.

There are still many Tao Moufang in life, his family is ordinary, there is no money, and there are no connections, it is more difficult to become a regular than to ascend to the sky, when he saw others get promoted and raised, and lived a carefree life, he had crooked thoughts, although he finally achieved his goal, but he also fell into the abyss.

2 years and leaders to open a house 410 times! From a temporary worker to a director, the female manager of China Southern Airlines is on the road to promotion

Tao Moufang's story is not an exception, whether it is in the past, now or in the future, there will be many people who "follow one another" for the so-called rights and interests, but from this story, we can see that all those who violate the bottom line of morality and engage in power and sex trading, although they have achieved their goals for a while, will eventually be ruined and pay a painful price for their actions.