
Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

author:Cloth clothes show talent

In ancient times, eunuchs, as a special group, were people who were closer to the center of power, and thus more easily gained power. Because of his mutilated body, his distorted mentality often goes against the grain after gaining power, bringing disaster to the country and the people. In this issue, we jointly reveal the top ten traitors in Chinese history!

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Tenth: The Bank of China said that the eunuch of the Western Han Dynasty was the originator of the term "traitor". During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, he was selected as the attaché of the Han-Hun peace pro, but because of his grudge against the Han Dynasty, he chose to be loyal to the Xiongnu. And won the trust of the Xiongnu rulers and became the think tank of the Xiongnu's policy towards Han. With the help of the Bank of China, the Xiongnu greatly increased their national strength and formulated a series of strategies for the Xiongnu to attack the Han Dynasty.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Ninth: Tong Guan, a famous eunuch in the Song Huizong period, one of the "six thieves". He has a well-behaved temperament and is good at guessing the divine will. and befriended the traitor Cai Jing, and then took sole control of the military power, and the official became the Taishi. He has made outstanding achievements in recovering the four prefectures of Hehuang and suppressing the peasant uprising in Fangla. Therefore, he is pampered and arrogant, and arbitrary. After Qinzong ascended the throne, he issued an edict to count his ten major crimes and behead him.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Eighth: Wei Zhongxian, a famous eunuch in the late Ming Dynasty, was born in the market, and had to be castrated into the palace in order to repay gambling debts. Originally named Li Jinzhong, he later recognized Wei Chao as his godfather and changed his name to Wei Zhongxian. The official to the eunuch of the ceremony. Known as "9,900 years old", he specializes in cracking down on dissidents, interfering in national affairs, forming parties for personal gain, and brutalizing loyal and good. After Emperor Chongzhen succeeded to the throne, he severely cracked down on and punished the eunuchs, and cured Wei Zhongxian's ten crimes, and then hanged himself.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Seventh: Li Lianying, formerly known as Li Jinxi, Cixi gave the name Lianying, also known as Lianying, a famous eunuch in the late Qing Dynasty. He was deeply favored by the Empress Dowager Cixi and became the most powerful eunuch in the late Qing Dynasty. Cixi violated the ancestral system of the Qing Dynasty that "the eunuch grade is limited to four grades", and crowned him as the chief eunuch of the second grade, commanding the eunuchs of the harem, and participating in political decision-making, which made the Qing Dynasty's politics darker and accelerated the corruption and decline of the Qing Dynasty.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Sixth: Liu Jin, a famous eunuch in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, after Zhu Houzhao of Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne, he was promoted to the eunuch of the internal official supervisor and the seal of the seal, and was ordered to take charge of the "Three Thousand Battalions", one of the three major battalions of the Ming Dynasty. Under the guise of the emperor, more than 100 royal estates were occupied, causing dissatisfaction among the government and the people. Liu Jin also controlled the appointment and dismissal of hundreds of officials, and his power was monstrous, and he was called "Emperor Li" at the time. The widespread persecution of courtiers hastened the decline of the Ming Dynasty. Later, he was overthrown by the eunuch Zhang Yong and the courtier Yang Yiqing, and was executed by Ling Chi for the crime of treason.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Fifth: Zhang Rang, a famous eunuch in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, successively held positions such as Xiaohuangmen and Zhongchang Waiter, and was ranked as a marquis. and its eunuch party jointly control the government. Known for its forcible expropriation, arrogance and greed, it accelerated the political turmoil and corruption in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Later, the ten permanent servants led by Zhang Rang designed an ambush to kill the general He Jin, and the ministers entered the palace to kill the eunuchs, and Zhang Rang was forced to commit suicide by throwing himself into the water.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Fourth: Li Fuguo, a famous eunuch in the Tang Dynasty, after the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, he strongly persuaded the crown prince Li Heng to ascend the throne and become the emperor, and gave the name "Protector of the Country" for his merits, and later changed it to "Auxiliary Country", and took over the military and political power. Set up a "procuratorial office" to investigate the privacy of officials to control hundreds of officials, eliminate dissidents, and persecute political opponents. After Li Yu succeeded to the throne of the Tang Dynasty, he was promoted to the king of Bolu County and respected as his father. Later, assassins were sent to assassinate Li Fuguo, and an edict was issued to posthumously present him as Taifu.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Third: Wang Zhen, a eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, an official to the eunuch of the master of ceremonies. Originally a showman, after his name fell into the imperial examination, he was eunuch and accompanied by the prince Zhu Qizhen as a eunuch. After Yingzong ascended the throne, Wang Zhen's power increased, colluding with foreign officials and interfering in court affairs. Later, when Wara raised troops, Wang Zhenli persuaded Yingzong to recruit in person. On the way, due to the delay of the warplane, which led to the change of Tumubao, Yingzong was captured, Wang Zhen was finally killed, his family was beheaded, and the family property was confiscated. Since then, the national strength of the Ming Dynasty has been greatly damaged, and Wang Zhen is regarded as one of the culprits of the Ming Dynasty's transformation from prosperity to decline.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

Second: Ji Diao, the eunuch of Qi State, in order to show his loyalty, castrated himself to serve the Duke of Qi Huan, so he won the favor of the Duke of Qi Huan. When Duke Huan was critically ill, Ji Diao and Yi Ya and others rebelled, killed many officials, and established Gongzi as the king without loss, causing civil strife in Qi, causing the Qi State to decline from prosperity to decline. During this period, Ji Diao starved Huan Gong to death, and exposed him to the palace, until Huan Gong's corpse stinked. Later, he was ambushed by Gao Jie, a famous minister of Qi State.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

First: Zhao Gao, the first eunuch of the Qin Dynasty, official to prime minister. After the change of the sand dunes, Zhao Gao conspired with Prime Minister Li Si to tamper with the edict, set up Hu Hai to succeed him, and gave Su and Meng Tian suicide. Pointing to the deer as a horse, persecuting dissidents, and finally holding power. Later, he killed Qin II and established Yingying as the king. In the end, he was killed by Ziying's design and wiped out the three tribes. The rise of Zhao Gao caused political turmoil in the Qin Dynasty and hastened the fall of the Qin Dynasty.

Reveal the top ten traitorous eunuchs in Chinese history

That's all for this issue!

Pay attention to Xiao Xiucai, the next issue will be more exciting!

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