
Don't 🈶 be an inside room

author:Ender Shepherd


An invitation to the night

The night is hazy, and the streets of London are shrouded in a veil of mystery. Renowned detective Arthur Grayson stands in front of the window, looking out at the outside world, playing with his iconic pipe. Just then, a letter sealed with a wax seal broke the silence of the room.

In the letter, a nobleman named Charles Moreen invites him to his estate in the suburbs tonight to solve a problem that "requires a great deal of intelligence." The handwriting is neat and urgent, revealing an unusual sense of urgency.

Putting on his signature long trench coat and fedora hat, Arthur Grayson decided to take on the challenge. The estate sits on a desolate plateau, surrounded by dense woods, making it seem exceptionally isolated and mysterious. As he stepped into the halls of Moreen Manor, a cold air rushed over him, as if some unknown secret was hidden.

By the fireplace, Arthur Grayson meets members of the Moreen family for the first time. Sir John Moreen was a tall and majestic man, with a furrowed brow and evidently preoccupied; His wife, Lady Emma, was dignified and elegant, but from time to time a hint of unease flashed in her eyes; Their daughter, Miss Catherine, was young and beautiful, but with a somewhat melancholy look; Robert, the butler, was a middle-aged man, well-behaved but with a twinkling look in his eyes; Governess Mary Jenkins seems quiet and reserved, but her words reveal a keen sense of observation.

At the dinner, everyone behaved politely, but as the conversation turned to the study room, which had been closed for many years, the atmosphere suddenly froze. It is said that misfortune will befall anyone who enters that study. Arthur Grayson's gaze swept over everyone's faces, and he noticed the subtle change in everyone's expressions.

After the meal, Arthur Grayson was invited to visit the infamous study. As soon as the door opened, a stale smell came to my face. The interior of the study is quaintly furnished, with shelves filled with heavy books and a heavy oak table taking center stage. He meticulously examined every nook and cranny and found nothing obvious out of the ordinary.

Just as he was about to leave, he noticed a note on his desk that read, "The truth is hidden in the details." Arthur Grayson's eyes twinkled, and he knew that the game had just begun.

When night fell again, Arthur Grayson lay on the bed in his guest room, his mind echoing every word and every look at the dinner. He felt an unknown force flowing through the manor, and he was the one who wanted to uncover it all.

Don't 🈶 be an inside room

The secret of the secret room

The early morning sunlight filtered through the heavy curtains, bringing a touch of warmth to the gloomy study. Arthur Grayson wakes up early and returns to that mysterious space alone. He began to scrutinize every inch of the wall, every floor tile, and every place where the mechanism might be hidden.

Over time, he discovers some strange signs: a seemingly inconsequential book can actually pull an entire row of shelves, revealing a hidden cubicle; A rusty key is hidden under a floor tile; Even the drawers of the desk have hidden mysteries. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't find a direct entrance to the interior of the chamber.

In the afternoon, Arthur Grayson had an in-depth conversation with members of the Morene family. He skillfully steers the topic, trying to find clues from their words. Sir John spoke of the history of the family, mentioning the special attention that generations had given to this study; Lady Emma expressed concern for the family's future; Miss Catherine seems to know little about the family's secrets, but her nostalgia for her deceased uncle is palpable; Robert the butler and Mary, the governess, each remained cautiously silent.

During dinner, Arthur Grayson noticed the subtle interactions between family members. From time to time, Sir John looked at the others with a stern gaze, while Lady Emma did her best to maintain a semblance of harmony. Miss Catherine's demeanor hints of displeasure with her father, while Robert and Mary carefully avoid sensitive topics as if they were carrying their own secrets.

After dinner, Arthur Grayson returns to his study again, where he decides to revisit those strange discoveries. In the silence of the night, he finally discovers a hidden message that points to a family portrait in the study. He looked closely at the painting and found a faded letter hidden behind the frame. The letter mentions an ancient family curse, as well as a mystery about the family treasure.

Arthur Grayson realizes that this chamber is not just a matter of physical space, it is intimately connected to the history of the Moreen family. He begins to suspect that this mystery may be the key to unlocking the secrets of the secret room. As the night grew darker, Arthur Grayson's heart grew determined to uncover the secrets that had been guarded by the family for generations.

Don't 🈶 be an inside room

A hidden past

As the morning light dawned, Arthur Grayson decided to dig deeper into the history of the Moreen family after pondering for a long time in his study. He asked for a private meeting with Sir John, hoping to learn more from the head of the family.

In Moreen's library, the two sat around an antique table. Sir John's face was full of exhaustion and worry, but there was a glint of pride in his eyes when he spoke of the family's past. He recounts how the Moreen family rose from a humble little aristocratic family and how they amassed wealth and status through shrewd marital alliances and political maneuvers.

Arthur Grayson listened, nodding his head or asking questions from time to time, guiding the other to continue the story. Sir John mentions a special person, the late Uncle Edmund, who had been a wise man and adviser to the family, and the most frequent user of the study. It is said that Uncle Edmund tried to change the fortunes of the family in his later years, but his efforts ultimately failed.

As the conversation progressed, Arthur Grayson began to perceive Sir John's evasion of certain issues. He realized that the family leader might know more about the Chamber of Secrets and family secrets, but he was reluctant to reveal them all. Arthur Grayson decided to put the topic aside for a while and instead asked about the other family members.

At lunch, Arthur Grayson observes the interaction between Lady Emma and Miss Catherine. Although the conversation between the mother and daughter is calm, it faintly reveals a tense atmosphere. From time to time, Mrs. Emma looked at her daughter with concern, while Catherine seemed a little absent-minded. Arthur Grayson is acutely aware that there may be a deeper story between the mother and daughter.

In the afternoon, Arthur Grayson found an opportunity to speak alone with Mrs. Emma. In a quiet garden corner, Lady Emma confides her concerns to the detective. She mentioned the unfair treatment that women in her family had been subjected to, as well as her fear for her daughter's future. Arthur Grayson listened to her and at the same time built a more complete portrait of the Moreen family in his mind.

As night fell, Arthur Grayson returned to his room. He combed through the stories he had discovered and heard today. He began to believe that there was a connection between these personal pasts and family secrets, and that this connection could be the key to solving the whole mystery. Arthur Grayson decides to continue his exploration the next day, knowing that every detail could be a door to the truth.


As the investigation deepened, the atmosphere inside the Moreen estate became tense. Arthur Grayson began to notice subtle changes between family members, and each person's actions seemed to hide some kind of deep intention.

Early one morning, as Arthur Grayson was about to head to his study, he was interrupted by a scream. The sound came from Mrs. Emma's bedroom. He and the others hurried to the scene, only to see Lady Emma pointing in horror to a wall where a crack was slowly expanding. Arthur Grayson quickly inspected the walls and confirmed that it was not a structural issue, but that someone had done it on purpose.

This incident brought tensions within the manor to a climax. Sir John's face turned iron-blue, and he began to accuse the family of distrust and intrigue among the family members. Lady Emma became more reticent, her eyes full of fear. Miss Catherine was unusually anxious, and kept asking if it was part of the family curse.

In the days that followed, Arthur Grayson found more signs that someone was secretly operating on the estate. Some items were moved inexplicably, and on a few occasions he even found his notebook flipped. Arthur Grayson realizes that the game has evolved from a dangerous cat-and-mouse game to no longer limited to finding secrets in the secret room.

One night, while working alone in his study, Arthur Grayson suddenly heard a faint voice. He followed the voice to the library and found Robert, the butler, talking to an unknown person. Their conversation touched on the family's fortune and an important day to come. Arthur Grayson did not show up, but silently jotted down this important clue.

As time went on, Arthur Grayson began to gradually piece together the pieces of this complex puzzle. He realizes that everyone in the family has their own secrets and motives, and these secrets and motives are closely related to the secrets of the secret room. He decides to make a bold move at the upcoming dinner, hoping to bring out the culprits behind the scenes.

At the dinner, Arthur Grayson deliberately brought up some topics about family curses and inheritance. His words elicited a strong reaction from members of the family. Sir John's face turned ugly, Lady Emma clenched her napkin nervously, and Miss Catherine looked confused. Arthur Grayson knew that he had gotten to the heart of the matter, and the next thing was to wait for the storm to come.

Don't 🈶 be an inside room


After a series of crises and hints, Arthur Grayson finally has the time to uncover the truth. He gathers all the clues and evidence and prepares to uncover the real culprit at tonight's dinner party. The tension in the manor was at an all-time high, and everyone gathered in the dining room with trepidation.

Arthur Grayson began his statement in a calm but firm tone. He first reviews the key points of the case, and then reveals the secrets and motives of each family member one by one. He points out everything Sir John did to protect the family property, including the secret of the Chamber of Secrets and the legend of the family curse. He also reveals Mrs. Emma's concerns about the family's future and the sacrifices she made for her daughter's well-being.

As the detective's words deepen, Miss Catherine's true identity is revealed. She turned out to be a private investigator who was hired by forces outside the family in order to investigate the family's secrets and property disputes. And Robert the housekeeper and Mary, the governess, are not as simple characters as they seem, they each have their own backgrounds and purposes.

Under Arthur Grayson's brilliant reasoning, the real murderer finally has nowhere to hide. It turned out that a series of events were all orchestrated by Sir John to test the loyalty and wisdom of the family members. And the relationship between Lady Emma and Miss Catherine is not mother and daughter, but a long period of deception and exploitation.

When the truth was revealed, the tension in the manor was finally eased. The members of the family were ashamed of their mistakes and misunderstandings, and Sir John realized his mistakes. He expressed his deep apologies to Arthur Grayson and promised to reassess his attitude and responsibilities towards the family.

The detective leaves the manor, leaving behind a more united and peaceful family. They have learned to trust and understand each other, and they have also rediscovered the importance of family traditions. And Arthur Grayson once again proved his intelligence and ability as a detective, and his saga continues in the fog.