
I'd rather be lonely than spoil people's hearts

author:Create excellent coffee
I'd rather be lonely than spoil people's hearts

In the world of romance and love, the most unpleasant thing in people's hearts is those things that take people's hearts as child's play. Some people, just for their own selfishness, or want to be happy, or want to show off, they will deceive and hurt the hearts of others, this thing is really unreasonable, it is too disgraceful.

There is a group of people who are not looking for any real feelings, but for that kind of excitement, or want to satisfy their vanity. Their mouths are like smeared with honey, sweet words are one after another, and promises are flying all over the sky, but in their hearts, they don't take anyone seriously at all. As a result, he left a scar on the hearts of others, and he also bore a debt of conscience.

Such a person, to put it bluntly, is selfish and timid. They are reluctant to show their sincerity, and they can't afford to take that responsibility, so they hide and deceive when they encounter something. They don't know what to cherish and what to respect, and in the end, they can only live alone.

1. Spoiling people's hearts, it hurts you in the end

"You hurt someone's heart, and in the end, the hurt will come back to you."

Playing with people's hearts, on the surface it looks quite shrewd, but in fact it is stupid. If you hurt someone, you are stabbing yourself in the heart. Why? Because trust is gone, true feelings are scattered, and the principles of being a man are lost.

I'd rather be lonely than spoil people's hearts

Someone on the Internet said: "I used to be ignorant, I played with a person's feelings, and then I wanted to make up for it, but I found out that it was too late." Now I can only regret it in my heart, and my life is like a lonely ghost. ”

Listen, it's embarrassing. Playing with people's hearts, the final harvest can only be endless regret and loneliness. Therefore, we must learn to cherish true feelings and not hurt others for personal gain.

Playing with people's hearts is a sign of selfishness. Selfish people can only end up in a bleak end. If you want to win the respect and trust of others, you must first learn to respect others and treat others sincerely.

2. Loneliness is a brave choice and a ladder for growth

"Loneliness is actually the only way for us to get to know ourselves."

Lonely, it is not a flood beast. The terrible thing is that you go to harm others because you are afraid of being alone. Choosing to be lonely requires courage and is part of our growth. Only when we are lonely can we ponder ourselves and find our true selves.

I'd rather be lonely than spoil people's hearts

Someone else on the Internet said: "I used to be afraid of being lonely, so I always thought about finding a companion by playing with others." But later I found out that that kind of companion was fake, and it couldn't give me real happiness at all. Now that I'm alone, I feel quite peaceful and comfortable in my heart. ”

Look, that's a lot of power. Loneliness, it can make us understand ourselves better and cherish those true feelings more. We must learn to enjoy loneliness and become stronger in loneliness.

Of course, being alone doesn't mean you have to be alone. Rather, you have to fill your heart with knowledge and love to fill the emptiness so that you can find true happiness in loneliness.

3. True love is the most precious thing in the world

"At the end of the day, true love is the most heartwarming thing in the world."

True affection, it is like the purest bond between people. Sincerity, kindness, trust, these are all synonymous with it. With true love, our life can be enjoyable.

I'd rather be lonely than spoil people's hearts

Someone else shared online: "I was so lucky to have met someone who was genuinely good to me. The two of us loved each other and lived a lot of good lives together. I'm glad that I didn't ruin other people's feelings because I was afraid of being lonely, but chose true feelings. ”

Listen to this blissful tune. True love, it is like the sunshine and rain in our lives, which is indispensable. We have to learn to cherish it and take care of it with sincerity, so that it can stay with us for a long time.

If we want to make the true love last, we have to manage it with our hearts. Communicate more, understand more, and support each other more, so that our relationship can get deeper and deeper.

All in all, we'd rather be lonely than spoil people's hearts. Ruining people's hearts will only harm others and oneself in the end. Only by choosing true love can we reap true happiness.

Don't forget, true love is a priceless treasure. We have to cherish it with our hearts and exchange our sincerity for sincerity, so that we can have those beautiful love and friendship.