
Don't be cowardly, learn to protect yourself

author:Create excellent coffee
Don't be cowardly, learn to protect yourself

In our ordinary and colorful life, who hasn't encountered a few things that don't go well, or met so many people who are not so friendly? In this case, how can we protect ourselves and not let ourselves suffer?

Some people, as soon as the word "fear" comes out in their hearts, they are like frosted eggplants, and they don't even have the idea of resisting, so they can only choose to endure it silently. Outcome? Not only was my heart hurt, but even the self-esteem and self-confidence that I valued were worn away.

In the final analysis, this cowardice is mostly because he is afraid of this and that, and as soon as his inferiority complex comes up, he doesn't dare to do anything. I'm afraid of quarreling with others, I'm afraid of taking responsibility, and I'm afraid that others won't like me. Therefore, they would rather hide than stand up and fight for themselves.

But we have to understand that we can't hide from it, and cowardice can't solve any problems, it will only make our hearts more aggrieved. If we want to live comfortably, we must learn to face those challenges bravely and learn how to protect ourselves, so that we can truly feel free and happy.

First, you must recognize your own value

"In this world, you are the most unique, your own value, that is unparalleled."

Each of us is the only treasure in the world, and we all have our own shining points. You have to recognize your own value and believe that you have that ability, so that you can hold your chest up, have self-confidence, and have the courage to face everything.

Don't be cowardly, learn to protect yourself

You see someone on the Internet commenting that "I used to have low self-esteem, and I always felt that I couldn't go anywhere." Later, I thought about it, it turned out that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and I began to learn to appreciate my own strengths, and no longer always compare myself with others. ”

That's right! Low self-esteem, many times it is that you can't get along with yourself, and you always stare at your shortcomings. We have to learn to change our perspective and look at our own goodness, so that we can get our self-confidence back.

Recognizing the value of oneself is not to make you feel that you are the best in the world, but to look at yourself objectively, and the strengths and weaknesses are clearly displayed, and then continue to learn and make progress to make yourself better.

2. Learning to say "no" is also a way to protect yourself

In life, you will inevitably encounter some unreasonable demands, at this time, you have to learn to refuse bravely, don't let those messy things take up too much of your time and energy.

Don't be cowardly, learn to protect yourself

There are also people on the Internet who left a message saying: "In the past, I just couldn't wipe my face, and I agreed to whatever others said, but I was tired enough." Then I learned to say no, and my life was a lot easier. ”

This netizen is right! Rejecting others does not mean that you are rude, but that you are responsible for your time and energy. We can't always be wronged by ourselves, we have to learn to protect ourselves.

Refusal, this thing has to have courage, but also to pay attention to the method. You have to get your thoughts out there, don't ramble. When saying "no", be sincere and calm, and try not to make the scene embarrassing.

3. When you encounter difficulties, don't be afraid to ask for help

When faced with problems or dangers, don't hold on and learn to ask family, friends or professionals for help. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to solve the problem.

Don't be cowardly, learn to protect yourself

Someone left a message on the Internet: "I used to solve difficult problems by myself, and as a result, I was overwhelmed." Then I started to learn to find someone to help, and the problem was solved immediately. ”

How valuable is this netizen's experience! Asking for help doesn't mean you can't, but that you know how to use the resources around you. We have to learn to trust others and not carry everything on ourselves.

When you ask for help, you have to overcome that bit of shame and dependence. You have to trust that you have the power to solve the problem, but you also have to know when to reach out for help.

All in all, we must not be cowardly, we must learn to protect ourselves. Recognize your own value, learn to refuse unreasonable demands, and know how to ask for help when you encounter difficulties. In this way, we can live that kind of free and happy life.

Remember, you deserve a better life. Don't let cowardice hurt you, stand up bravely, protect yourself, and pursue your dreams!

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