
The Seven Laws and Solar Terms are a small summer day

author:Cautionary writings

The Seven Laws and Solar Terms are a small summer day


During the solar term, it is a small summer day,

Look at Murayama by the window letter.

Even the peaks and green trees carry the wind,

The thick clouds in the mountains send the rain back.

The chaffinch chirps pleasantly in the morning,

The neighbors are leisurely at dawn.

Why do you need to hope for the relief of drought in the countryside,

The farm yard laughed to its heart's content.

The Seven Laws and Solar Terms are a small summer day


It was the summer solar term of the 24 solar terms of the year, and I was standing in front of the window in the early morning, looking out at the mountains surrounding the village. Seeing the wind blowing through the lush jungle on the rolling mountain peaks, the wind suddenly stopped, and the mountains and forests returned to their former calm, and the thick clouds that overflowed the mountains sent away the rain that had fallen all night.

(The poem explains the time, place, people, and causes of the event, and the background is that there has been no rain for many days in the mountainous areas of western Liaoning, and the crops are beginning to see a drought.) )

The Seven Laws and Solar Terms are a small summer day

The swallows and sparrows on the eaves also began to sing pleasantly in the early morning, and the neighbors got up in the morning and went out of the house one after another. A group of two people enjoyed the rare leisure after the rain. Everyone agreed that last night's heavy rain had completely solved the drought in the crops, and there was no longer any need for hope.

The sound of laughter came from the courtyards of the farmhouses throughout the mountain village.

(The lower part of the poem mainly focuses on the lyricism of the scenery and writes the joy of the villagers, that is, to express my own happy mood, because I am also one of the villagers.) )

The Seven Laws and Solar Terms are a small summer day

Rolling hills, dense green jungles, strong winds blowing away the thick clouds that spread over the mountains, swallows and sparrows flying down on the eaves, people rejoicing when the drought was lifted after the rain. It forms a beautiful landscape picture, which is also the true meaning of poetry.

Singing about such a beautiful life is also the true meaning of my poetry.

The Seven Laws and Solar Terms are a small summer day