
Pursue prestigious schools | It is necessary to pay attention to the all-round development and happy growth of children, and apply for the charm of prestigious schools and the thoughts of education

author:Tianmu Tideman


After the 2024 college entrance examination is over and the scores are revealed, some parents still don't know what kind of score they can apply for 985 and 211 universities?

First of all, let's talk about 985 and 211 universities first, which must be those famous schools in the middle and upper part. Zhejiang does not divide arts and sciences, but in the enrollment plan statistics, there are requirements for materialization combinations and unlimited subject combinations. The number of 985 university plans for the materialization combination is about 6500+, and the number of 985 university plans for the unlimited subject combination is about 1500+. The number of 985+211 plans for the materialization combination is about 11,000+, and the number of 985+211 university plans for the unrestricted subject combination is about 3,400+.

Therefore, we can see from the above data that the total enrollment plan of 985+211 is about 15,000, which is about 5% compared to the 300,000 candidates in Zhejiang.

Prestigious schools are quite difficult to get into, so those children who can be admitted to C9 universities are indeed the dragons and phoenixes among people.

In the era of high university acceptance rates, college diplomas are no longer rare, but diplomas from prestigious schools are still relatively valuable. It is said that scarcity is expensive, which is why it is too difficult to get into a prestigious school, especially in colleges and universities at the level of Tsinghua University, Peking University and Huawu, basically only the innovative class children in a key high school have the opportunity to be admitted.

These colleges and universities are basically out of reach for our ordinary high school children.

Pursue prestigious schools | It is necessary to pay attention to the all-round development and happy growth of children, and apply for the charm of prestigious schools and the thoughts of education

The charm and educational thinking of Zhejiang candidates applying for famous universities

Author: Gao Shan

The college entrance examination, as an important node in China's education system, affects the hearts of countless families every year. When the scores were announced, the discussion on how to apply for prestigious schools also began. After the end of the college entrance examination in 2024, we are thinking more and more deeply about prestigious schools.

985 and 211 universities, these middle and upper middle schools, are undoubtedly the dream goals of many students. In Zhejiang, although there is no liberal arts and science division, different combinations of enrollment plans present different situations.

For example, there is a difference in the number of 985 university plans for the materialized combination and the unlimited subject combination, while the number of 985+211 plans makes us intuitively feel the relative scarcity of resources for prestigious universities.

The total enrollment plan of only about 15,000 is only about 5% compared to 300,000 candidates, which fully shows the fierce competition of prestigious schools.

It is not an exaggeration to say that children who can be admitted to C9 universities are praised as dragons and phoenixes. To be able to stand out in such a fierce competition requires a lot of hard work and excellent ability.

And in this era of high university acceptance rates, diplomas from prestigious schools still show their unique value. Scarcity is precious, and the scarcity of prestigious schools makes its diploma a precious capital.

Colleges and universities at the levels of Tsinghua University, Peking University and Huawu are even more prohibitive for ordinary people, and it seems that only those children who are in a class of innovative classes in a high school have the opportunity to reach them.

However, we cannot judge a person's value and future just by whether they can be admitted to a prestigious school. The purpose of education should not only pursue the aura of a prestigious school, but also pay more attention to cultivating students' comprehensive quality and personality development.

Although prestigious schools can provide high-quality educational resources and a broad development platform, they are not the only path to success. We should encourage students to shine in the field that suits them, rather than making prestigious schools their only goal.

At the same time, we should also reflect on the imbalance in the distribution of educational resources. Why are only a few students able to enjoy the resources of prestigious schools?

Pursue prestigious schools | It is necessary to pay attention to the all-round development and happy growth of children, and apply for the charm of prestigious schools and the thoughts of education

So, how can we make more students have access to high-quality education? This requires the joint efforts of the whole society to increase investment in education, optimize the allocation of educational resources, and create a better educational environment for every child.

For parents, they should also look at their children's college entrance examination results and future development rationally. Don't go too far after a prestigious school and ignore your child's interests and strengths.

Every child is unique, and they have their own development path and potential. The most important thing is to help children find their own direction and cultivate their independent learning ability and innovative spirit.

In this highly competitive society, elite schools do have certain advantages, but we cannot ignore the success and development of other avenues.

We must respect everyone's choices and efforts, regardless of whether they are admitted to prestigious universities or not. The significance of education is not only to cultivate a small number of elites, but also to improve the quality and civilization of the whole society.

Let us look at education and prestigious schools with a more open and inclusive mind, and encourage every child to shine on their own life path.

After all, the stage of life is incomparably broad, and prestigious schools are only part of it, and the real excitement lies in the fact that everyone can find their own place and realize their own value.

Whether it is the pursuit of excellence in a prestigious school or the silent dedication in an ordinary position, it is worthy of our respect and praise. The essence of education is to educate people, let us work together so that every child can thrive in the sunshine of education and become useful to society.

In short, although prestigious schools are desirable, we cannot ignore the diversity of education and individual differences. While pursuing prestigious schools, we should also pay attention to the all-round development and happy growth of each child. Only in this way can our education truly realize its value and cultivate more outstanding talents for the society.

Pursue prestigious schools | It is necessary to pay attention to the all-round development and happy growth of children, and apply for the charm of prestigious schools and the thoughts of education

For children in Zhejiang, in addition to 985 and 211 universities, there are also some high-quality colleges and universities across the country to choose from:

1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences: Strong scientific research strength and high reputation in the field of science and engineering. The disciplines cover a wide range of natural sciences, and many disciplines are highly professional and competitive.

2. Southern University of Science and Technology: An innovative university that focuses on scientific research and the cultivation of innovative talents. The high degree of internationalization is also a representative feature of the company, and it has carried out extensive cooperation and exchanges with many internationally renowned universities and scientific research institutions, providing students with a broad international vision and exchange opportunities.

3. Shenzhen University: Growing rapidly and excelling in some subject areas. The school attaches great importance to international exchanges and cooperation, and has established cooperative relations with many internationally renowned universities, so that students have more opportunities to get in touch with international advanced educational concepts and academic resources.

4. ShanghaiTech University: It has a unique training model and advantageous disciplines. With a high degree of internationalization, we work closely with many well-known universities and scientific research institutions to provide students with rich opportunities for international exchanges and cooperation, and broaden their international horizons.

5. Capital Medical University: It has a high reputation and influence in the medical field. The school has extensive cooperative relations with many well-known medical institutions at home and abroad, providing students with a wide range of exchange and internship opportunities.

6. East China University of Political Science and Law: a well-known university in the field of law. The school has a wide reputation and influence in the field of law, providing students with a good employment platform and development opportunities.

7. Southwest University of Political Science and Law: It has cultivated a large number of outstanding legal talents for the country. In the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education, the first-level discipline of law, together with four universities including Peking University and Tsinghua University, was shortlisted for A-level disciplines, tied for second place in the country, and is also the only discipline shortlisted for A-level in Chongqing.

8. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications: Communication, electronics and other related majors have obvious advantages. In terms of discipline construction, electronic information disciplines have obvious advantages, and communication engineering, electronic science and technology and other majors are in a leading position in China. The school has a number of national key disciplines and provincial and ministerial key disciplines.

9. Hangzhou Dianzi University: It has a certain position in the field of electronic information. The school has strong strength in the fields of electronic information and computer science, and its related majors have a high reputation and influence in China.

10. China Medical University: Good results in medical education and research. From the perspective of professional strength, it has profound accumulation and excellent level in the medical field, especially in clinical medicine and basic medicine.

11. Yanshan University: Strong engineering strength. In the fourth round of national discipline evaluation, 8 disciplines have obtained the evaluation results of class B or above, including A- in mechanical engineering, ranking in the top 10% in the country, and materials science and engineering in B+, ranking in the top 20% in the country.

12. Xiangtan University: It is comprehensive and has certain disciplinary advantages. In terms of disciplines, it has outstanding advantages in mathematics and other disciplines, and many disciplines have a certain influence in China. It has a group of excellent subject leaders and academic teams.

Edited by Shulai

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