
Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

author:History of Wholesale
The information in this article comes from the personal account of Douyin "Wenzi and 喯儿先生", and the detailed pictures are attached at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!


Every day at home, in addition to sleeping, he eats, and finds his wife to receive 7,000 yuan a month for a "nest fee".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

This guy from Henan took what is called "soft rice and hard eating" to the extreme, and the first half of the class did not learn anything else, but took the leader who was 9 years older than him first.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Since then, he has been fired from the company, so he can only drive his wife's car, return to the big flat that his wife bought, and lie on the sofa sadly playing games. If you have nothing to do at home, you will be thrown a card by your wife to let him go out to travel quickly, don't stay at home and "get in the way".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

can have such a life, is it because this Henan guy is handsome? There is still something outstanding that will let the leader who is 9 years older than him marry him and willingly raise him.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

The abacus hits the leader

This Henan guy has a nickname called "mosquito", because he can keep chattering all day long, just like a mosquito annoying people, and it just so happens that there is a tattoo in his name. But he didn't expect his "annoyingness" to make him "marry Bai Fumei and go to the peak of life".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

After graduating from Henan Guy Wenzi School, he also began to look for a job that suits him like an ordinary graduate. However, his requirements for his salary were not high, because at that time he only had to worry about supporting himself, and in the vernacular, "one person is fed, and the whole family is not worried".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

With this mentality, in 2015, Wenzi went to a company in Zhengzhou for an interview, and after passing the interview, he began a boring and dull part-time life.

However, Wenzi only went to work for a few days and found that one of the leaders of their team was really his "ideal type", and Wenzi had the spirit of "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers" because of his youth.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

With the help of work and the leader's friend, he began to set up, and this leader is the future daughter-in-law of Wenzi, Mr. Zhao. When other people's work is done well, the pattern frequently makes mistakes because of the lack of experience not long after graduation.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Mr. Zhao saw that he was also quite a "headache", and he found a talk about the current situation on WeChat, and Wenzi would be coquettish and pitiful to her. At that time, Mr. Zhao only felt that Wenzi was young and spoke like a child, but he didn't expect that the "child" in her eyes had already hit her with an abacus.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

A few days later, when their team was in a meeting, Mr. Zhao's WeChat received a message, and when he clicked on it, he saw that it was the new "tattoo" again, and this time he was looking for her to ask her to go to the movies at night.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Mr. Zhao stared at the nine words "Manager, let's go to the movies at night" on his mobile phone, and after thinking about it, he didn't know why Wenzi sent her this message, and even felt that Wenzi had sent it by mistake.

But the moment she raised her eyes to meet the lines, she knew that this person was not joking. Of course, the "strong woman" Mr. Zhao put all his focus on work, and ignored all the news similar to "uproar" like Wenzi.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

In Mr. Zhao's opinion, she was "silent refusal", but Wenzi complacently thought that this was Mr. Zhao's "acquiescence", and began to spend more effort to ask Mr. Zhao to date him.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

After a period of unilateral pursuit of Wenzi, Mr. Zhao's attitude finally ushered in a turning point and agreed to Wenzi's lunch invitation.

Both parents look at the bad feelings

And it was not a big meal to win Mr. Zhao, and the place where they went on a date was not romantic, just a bowl of haggis soup became the place where their love began.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

At that time, Wenzi had already started to do self-media, but at that time, the unanimous evaluation of Wenzi by netizens was that he had no "self-knowledge", because he was not outstanding in appearance, and he had no money, no house or car, but he was a female leader who was nine years older than him.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Netizens think that he is for money and doesn't want to take a "detour". But later the news of their marriage surprised netizens even more, since a bowl of haggis soup started the love between the two of them.

The relationship between the two of them developed rapidly, and Wenzi often ran to Mr. Zhao's house, just to cook a meal for Mr. Zhao, and he would consciously clean up after cooking, just like "Tianluo Girl".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

And Mr. Zhao would refuse Wenzi to go to his house at first, but when he saw that he came over every day to serve him, in this way, within a few days, Mr. Zhao felt that Wenzi was also very good in her house, so he simply cleaned up a room for Wenzi to live in.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

It was also at that time that the two of them completely confirmed their relationship, because the company clearly required that employees were not allowed to have "office romances" in the company. So Mr. Zhao directly expelled and "liberated" the tattoo.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

At that time, Wenzi also worked in that company for half a year, and Mr. Zhao calculated his salary and found that Wenzi's salary in half a year was as much as her monthly salary, so Wenzi didn't need to look for any work, just serve her well at home, after all, in Mr. Zhao's eyes, Wenzi's salary was "three melons and two dates", and if it was opened, it was not opened.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

In this way, they began to live together, and then the two of them began to think about marriage, of course, Wenzi had no objection, and he had full authority to listen to Mr. Zhao's arrangement, but Wenzi's family background was not good, and he couldn't take out the bride price at all.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

And after Mr. Zhao's parents knew that their daughter's object was such a condition, they only felt that the two of them were "not the right household", and Mr. Zhao was deceived by the tattoo, and wanted to marry a daughter-in-law when he had nothing.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Mr. Zhao's family is not optimistic about the two of them, but the parents of the tattoo are not optimistic, although their family is poor, but they think that the tattoo is still young, not long after coming out of work, this is to find a 9-year-old, or a leader, that deception tattoo is not "easy"?

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Married life with only worrying about spending money

Although the two families were not optimistic about the two of them, the two of them thought about it very much, and they went to get the certificate and got married, not asking directly into a notice.

Wenzi didn't prepare a penny dowry, so she married a smart and capable beautiful wife, and even Mr. Zhao said that she had never given her a gift after being in love for so long, and she bought everything for Wenzi.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Later, I thought about it carefully, there was a watch for him, about 18,000 at a price, but the pattern was only 14,000, so Wenzi borrowed 4,000 from Mr. Zhao to buy this watch for Mr. Zhao and gave it to Mr. Zhao, which is also their "token of love".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

After getting married, the two of them had a son, Wenzi became a full-time househusband at home, and Mr. Zhao went out every day to earn money to support the family. Mr. Zhao will also give Wenzi a "nest fee" of 7,000 every month for him to spend.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

If there is nothing to do, let Wenzi go out to travel, and Zhao will always feel that Wenzi has a good time traveling, and she will have a sense of accomplishment. Now they have been married for a few years, and the children have started to go to kindergarten, so they don't need to go everywhere.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Wenzi began to live a more lazy life, and even picked up and dropped off his children to and from school, and he sometimes asked the parents of his son's classmates to pick him up for him, and he only had to wake up at home to eat, and when he was full, he thought about how to spend the money, and when the living expenses were spent, he worried about how to let Mr. Zhao spend money for him.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

And the account where Wenzi records life, when there were only tens of thousands of fans a few years ago, Wenzi patted Mr. Zhao, and Mr. Zhao was reluctant to appear on camera at all, most of the time she wore a mask, or only let Wenzi shoot her back.

Until the two of them suddenly became popular, their accounts received many advertisements, so this number became that Mr. Zhao has been updating, and the pattern is "lying flat" again.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

Mr. Zhao worked hard every day, and after work, he had to shoot a video for Mr. Zhao to update his account, and Mr. Zhao only had to find a way to spend the money every day, drive Mr. Zhao's luxury car out to play, and when he came back from playing, he rested in the large flat that Mr. Zhao bought.

Many netizens think that to be able to marry Mr. Zhao, Wenzi is a real "less detour of decades", starting "retirement life" in advance, and even thinking that Wenzi "eats soft rice".

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

And Wenzi just felt that he had pursued the person he liked, and finally he told netizens that if there is someone he likes, he should boldly pursue it, there are not so many "doors are not right for each other", only whether you like it or not, Wenzi does like a person who is very different from him.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month

But Wenzi is not greedy for Mr. Zhao's money, but sincerely likes Mr. Zhao, and he also pursues Mr. Zhao with his own ability, and it just so happens that Mr. Zhao provides him with a lifestyle like "eating soft rice", in fact, the reason why the two of them are together is inseparable from the premise of loving each other.

Married a 9-year-old female leader, resigned to be a "full-time househusband" at home, and received 7,000 "nest fees" in a month