
Douban high score: Recommend 3 books that let you relax and follow your fate, which page the wind blows and which page to read!

author:Book book appreciation

Winter pastures

Li Juan

9.1 (39337 reviews)

Douban high score: Recommend 3 books that let you relax and follow your fate, which page the wind blows and which page to read!

Testimonials (lines):

The fresh wind of the literary world, the elf of Altay

Li Juan's first full-length documentary prose masterpiece

Four months, zero distance, the whole process of describing the winter pasture of the Kazakh nation!

Lambing in spring, fattening in summer, breeding in autumn, and breeding in winter. The life of a sheep is a shepherd's life, but what about the life of a shepherd? This thousand-mile home, these most intimate and tiny folds of the earth, this most cramped and fragile shelter in every one...... Youth, wealth, love, hope, all silent. - Li Juan

In the winter of 2010, Li Juan followed a well-known Kazakh herder into the winter pastures and deserts of southern Altay, and spent a period of hardship and wilderness life. Li Juan is the first Han Chinese writer to describe the winter herding life of the Kazakh people, and she presents the unique survival landscape of the last batch of "wilderness masters" in Altai during the winter transition with affectionate and restrained words.

Loving you is like loving life

Wang Xiaobo

8.8(115286 reviews)

Douban high score: Recommend 3 books that let you relax and follow your fate, which page the wind blows and which page to read!

Testimonials (lines):

Wang Xiaobo's letters are all selected from the first edition of "Love You Like Love Life" published by Chaohua Publishing House in April 2004, which is a "book from two places" with Li Yinhe that Wang Xiaobo never published during his lifetime, and it is also the most complete and independent collection of letters between the couple so far.

The world is worth it

Tsuneko Nakamura

8.1 (2438 reviews)

Douban high score: Recommend 3 books that let you relax and follow your fate, which page the wind blows and which page to read!

Testimonials (lines):

The years ahead are long, and it's still worth looking forward to.

How do people spend their lives so that they don't live up to it? Faced with the ultimate problem of life, the author Tsuneko Nakamura, who has been a psychiatrist for 70 years, has turned her 90 years of life wisdom into sincere proverbs on work, love, interpersonal relationships, happiness, death and other topics in the six chapters of this book, accompanying countless people through the muddy period of life, so that they still have the courage to love life after recognizing the truth of life. The author's narration always makes you suddenly open up, dispel your worries, feel the power of life, and make you realize that "this is your own life", as long as you live yourself, you will find that "the world is worth it".