
Short story: The truth of the one-day holiday (final) is revealed

author:Koku's tree hole
Short story: The truth of the one-day holiday (final) is revealed


When they heard that I had been in a car accident, the house was in chaos.

The classmates swarmed Tang Bin in the middle, gossiping and talking.

Tang Bin sat on the chair and wiped the cold sweat from his sideburns, reluctantly replied to two questions, and drank the mineral water one after another, like a fish forcibly taken out of the water.

"Why are you so unlucky?" A girl said.

Male classmate Wang Jifeng took over, "Don't worry, Su Jiahui is a celestial person, maybe it's just a false alarm!" ”

Some classmates chimed in.

Tang Bin nodded worriedly, "It's better to be like this!" Don't be fine! ”

I was glad that he was so worried about my safety, and just as I was about to leave, his inner thoughts fell firmly into my ears, "Otherwise, how can I talk to his husband about the project!" ”


Sure enough, Zhao Qiang guessed correctly, he contacted me with a purpose!

After drinking a bottle of water, Zhao Qiang wiped his mouth, "I have to go to the hospital to see if there is anything I need help with!" As he spoke, his eyes fell on a few boys.

Those few people dodged and didn't come forward, Miao Hongyang was the first to say, "I can't go, my wife has a night shift at night!" I have to take care of the kids! ”

Someone was about to speak again, but Tang Bin stretched out his hand to make a stop movement, "Yes, I'll go by myself!" ”

After he finished speaking, regardless of everyone's reaction, he strode out, and when he walked to the second floor, Wang Jifeng and Zhang Peng trotted up to follow.

"Binzi, let's go with you!" Wang Jifeng said diligently.

Zhang Peng added without saltiness, "Happiness and hardship are the same!" ”

Why are you still involved in "blessing" and "difficulty"? I'm confused!

Tang Bin drove the car out with a "whoosh", the air pressure in the car was extremely low, and after about a kilometer or so, he said coldly, "There is no Miao Hongyang like this, I saw Li moving forward, and when I encountered something, I shrank back!" ”


Zhang Peng turned from the passenger seat to look at Wang Jifeng in the back seat, and the eyes of the two crackled and collided for a few seconds, but neither of them spoke.

Tang Bin had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "How many people want to get involved in the R&D base project, do you know?" Classmates, it's not easy to see a few brothers, so I decided to take you with me, but people like him don't have a sense of risk sharing, so they have to be out! ”

Oh, so they are prospective partners!

Not to mention that the project has not been approved yet, that is, the project has been launched, and Tang Bin is just a small role, I am really curious how he can give his classmates the "blessing!" ”

The car was quiet for a few seconds, and Zhang Peng said slowly, "Da Miao's mood is also understandable, if someone drinks at a table, if someone has a problem drinking, the whole table of drinking friends is responsible, Old Tang, we can't have anything to do this time, right?" ”

Tang Bin frowned, "Something?" Can it blackmail you or deceive you? First of all, Su Jiahui herself is coming to the party, and no one tied her up, right? Secondly, with such a big row of noodles as a husband, can it be the kind of thinking of the people in the market who touch porcelain? ”


Although Zhang Peng was trained, I saw that his tight back was relaxed, his face was as peaceful as taking a reassuring pill, and Wang Jifeng's frowning brows in the back row were also stretched, "That's it, that's it!" He laughed "hey".

It's so boring!

I flew to the city where Zhao Qiang was on a business trip!

When I passed above the Jincheng Hotel, I heard the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums, and when I looked down, the wedding car procession that slipped four laps slowly stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

My husband's cousin, supported by the groom, stepped out of the wedding car with a radiant face, showing her inner satisfaction and joy vividly.

On the day of the third wedding, in front of her relatives, she told the shortcomings of the first two married men that the shortcomings were unspeakable and unforgivable, and praised the honest groom that day.

Will she still put on an old drama today?

I sincerely wish her happiness, sister, stop here! If you want to have a long-lasting marriage, you still need some thought to manage.


Before leaving, he talked to others in the study, saying that he was expected to be promoted after the training, and he is now the director of the development zone, and then he will be promoted, isn't it the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee or the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee?

Under the tall plane tree, a row of rust-colored buildings is hidden in it, and the appearance of the building is not distinctive, but as soon as you walk into this courtyard, you will spontaneously feel a sense of awe.

The interior decoration of the hotel is ingenious, with both modern atmosphere and strong sense of art, with restaurants, guest rooms, meeting rooms, fitness centers, swimming pools, movie viewing rooms, etc., to meet people's comfortable stay experience and take into account the needs of various activities.

I remember Zhao Qiang told me that his room was next to the staircase, so I flew up and shuttled through the rooms on both sides of the staircase, and in a room on the sixth floor, I saw a man with a frank chest and a belly wearing a necklace for a delicate waiter.

Blame me for my low culture, I haven't found the exact word to describe the expression on his face until now!

To be in such a sacred and solemn place, I really think that my life is long.


On the eleventh floor, I saw Zhao Qiang, not only was he there, but his classmate Qi Dawei, deputy director of the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, was also there, they were fellow villagers and classmates, and because they were of the same rank, they were very close.

At this moment, the two of them are around the coffee table, one holding a bottle of beer and blowing on the coffee table, I look at the appetizers on the coffee table, fried peanuts, roast chicken, salted duck eggs, canned anchovies, cucumbers, green onions, sauce, dried tofu......

Putting down the beer bottle, Zhao Qiang picked up the cucumber and took a bite, "Lao Qi, the food you brought is really to my liking, I've been tired of eating in the canteen recently!" ”

Lao Qi grinned, "The two of us are sick, guarding the canteen of the provincial organ with delicacies from the mountains and seas, and eating these trouble-saving things!" ”

Zhao Qiang raised the wine bottle and touched it with Lao Qi, "Don't say it, I'm used to eating those delicate things, and I still think about this, the last time I went on a business trip, an old man lived in the opposite bunk with me, and he drank liquor with dried fish, peanuts and mustard, and I was greedy, with green light in my eyes, and finally I couldn't stand it, so I lay down on the bunk and pretended to sleep." ”


Lao Qi laughed out a string of goose sounds, and threw a few peanuts into his mouth before starting to chew, "I found out that although we were used to seeing a lot of prosperity later, what really made us miss was what was difficult to reach at the beginning." ”

As he spoke, he pointed to roast chicken and canned anchovies, "When we were young, what family could eat this?" ”

Zhao Qiang nodded, "Do you know why I'm willing to stay with you?" Empathize! ”

Lao Qi was happy, "To put it bluntly, we are all people who have suffered hardships!" ”

In a word, the two drank all the wine in the bottle, and Zhao Qiang then opened two more bottles of beer.

Lao Qi took off half of his sleeves and looked at Zhao Qiang, "I went back to my hometown to worship my ancestors on the Qingming Festival, accompanied by the cadres in the county, do you know what they call us?" Qingcheng Shuangbi! ”

Zhao Qiang nodded habitually, "In a small poor place like ours, it is indeed rare for two department-level cadres to come out at once!" ”

Lao Qi leaned forward to Zhao Qiang, "Brother, at the moment, you are only one step away from the prefect, you must make steady progress and steady progress!" ”


Zhao Qiang smiled, "Let it be, brother, to be honest, my brother walked from a small ranger to this position, and he was very content!" ”

Lao Qi pursed his mouth, "Going with the flow is not forced after doing everything you can, not just spreading your hands and ignoring it, I have prepared a few authentic paintings for you, you go to skewers!" ”

Zhao Qiang looked at Lao Qi's purring eyes, "Authenticity? Where did you do it? ”

Lao Qi smiled incomprehensibly, "Don't ask the source, raise the craft to art, and raise art to cultural relics, there are too many doorways here, you just remember that there are no fake things from our cultural relics store, pen, ink, color, paper, seal, and mud are all the relics of the old man!" ”

Zhao Qiang hugged Lao Qi's back, "Brother, thank you, you are more concerned about my own affairs than me!" ”

Lao Qi also hugged Zhao Qiang with his backhand, "Brother, begging for a living in our net, you can't go far alone, kiss or not, hometown people, what is the difference between helping you and helping myself?" ”

While talking, the two men put their heads together, and this scene reminded me of the scene where Liu Bei hugged Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in Taoyuan.


Lao Qi continued, "You have built the development zone into the economic engine of our city, some people like it, some people hate it, I have heard many people call you 'dictatorial Zhao', these are not obstacles to your progress, on the contrary, it will become a help, I am afraid of ......."

Speaking of this, Lao Qi stopped and looked at Zhao Qiang meaningfully, Zhao Qiang was stared at by him and lowered his head, "Brother, don't worry about my brother's life style, I really have eaten with her a few times!" ”

She? My heart sank quickly to hear what he had to say.

Zhao Qiang was very emotional, "Outsiders look at us in a high position, but only we know how dry and annoying we are, so I yearn for quietness, but Su Jiahui can't give it to me." ”

I especially want to slap him in the face, I TM have paid so much for you, and you just say that about me?

"You said before that without Su Jiahui, you wouldn't be where you are today!" Da Qi said slowly.

"Now I also say this, without her, there would be no current me, this is an indisputable fact, but this cannot replace her domineering, arrogant and arrogant." Zhao Qiang's voice was full of grievances, as if I had bullied him very badly.


Next is Zhao Qiang's 'accusation' against me:

My home made her look like a temple, smoky and smoky, and I was angry and wanted to laugh when I listened to her prayers, bless me with good luck and stay away from red faces and troubles......

She used to be a person who loved to read books, and now she holds a mobile phone and watches some videos of men abandoning their wives and children after gaining power, and then connotates me, one day I went home and found that she was reading paper books, and took a closer look, the marriage chapter of the Civil Code! People study the terms of the division of divorce property!

There is a blind man at the door of her unit who is a fortune teller, and she has been cheated of money in recent years, and people are nicknamed blind people, but in fact, not only are they not blind but they are very shrewd, and they investigate her to the bottom, and pick up what she likes to hear, and she still really believes it, and comes back to me for all kinds of verification.

Speaking of this, Zhao Qiang smiled bitterly, "She said that I have changed, but in fact, she has changed, she would rather believe in outsiders than me now, and treat me as a thief. But she was so cute when she was young......"


"Brother, I admit that Jiahui has brought me a lot of luck, but is it luck once or twice? She owes all the progress I have made in my work with all my dedication and hard work, and I am especially afraid that she will use my rights to gain favors. ”

Lao Qi handed a roast chicken leg to Zhao Qiang, "You can't blame my sister-in-law, the current social atmosphere is too bad, you are in this position, it is normal for her to think a lot!" ”

Zhao Qiang shook his head and smiled, "She and I are a small couple, we have both feelings and kindness, she shouldn't look down on me like this." ”

I looked at his frustrated appearance, and suddenly understood the sentence, "It's really good to be nice to others in the way they like!" ”

"The female boss of 'Little Fish Story' is very demure and bland, and has never asked me for anything, I go to her to eat when I am annoyed, fried garlic and steamed saury, and the folds in my heart are opened while eating, peace of mind and freedom."

It's just a matter of eating now, but what about after that? The old man was emotional, as if the old wood was on fire, and I was very nervous to hear it!


Lao Qi knocked on the table, "Brother, are you sure she doesn't put a long line to catch a big fish?" Don't underestimate people's hearts, maybe she is a master, and use another means to lay out your relationship! ”

Zhao Qiang pinched the wine bottle and didn't speak for a long time!

Lao Qi continued, "It's not easy for us children from families to get to this point, and now there are many ways to hunt cadres, do you think she has a loose temperament, in case she is a step-by-step camp, please enter the urn!" ”

Zhao Qiang was thoughtful, and just as he wanted to speak, his mobile phone rang.

He picked up the phone, and as soon as he said "hello", his facial expression changed suddenly, first stunned and shocked, and then jumped up as if he had been burned by coals, "I called the director of the human doctor, and I must make sure that she is safe and sound, no matter what costs!" ”

His voice trembled with the hand holding the phone, and tears came out of his eyes, this is the news that "I" had a car accident!


I wasn't sure if my body could be rescued, thinking that Zhao Qiang was just slipping away and hadn't really reneged, I was relieved and wanted to go see the female boss.

When I floated to 'Little Fish Story', it was just the end of lunch, there were few customers in the store, and the landlady was sitting in front of the window on the second floor talking on the phone.

Her face is not very beautiful, but she is plain and soft, with chestnut shoulder-length hair that is not messy, wearing a smoky blue knitted short sleeve and a milky white hakama skirt, the whole person is elegant, intellectual, and light.

Not to mention men, I like it a little bit when I see it.

"If you connect with a powerful man, but only see their money and power, it is too shallow, to observe their circle, style of doing things, whether there is a relationship that you can use, these things are not clear, you must not promote the relationship with them!"

She laughed as she spoke, revealing a row of neat white teeth.


What a wise woman! The appearance is pure-hearted and harmless, but in fact, he is well-intentioned and calculating, and he pities Zhao Qiang, and insists on seeking the freshness and beauty of the lily from the mandala.

Leaving the store, I flew to the People's Hospital, wanting to see my own body.

In front of the sculpture at the entrance of the hospital, I unexpectedly saw Leng Xin, his soul sitting on the ground depressed, so sad that he was about to cry.

I fell next to him, "What's wrong with you?" ”

He laughed miserably and pointed his finger at the hospital, "I'm the director here!" I just learned that the nurse who was good with me turned out to be an undercover agent of Dehua Biotech! ”

"What? Mr. Leng Xin, are you the director of this hospital? My body is being rescued inside, and my lover is going to call you and ask you to use your strength to save me! "I think it's too coincidental.


"You don't have to worry, I've seen your body, skin injuries and fright!" He said, his voice extremely sad, "It's me, I can't save it this time!" ”

I crouched down and leaned in close to him, "I'm sorry, if I hadn't crashed with you, you wouldn't have lost your life!" "I cried with guilt.

He patted me on the back very graciously, "I don't blame you, my car was tampered with, and there is a problem with the brakes, can you do me a favor?" I'm running out of time. ”

"Yes, I can help you with anything!" I said with tears in my eyes.

"After you are discharged from the hospital, go to my wife and ask her to hand over the diary in the safe to Police Officer C, I have a record of the illegal activities of this biological company and many pharmaceutical companies! This news broke out, and I believe that there will be an earthquake in the medical community of our city! ”

Immediately afterward, he told me his wife's address, name, and phone number, and after I wrote it down, "You told my wife that there is a ring under the mattress in our bedroom, and that is the wedding anniversary gift I bought for her!" He buried his head between his knees and sobbed.


"You have such a good relationship, why are you still dating the little nurse?" I don't understand him very much.

He lifted his face distorted by pain, "If I say I've been designed, you'll call me a scumbag, think about it, or your own core is unstable!" If only life could be restarted! He looked at me enviously as he spoke.

"Do you feel a lot of things in your heart right now?" I asked.

He raised his head, "Most people in this world, because they are affected by the dimensions, times and values they live in, they will only stand in their own perspective and narrow the judgment of this complex and changeable world......"

He wanted to say something, but his lips moved and he couldn't make a sound, his face was flushed, as if he was being choked by a pair of invisible hands, and then a strong wind rose on my cheeks, and he was sucked away by a force.

I chased after him, ran a few steps and fell, and I tried to look in the distance where he was going, where the sun was soft and light, with a silky undertone and softness.

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself on the bed, Zhao Qiang was holding my hand, and behind him stood a bunch of doctors.