
Bipolar disorder: The parenting style is likely to cause the daughter to have a physical reaction, is the parent doing it right?

author:Memory reorganization Liu Chengluo

Aso is a first-year junior high school girl. Medium build, big eyes, good looks. His parents run a restaurant and have two younger sisters and a younger brother. He excelled in primary school, but often failed the junior high school exam. The mother is more impatient, and the education method is simple and rude. He is not close to his mother, and thinks that there is pressure to be around his mother, but thinks that his mother cares more about him. Less communication with his father, believing that his father is more partial to younger siblings.

Bipolar disorder: The parenting style is likely to cause the daughter to have a physical reaction, is the parent doing it right?

When I entered junior high school, I only scored forty or fifty points in the preliminary exam, and at that time I showed retching, which was so serious that I couldn't go to school. After that, I tried to take classes in the classroom, but because retching affected the class, I took a leave of absence for more than a month. Retching at home is not noticeable, sometimes once or twice in a while, but it gets worse once the mother mentions going to school. I observed that before Aso entered the consultation room, he heard a continuous retching sound, and when Aso spoke, the retching would stop for a few seconds and then continue.

When he entered junior high school, Aso went from being a good student with excellent grades and loved by his teachers to a backward student who failed exams and was criticized by his teachers. My best friends in elementary school are still top students, and even my classmates who were worse than me in the past can be in the top 50 of their grades, but their grades are terrible. The interpersonal environment has also changed from familiar to unfamiliar, and my best friends are either in other schools or in different classes, and teachers no longer value themselves. The new environment, a more passive personality, and intermittent leave due to retching, and not participating in military training have caused Aso to become more and more estranged from his classmates.

The pressure of studying, inner loneliness, and nostalgia for classmates and teachers in elementary school are intertwined and cannot be alleviated, triggering pathological memories, and the accumulated negative emotions become the fear of going to school. As soon as I heard my mother go to school, I started retching, but there was no obvious sign at home or during the holidays. In the case of unsatisfactory examinations, Aso did not take the initiative to analyze the reasons, could not take the initiative to meet new classmates, and integrated into the new group, and admission was an important life event that caused Asu's psychological problems.

While retching has a clear link to going to school, starting on Sunday nights, retching appears, or whenever the mother asks to go to school, and on the way to school, the retching gets worse. And when it comes to the holidays or resting at home, retching will lessen or even disappear on its own. Aso couldn't say why his retching appeared, and he didn't feel a lot of pressure. Through in-depth communication with Asu, I realized that the sadness caused by her separation from her tablemates, friends, and teachers is an important reason for Asu's negative emotions.

Me: When did retching find you?

Aso: I didn't get a good test result, and I was criticized by my teacher.

Me: When will it get stronger and when will it weaken?

Aso: When you arrive at school, you have to deal with people you don't know well, as well as exams and homework, so it's very strong. When I know I don't have to go to school and play with my friends, it weakens or even disappears.

Me: Did you use any methods to deal with it when it appeared? Is there a time when it succeeds?

Aso: Once, my father asked me to go for a walk by the river and get some sleep.

Me: What impact has it had on your life and learning? Did you like it?

Bipolar disorder: The parenting style is likely to cause the daughter to have a physical reaction, is the parent doing it right?

Aso: The main thing that affected me was that I couldn't go to school anymore. Actually, I like it and I don't like it, it allows me to not have exams, I don't have to do homework, and I don't have to be so stressful. However, every student has to study, and if I don't go to school, people will look at me differently and ask me why I don't go to school.

Me: Do you want it to continue to appear or leave you?

Aso: I don't know yet. I kind of wanted to go to school, but I went back to the classmates meeting and talked about me, thinking that I had no problem but didn't go to school. Moreover, the classmates are very familiar with each other and have a good time, and I can't integrate them anymore when I go back.

Me: You said that when you were in elementary school, your table mate had a great influence on you, can you tell me about it?

Aso: Well, I used to be very introverted, but with her I became a lot more cheerful, and she would teach me anything I didn't understand. My grades have also improved a lot. We are all foodies, and we often rob others of things to eat.

Me: What were you like back then?

Aso: Optimistic and cheerful.

Me: What do you look like to your tablemates? Why would she want to play with you and be your best friend?

Aso: I'll help her too. She probably thinks I'm pretty good to her.

Me: I seem to see the optimistic, cheerful, and willing to help others. How do you think Aso would have faced the current difficulties?

Aso: Maybe I'll be a little more optimistic about my results.

Me: You said that if you don't do well in exams, the teacher won't like you?

Aso: Yes, if you don't get good grades, you're a bad student.

Me: What does it mean to have bad grades?

Aso: Students who don't study hard and don't listen to lectures in class.

Through the scene reconstruction intervention, when Aso realizes the impact of retching on herself and her preferred identity, she will have more strength to face her problems and make better choices.

I found Aso's pathological memory in a subconscious state, when I was in elementary school, my mother was angry because of the quarrel between her and her sister, thinking that she didn't need to cry for this little thing, and tore up her art homework, in the face of her sister's behavior and her mother's attitude, she was very angry, aggrieved, and anxious, but because she was afraid that her mother didn't say anything, she only felt a stomachache at that time. I restructured Aso's pathological memories, and her depressed mood stabilized a lot.

Bipolar disorder: The parenting style is likely to cause the daughter to have a physical reaction, is the parent doing it right?

After more than two months of memory restructuring intervention, Aso returned to school without any problems, and when she left the counseling room, she said that she felt good and smiled. She has a few good classmates in the class, and she has become very well with her classmates. Aso's mother reported that Aso did not retch, his mood was much better, and he consciously went to school. At first, because of the pressure of exams, there would be irritability, but after two months of adaptation, now it is much better, and her grades are now very good.

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