
[Jinyi] Modern Chapter 81-82 graduated this summer, which is the beginning of Lu Yi's vinegar drinking

author:Green water light song

(81) The popular summer gave Lu Yi a headache

This night, Lu Yi's insomnia reached its peak.

For the first time in three years, he looked at this summer's photos, and those good memories bubbled up in pink bubbles, and the sleepiness that was not waiting to be seen hid in the corner, until the sky was bright and it sneaked into Lu Yi's nerves, making him squint in confusion for more than an hour.

[Jinyi] Modern Chapter 81-82 graduated this summer, which is the beginning of Lu Yi's vinegar drinking

When the sky was bright, Lu Yi got up and ran around the community a few laps, the transparent sweat made him feel more energetic, thinking of his car, and went to the basement along the way. In fact, seeing that the room was cleaned up, he already had a hunch that the car should be fine.

Sure enough, after a round of wind, the car drove as before. That indescribable happiness made him stare at the girl on his phone again and again.

Lu Yi decided to pick her up at this summer's house. As he drove, he imagined what it would be like to see this summer, but when he went upstairs and knocked on the door urgently, no one answered.

“…… Why so early? Lu Yi muttered to himself, went downstairs in disappointment, and called Jinxia as he walked.

Lu Yi felt that she would use a temporary phone number when she was undercover in Shan Nan this summer, and she would definitely use her original number after the mission was over, just like himself.

The call went through as he expected, but no one answered. Lu Yi took the phone from his ear several times and looked at the screen suspiciously: "Huh...... Why don't you answer the phone, forget it......"

Lu Yi shook his head and drove straight to Gong//Ann University.

There was still more than an hour before the graduation ceremony began, but many students had already arrived early, and their friends posed to take pictures in various places on campus.

Yang Yue used a single-lens reflex camera to leave precious images for this summer, this summer's mother, Yang Yue, Yang Chengwan, Shangguan Xi and himself, from the school gate to the representative places in the school, as if he had become a temporary photographer.

Later, there were more and more people, and there were more and more classmates looking for photos with Yang Yue this summer. This summer, my mother and Yang Chengwan came to rest under the shade of the tree with a smile, watching the children communicate, their faces were full of relief and pride.

This summer is very popular, boys and girls in the same class and classmates from different classes come to her to take photos, Yang Yue is very busy.

"I, I...... I'll take a photo with Yuan this summer! The girl who was also wearing a uniform took this summer's hand and posed.

"Next one is me, I'm ...... Gotta take a photo with the most beautiful and charming police // flower in our school! Yang Yue was still focusing, and a sunny and handsome big boy next to him lined up first.

"Wow...... Squad leader, you and Yuan Jinxia stand together, that's really a talented woman! The boys in the back laughed together.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about?" Yang Yue held the camera and stopped focusing, "We have a boyfriend this summer!" ”

"I should say that I have had a boyfriend...... Now, it's early to part, Dayang, have you forgotten? The other boy glanced at Yang Yue, "Squad leader, let's get the moon first near the water, I support you!" This is the graduation season and the confession season, so be sure to grasp the ......"

"Yes, we've got your back!" Four or five boys shouted in unison.

"It's divided, it's nothing to do with you......" Yang Yue muttered, "Quick, stand up, stand up......"

…… ,……

This summer and his classmates were engrossed in saluting movements, and they were two or three meters away from them, not paying attention to what they were saying.

Lu Yi saw from afar that he was taking pictures at the training ground this summer, and there were many bags on the ground, huh...... So I can't answer the call...... But it didn't seem that he was annoyed at all, but when he ran over, he heard the conversation of several people, and he went dark......

Standing not far away and watching, resisting the urge to go up and pull them apart. Finally after taking pictures, more than a dozen people said goodbye and left, Lu Yi was about to go over, and suddenly more than a dozen people worked together to set up the squad leader and turn back, and the squad leader had an extra bouquet of roses in his hand.

"After graduation, it will be difficult to meet again, but I hope that I will be qualified to meet you every day in the future, Yuan Jinxia, can you give me this opportunity?" The class leader was put down by his classmates and said seriously.

"Ah......" this summer was a little caught off guard, "this...... I, we'...... ...... all."

"Everyone works in the same system, there are many opportunities to meet, don't be so deliberate!" Before she could answer this summer's words, someone had already answered for her, her voice mechanical and cold.

This summer, I was surprised to look up......

"You, you are ......" The squad leader looked up at Lu Yi behind him, the other party's epaulettes showed a third-level police officer, and he was heroic, and he was a little speechless for a while.

"Lu Yi!" Lu Yi looked at the stunned squad leader and reported his name.

"You are Lu ...... Lu // Police // Officer...... Salute! The squad leader immediately stood up and saluted.

The boys behind him were also stunned, and they stood up straight.

When I was a freshman, I heard this person give a report, and then the seniors and sisters said how powerful this senior was...... After that, this person never appeared at school...... However, his legends are all over the sky, and now it seems that it is indeed unusual...... Young police // rank is not low......

He...... He seems to be the boyfriend that Yuan broke up with this summer...... Several boys thought of this at the same time, looked at each other, and finally focused their eyes on the class leader.

"My name is Li Xuan!" Not to be outdone, the squad leader solemnly reported his name.

"Hmm...... Li Xuan, remember! Lu Yi repeated softly, turning his head to look at this summer.

Li Xuan stepped forward and handed the flower to this summer: "I will contact you often in the future!" ”

The boys in the back immediately responded with warm applause, Lu Yi looked at it with sharp eyes, those boys looked at each other and held back a smile, dragging Li Xuan to disperse...... But he didn't go far, standing aside and watching the show.

I thought I was dazzled at the beginning of this summer, how could it be him? He hasn't been heard from since he came back...... But it's clearly him! The scar on his forehead was completely gone, the smell of cologne on his body had disappeared, the back of his chestnut curly hair had returned to his previous black size, and the traces of gangsterism and unruliness had dissipated cleanly, only a proud and cold ......

Lu Yi strode up to Jinxia and put his hand on her shoulder freely: "Congratulations on your graduation, come, Da Yang, take a picture!" ”

This summer, she raised her eyes and wanted to get out of the way, but there were so many people, it was really hard to refute his face, after all, she took pictures with many classmates.

Yang Yue found a good angle and pressed the shutter: "Don't move, don't move, let's have another one, it's great!" ”

"Officer Lu!" As soon as Yang Yue put down the camera, Shangguan Xi ran over in surprise, "Long time no see!" ”

"Well, I went to work in Kita// Beijing for a while!" Lu Yi replied.

"Xiao Lu, I'm back!" Seeing Lu Yi, Yang Chengwan walked over from the shade of the tree.

"Hello Uncle Yang!"

"It's really Xiao Lu!" This summer, my mother also came over and looked at Lu Yi, "I have practiced in Bei//Beijing...... has grown up...... "This summer, my mother looked at Lu Yi's epaulettes again," ...... It seems that the official has also grown ......"

"Hello Auntie!" This summer's mother's words made Lu Yi a little restrained, no matter what the reason, in the end, he was negative this summer, "It's just a few years older, the others are still the same, and the people are still the same people......"

Lu Yi means that he is still the same as before going to Bei// Beijing, and he is still his original self.

"Young people are moving forward, no one is standing still...... Once upon a time, no matter how good it was, it could only be a memory! "Of course this summer's mother understands what Lu Yi means, but should she be angry with her daughter...... It doesn't matter if he speaks well or not......

Jinxia took advantage of them to speak, and took a step to the side, wanting to get rid of Lu Yi's hand on her shoulder, Lu Yi knew it, and quietly slid his hand down from Jinxia's shoulder to hold her palm.

This summer was about to break free, Yang Chengwan stood on the other side of her and beckoned to Yang Yue: "Da Yang, come over too, let Li Xuan take a group photo with everyone!" ”

This summer's mother stood up, Lu Yi had no choice but to give up his position, let this summer's mother stand next to this summer, and he stood behind this summer.

Li Xuan held the camera and looked at Lu Yi provocatively, and Lu Yi stood quietly......

This summer's anger, this summer's mother's anger, are all in Lu Yi's expectations, he has long been prepared to be cold-eyed. Whoever wanted to rob him this summer, there was no door; This summer can only be his, and he must marry her home.

(82) If you want to talk about pulling the atmosphere, who can compare to Lu Yan

The graduation ceremony was held on the training ground, and the atmosphere was warm and grand.

This summer's flower harvest received soft hands: on behalf of the graduates, someone sent flowers; Outstanding graduate certificates are awarded, and flowers are sent; A bachelor's degree is awarded, and someone sends flowers......

Although it was very cheesy, it really pulled the atmosphere, and Lu Yi watched it silently...... pursed her lower lip...... Turned around and went out for a moment......

After the ceremony, people began to walk out one after another. This summer's flowers can't be held, so Yang Yue and Shangguan Xi took the initiative to help share them.

"At noon, Uncle Yang invites you to dinner!" Yang Chengwan raised his wrist and looked at his watch and said, "However, I still have to go back to the bureau and can't participate, Da Yang pays the bill, and Uncle Yang will reimburse ......."

"You young people have fun, I have to go back, I can't keep the store closed!" Mom said this summer.

"Hey...... After a while, Xie Xiao and Chun Yumin also came, and finally everyone got together. Mom and Uncle Yang, we have to go first......" Jin Xia pouted in disappointment.

"Da Yang is engaged next month, you all come, don't you get together!" Yang Chengwan's words aroused a smile on his face.

This summer, my mother took the lead in sending blessings: "Brother Yang, this is a great event, congratulations!" ”

"Wow, Da Yang has done such a good job of secrecy, and there is no rumor at all......" Jin Xia opened his mouth wide in shock, "Congratulations!" Then he looked at Shangguan Xi again, "Sister Shangguan, Da Yang is an out-of-print good man, you are blessed!" Well...... Let me think...... I'm going to be an aunt soon! ”

"No......" Shangguan Xi blushed and immediately said, "We're just engaged first...... You have to wait to get married......"

"You, a girl's family will say anything!" This summer, the mother glared at her daughter.

"I'm just imagining, what's wrong?"

"Da Yang graduated and got engaged immediately, Uncle Yang, you are double happy, congratulations!" Lu Yi clenched his fists with both hands and said solemnly.

“…… You're bigger than all of them, and you'll have to work harder as a person, and you'll never finish the work! Yang Chengwan patted Lu Yi's shoulder, but his eyes were aimed at this summer.

"Hmm...... Listen to your ......"

Lu Yi also peeked at this summer, and the corner of his eye had already noticed that he didn't squint at this moment, and he was jumping up and down and laughing with Shangguan Xi, not answering Lu Yi's stubble at all.

Lu Yi had no choice but to look ahead, he had mixed feelings in his heart, he was really jealous of Yang Yue, as soon as he graduated from college, he hugged the beauty, but what about himself?

According to the original plan, it was logical to marry her home as soon as she graduated this summer, but now...... He was sure that this summer would not fail to understand him, and she needed time...... But this time is really tormenting for him......

"This summer!"

A few people crossed the school square and stepped onto the main road, and a person ran across the street, shouting the name of this summer.

Several people stopped at the same time and saw the person holding a large bouquet of roses, panting and running.

"Chen Peng!" This summer and Yang Yue called out at the same time.

"I, I...... The plane was late...... Still, it's okay...... Caught up with the ......" Chen Peng stood still and gasped for breath, "This summer, you graduated, I said I would wait for you in the same place...... I'm still ......."

"Chen Peng......"

"This summer, I haven't bothered you," Chen Peng grabbed the conversation before he finished speaking, "It's because I've been working in Shanghai after graduation to fight for our future...... Now that you've graduated, I can take you to Shang//Hai and can arrange a job for you in Shang//Hai......"

"Chen Peng, I have my own job here......"

"I know you can't bear your aunt, it's okay, I'll take you and your aunt to Shanghai together. I also know that you will not give up your major, it doesn't matter, you will definitely be able to find a suitable position with your strength...... I'll take care of everything...... I told my dad that you would say yes as long as I liked it...... You believe me......"

"It's not something you don't believe......"

"This summer, you think about it...... Shang//Hai is a first-tier city. Don't worry, I won't leave Jinyi like someone and go to the north // Jinggao...... I will share ...... with you immediately," Chen Peng said and glanced at Lu Yi, "As long as you agree, I can write your name on the house and car......"

This summer looked at Chen Peng dumbfounded, he didn't think that Chen Peng was still a rich second generation, he had never thought about this, Chen Peng said this, and he didn't feel true at all.

"Chen Peng, you know that she is an excellent police officer this summer, she shoulders the mission of the country and the people, how can she be Mrs. Kuo?" Seeing that Jinxia was stunned and didn't speak, Lu Yi spoke directly.

"Lu, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you now!" Chen Peng looked at Lu Yi unconvinced, "Don't think I don't know, you've all been divided for three years......"

"Who did you listen to, how come I don't know about my own business," Lu Yi's face was already as black as a dark cloud, "I'll tell you now, I'm not separated from this summer, okay!" ”

"Young man, this matter is in a hurry, find a time to talk to this summer...... It's not like you can succeed by saying so much at once......" Yang Chengwan hurriedly came out of his round, "Economic strength is one thing, but not all ......"

"Yes, young man...... "This summer's mother also walked up to Chen Peng, "This matter can't be rushed, you have to take your time......"

"You're an aunt!" Chen Peng saw the identity of his mother at a glance, "Auntie, I listen to your ...... I'll stay in Jinyi for a few more days and find time to talk to this summer...... I won't let this summer be wronged......" Chen Peng looked back at this summer, "I'll go first...... Spend your ......"

This summer was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, but Chen Peng stuffed another bouquet, and it was twice as big as the bouquet in his hand, so he really couldn't even see the road......

Lu Yi picked up the flowers sent by Chen Peng with one hand, gritted his teeth and carried them, if it weren't for Yang Chengwan and his mother this summer, he would have thrown them in the trash can with one hand......

Chen Peng walked away, and the atmosphere around him was a little awkward, but fortunately, it was not far from the gate......

As soon as the group stepped out of the gate of the school, Yang Chengwan and his mother were about to leave, when they suddenly saw the sky crossed by various colors of colored smoke, like a rainbow, and the rainbow was changing with words of various colors......

"Wow, that's romantic! Who did this? ”

"It's so beautiful, it's worth it, it's worth it!"

"He's so handsome, this guy is amazing!"

"It's a big deal, so many drones ......"

"If you have silver, you are willful......"

"Yuan Jinxia, is it the same Yuan Jinxia who just spoke on stage? Envy dies ......"

"Young people nowadays really know how to play!"

"It's better to be young, and you can't do anything too much......"

…… ,……

The people at the door, those who came out of the school, those who were about to enter the school, and those who passed by stopped and began to talk about it.

"You have opened your eyes to your mother...... "This summer's mother looked at her daughter, "I've been a tomboy since I was a child, naughty bag, and I'm still so popular...... Who made this......

After this summer's mother finished speaking, she suddenly thought of the words "I am returning" and "please forgive", and looked up at Lu Yi suspiciously......

(To be continued)

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