
Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

author:PeJoy Games said

Players who have played triple-A games should know that in addition to "Assassin's Creed", Ubisoft's signature brand also has an open-world FPS game - "Far Cry". In this era of similar gameplay, the Far Cry series has adopted a strategy that uses different natural themes and unique madmen as a strategy to attract players. And judging from the fact that the series has come out to the sixth generation, this strategy is also very successful.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

However, the Far Cry series is now being criticized by players for Ubisoft's overly formulaic open-world gameplay, and the most controversial of them is Far Cry 5. That said, the popularity of this game at the beginning of its release can be said to have completely defeated the popular "chicken" at the time, that is, "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", and won the sales championship for several weeks. So, why is this work so charming? This time, let's talk about this typical Ubisoft canned 3A work that people love and hate.

The theme of this work is in the beautiful state of Montana, USA, with a cult designed with reference to historical events. Compared with war-torn areas, cult incidents are closer to the people in ordinary peaceful areas, and they are unique and harmful. This time, he plays the role of the protagonist who has just become a county police officer, and follows his companions to arrest the leader of the "Edengate Project", Holy Father Joseph Sid. Joseph and his family founded the Edenism as a widespread cult that preached the impending end times. However, under their operation, through the purchase of land, broadcasting, and even the establishment of a state, there were police and a large number of armed forces.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

The local sheriff would rather maintain the status quo than clash with it. Therefore, we also have a quick clearance ending like four generations in the opening, turn around and leave the land of right and wrong. The choice of arrest not only means that the inevitable conflict is coming, but also means that the collapse of the world in their mouth has officially begun.

There are strange cults here, and there are residents who are dissatisfied with this and are rebelling, and what we need to do is to strengthen this force. After a series of exciting openings, our county police officers officially launched our rebellion from the small island in the lake. This generation of maps has been improved a lot, except for climbing the tower at the beginning, you don't need to climb the tower to open the map. This generation has changed to explore the fog to open the map, in addition to having a beautiful 3D stereoscopic map, the map information is no longer stuffed to the player. If you start with the airborne skill, you can use the flying squirrel outfit to go to the location you want to go to when you travel quickly, saving you the time to run the map slowly.

Driving in Montana is much more comfortable than in the mountains of the previous work, and most of the small trees can be directly broken, and the ones that are too thick will be stuck directly, which increases my willingness to drive a lot. This generation offers a particularly large number of vehicles, from cars, trucks, speedboats, even cultivators, and of course armed vehicles. It's not like the previous game, which only had shabby mini helicopters, which can easily annihilate outposts from the air with gunships, and seaplanes that can fight enemy planes in the air.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

The other three members of Father Joseph's family control each of the three districts of Hope County, and we have to do nothing more than rescue the inhabitants, destroy the cult assets, solve side quests, and liberate the outpost. As always, you can sneak and put a hidden gun from a distance, and you can also save trouble and attack. However, this generation of venue design is difficult to hide, and it feels less encouraging to stealth. Stealth kills from a distance, and the enemy will rush directly towards our position, and then immediately call for reinforcements. The bow and arrow should have been assassinated silently, but as soon as the roof enemy fell, he went straight into the guard.

These actions accumulate Resistance Points, which is almost the same gameplay that the Barbarian Age has used in the past. When it accumulates to a certain level, it will "automatically" trigger the main line. And this "automatic" is one of the main reasons why this game is disgusted. No matter where you are, you will be directly anesthetized, hypnotized, and hallucinated, and then you will be kidnapped by the plot, which is not a description, the plot will really act as being kidnapped. The four generations of the previous work were tied up once and it was already very unbearable.,This generation has to be tied up ten times back and forth.,Is it still addictive? Who can stand this rhythm?

One of my favorite designs of this generation is that players can get information from NPCs to mark treasure locations on the map. This time, the treasure spot is called the Doomsday Prepper Treasure, which is a special facility based on the Edenic doctrine of Doom and combined with the American Vault construction trend. Each treasure spot is designed with small puzzles and stories, and even a haunted house experience, so that this map exploration is not too canned. In addition to a large amount of money, the treasure reward also has the most important skill book, which is the main source of skill points this time.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

The threat of wildlife has decreased a lot in this generation, and it has become more difficult to kill. Furs obtained from hunting are no longer used as upgrades. This game has a drug-enhanced "judge" animal, which is a side quest for players to challenge. How to put it, I just feel annoyed when I play too much, and it's not too interesting.

Open-world games are certainly not without a variety of side quests, and many of them in this generation are both fun and impressive. For example, Larry, who investigates aliens and is captured by aliens in the end, directors who spend all their budget to shoot low-budget blood dragons, senatorial candidates who want to accidentally kill cultists to win elections, cut bull balls, fight with turkeys, and so on. In addition, there are some more canned side quests, which will reward some vehicles and the like to increase the willingness to play.

There are a lot of missions in the game that need to be picked up through dialogue, but because there are many enemies patrolling the road, NPCs will talk and enter the battle in the middle of the battle. This is another very bad experience like forcing the main story. Not only did you take on a task, but you also had to find a merchant to buy something, and you were interrupted when you dropped a fish. When they saw that the dialogue options would also show Clashes, they knew they didn't think it would bother the player at all.

The most distinctive weapon in the game should be the magnetic pulse cannon that Larry got after solving the branch, which is very powerful and will directly blow up the enemy until there are no bones left, but it has to be close to the face to be powerful. The other thing I love to use is the Martian weapon sent by the DLC, the laser pistol can blow up the vehicle with a casual click, and it is very useful when it comes to airplane food. Although there are shovels, water pipes, bats, bamboo, etc., melee weapons are almost practical, and our melee attack generation can only basically use fists and feet, usually melee weapons will not automatically maintain the force, and they are always empty-handed when switching. Overall, it's a difficult design to use.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

After playing for a while, I found that the weapon ring actually has a second page, and the fishing rod, welding gun, and some consumables are here. Potions are still a useful support item in this generation. If you want to investigate, take hunting medicine to mark the enemy, and if you have a sudden encounter or boss battle, you can eat the damage reduction medicine to shield it, so that you don't have to worry about the difficult battle.

The NPCs that appeared in the four generations of the previous work also appeared in this work.,CIA agents ran away after calling us.,And said that the protagonist of the 4th generation is a good incendiary nerd.,It's really a cup.。 Little Heck worshipped the monkey god here every day after four generations got the statue of the monkey god, and he lived here, and three of the available hired experts belonged to their family. It's just a pity that this generation has a lot of regrets, that is, these famous NPC characters don't have as vivid expressions in the performance as their predecessors.

Some rescued people can be hired, they can be upgraded to unlock abilities, and their combat power is very strong, and when they look back, they will see that they have killed all the enemies, and the enemies can be accurately solved if they want to run and press the alarm. Mercenaries are in hiding until they attack or the player is discovered, and NPCs can be rescued before they fall to the ground and die, and if they accidentally die, they have to wait for a cooldown. Side NPCs will join the team as expert mercenaries, and in addition to ordinary animals and gun-wielding companions, some will fly airplanes and helicopters for air support, which is more diverse than the previous game.

My personal favorite is the dog Abu that can automatically mark enemies.,In addition to being easy to use and being okay to stroke twice.,It's also very powerful.。 But he couldn't get into the car and could only run behind a little pitiful. My favorite subplot of this group of NPCs is the story of the Leys who survive in this harsh environment and give birth to a baby. And they will also play an important role in the sequel.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

Far Cry is all about the frantic battles that continue to descend from civilizations in each generation. In the course of their fight against the Joseph family, it is possible to see how they used to drive the local population into madness and eventually convert to Edenism. John the Baptist made a man a member of the gate of Eden through the four steps of marking, purification, repentance, and atonement, that is, physical abuse to spiritual submission. In the process, he wants everyone to accept a "power of acceptance", to accept that they are sinful, to accept that they should be purified, to accept whatever he asks, until finally they become followers who are willing to do anything for them.

The enchantress Faith controls the production of "Bliss", and the smoker of Bliss will have extremely relaxed pleasures and hallucinations, at which time Fezy will appear and move her emotions, bluffing people with stories that make people cry, making people unconsciously unload their hearts and bewitch. In the end, either they follow the path of faith and become believers, or they become brain-dead sweat slave "angels". Compared to John, Faith's hallucinations are almost like magic, and walking can make people hallucinate.

The warrior Jacob represents the force of the Edenist religion, believes in the law of the jungle, and is able to hallucinate and brainwash people with the music from the music box. Those who fall into brainwashing will be forced to fight, seeing each other as enemies, and only the strong will survive to the end. Although they both use hallucinations, Jacob is different from Faith. In the monotonous battles again and again, the final revelation is a part of the brainwashing, which is indeed clever. In the end, when the music of ONLY YOU sounded, everyone PTSD.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

Joseph, who sees the main character as a prophecy who has broken the seal, will come out and shake it out during the scenes of each of the deputy bosses, asking them to let us go. Therefore, even if he is caught again and again, he will not die immediately, but will be tested by God. It's just that the player sees him shouting to us in the void after we kill the others and says that he is very sad, will he only think that this villain is a fool?

As the story progresses, and as we see all the methods of control and purification of the Edenists, even if Josephus tries to tell us about their ideas, it only arouses the disgust of our normal people. In the end, he was not kidnapped, but all the teammates who worked hard to win over were kidnapped by the mind control, and then went back to the beginning, all of which was caused by not choosing to leave in the first place. At this point, we are again given a choice. Leave peacefully with your companions, or fight to the end to kill the red eye?

Father Joseph would make people think that he was a madman, even more mad than the villains of the previous works, because he really believed with all his heart that he was inspired by God. He will try to get us to agree with his ideas, he will accuse us of trying to solve things with bullets rather than compromising personal dignity, and he will count down all our efforts in vain in the face of prophecy. Even if he doesn't do anything, he won't fall here. What's more, he was actually right.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

Of the three DLCs, I didn't play the zombies, and the characters of Dark Hour and Mars Trek have something to do with the biography. The dark hour is done in a decent way, as long as you get to the retreat point, the process is not long, and it is a minimalist version of Far Cry in the Vietnam War. Mars Trek is a bit old-fashioned system, and it's actually boring to play alone, but the subject matter is fresh enough. Experience the Martian scenery in low gravity, fight alien monsters, and have a mouth-breaking robot by your side. But most importantly, his story is set after the successful overthrow of the Edenic Cult, which in some ways makes up for the players' desire for a happy ending.

As a work at the same time as Assassin's Creed: Origins, Far Cry 5 is also a game that stands on the cusp of transformation. However, it was not until the epilogue "New Dawn" that RPG design was introduced as much as the origin, and the five generations only slightly moved closer to RPG. If you don't count the forced kidnapping and the interruption of dialogue, the game of the fifth generation is indeed a little better and more out of the can than the previous game.

Ubisoft's most criticized "canned" game is a masterpiece that once defeated "eating chicken".

At the end of the story, the design of the god stick is no longer the god stick, which can be described as a rather bold move. Like it or not, it's a very impactful ending. There is nothing wrong with bad endings, but the biggest problem is that as a multi-ending game, it doesn't make a "good ending" that kills the boss with one shot for players to choose. was mouthed for a whole game, and in the end it was only to witness the sanctification of the enemy. Even if there is another way to leave the peace and quiet, for the player, showing weakness means admitting defeat. In this way, it is inevitable that players will be disgusted and cause inflammation. Of course, if you don't care much about the above problems, Far Cry 5 is also a game worth playing.

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