
Chengxi District: Build a cohesive force and send blessings hand in hand

author:The summer capital is Xining
Chengxi District: Build a cohesive force and send blessings hand in hand

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, recently, the Party Committee of Kunlun Ludong Community, Guchengtai Street, and the General Party Branch of Chihan New Village, Dahua Town, Huangyuan County, jointly carried out the theme activity of welcoming "July 1st". Through theoretical joint learning, reviewing the oath of joining the party, literary and artistic performances, and realizing dreams of "micro wishes", we will gather ideological consensus and celebrate the party's birthday. Listen to the "micro" party class and draw on the strength of forging ahead. "The grassroots level of our village and community is to translate the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of grassroots party organizations into practical actions for the villagers and the villagers, and continuously improve the sense of happiness and security of the villagers and residents through practical measures such as frequent visits, asking public opinions, and solving people's worries." …… Party member representatives from the Party Committee of Kunlun Ludong Community and the General Party Branch of Chihan New Village, Dahua Town, Huangyuan County, conveyed good voices in the form of micro-party classes from the aspects of ecological protection, serving the people, and ethnic unity, aiming to preach the party's principles and policies through the most down-to-earth and simple way, practice the original intention and mission of party members, and celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Chengxi District: Build a cohesive force and send blessings hand in hand

Review the oath of joining the party and strengthen the original mission. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members...... Facing the bright red party flag, the party members raised their right hands and revisited the oath of joining the party with a loud voice and passion, so that the love for the party can stir up the strength of forging ahead. After the ceremony, the majority of party members and cadres have expressed that they will further strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members, inspire themselves with the advanced nature of party members, and fulfill their solemn commitment to the party with a higher spirit and more excellent results.

Chengxi District: Build a cohesive force and send blessings hand in hand

Forge ahead on a new journey and sing the praises of a new era. In the theme activity, the red songs "Building the Chinese Dream Together" and "I Came from the Snow Mountain" presented by the Kunlun Ludong Community Chorus affectionately expressed their infinite love and best wishes for the motherland; The Qinghai flowers "Ga Ma Ling" and "Babbling Ling" performed by the actors of the Huangyuan County Cultural Center were even more shocking and infected every party member at the scene, and also pulled the distance between the village and community party members.

Chengxi District: Build a cohesive force and send blessings hand in hand

Realize dreams and wishes, care and warm hearts. "Micro wishes" carry "small happiness" and contain "big energy". In the early stage of the co-construction activity, the Party Committee of Kunlun Ludong Community and the General Party Branch of Chihan New Village, Dahua Town, actively docked, and collected 30 "micro-wishes" from the villagers. The Kunlun Road Community Party Committee mobilized in-service party members in the jurisdiction to claim all 30 "micro-wishes". On the day of the event, the Party Committee of Kunlun Ludong Community organized representatives of in-service party members to go to Chihan New Village to send all the "micro-wishes" they carefully prepared to the villagers in need, hoping to help the villagers solve some difficulties in life. Thousands of miles to send goose feather gifts lightly. Through the realization of micro-wishes, the co-construction of the party organization allows the "hand of need" of the people in difficulty and the "hand of service" of the party organization to hold hands with each other, and effectively transmits the warmth of the party to the hearts of the villagers. Source: Charm West End

Producer: Liu Xinghai Editor: Kou Rong Editor: Feng Lichen, Ma Siwen

Chengxi District: Build a cohesive force and send blessings hand in hand