
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st

author:The summer capital is Xining
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st

Party building leads the building of loyal souls

Gather strength to celebrate July 1st

Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st
Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st

"In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we have fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the majority of party members and cadres to unite and promote development by carrying out a series of activities of 'party building leading to build a loyal soul and cohesion to welcome July 1st', and actively guide the majority of party members and cadres to actively act and strive to be the first, so as to 'do not evade refuge and not evade responsibility', and comprehensively promote the work of the street to a new level." The Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Lirang Street said. In the past few days, the Party Working Committee of Lirang Street Street, Chengzhong District, has organized the Party committees of various communities to carry out a series of theme activities to welcome the "July 1st" with a variety of forms and distinct themes, so as to further encourage Party members and cadres to work hard and move in unison, and gather strength to forge ahead for the high-quality development of the district.

Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st

Looking back on the past eventful years, look at the glorious achievements of the present

Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st

The Jiefang Road Community Party Committee organized 50 people from the community party branch, the two new party organizations, and the party members in the jurisdiction to go to the "two bombs and one star" spirit exhibition hall to carry out the interactive experiential theme activity of "recalling the past and seeing the glorious achievements of the present", and returned to the historical years of passion by visiting the memorial hall, and guided party members to inherit and carry forward the red gene of hard work and service to the people. Encourage the majority of party members to build a sense of responsibility and mission, continue to deepen party building to lead the solution of people's worries, appeal to resolve and benefit the people's livelihood, and truly transform the party's organizational advantages into grassroots governance efficiency that benefits the people.

Concentrate on celebrating July 1st, and do not forget the original intention to follow the party

The Party Committee of Qiyi Road West Community organized more than 90 party members in the jurisdiction to carry out a series of theme activities of "Gathering Strength to Welcome July 1st and Not Forgetting the Original Intention and Following the Party". In the form of party members learning and watching videos, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he inspected Qinghai and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" were intensively studied, and the majority of party members were guided to strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, strengthen hard work and responsibility, unite as one, and forge ahead. At the same time, through the activities of revisiting the oath to moisten the original heart, sharing the original intention and talking about the feelings, spiritual food to spread the party's voice, collective birthday talk happiness, and red songs to praise the party's grace, review the party's glorious history, praise the party's great achievements, inherit the party's fine traditions and style, and enhance the party spirit and political awareness of party members in the jurisdiction.

Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st

Be grateful and forge ahead as an example, bravely take on the mission and move forward

The Changjiang Road Community Party Committee carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" and "party flavor" stronger, and organized the community party branch, the two new party organizations, and the party members in the jurisdiction to give a concentrated lecture on the party members in the jurisdiction with the title of "how to be a qualified Communist Party member", so as to guide and educate the party members to keep in mind the glorious mission and strengthen their ideals and beliefs. At the same time, by reviewing the oath of joining the party, holding a literary and artistic performance, presenting a "Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works" to 8 retired old party members, mobilizing 12 party building alliance units in the central square business district to carry out a centralized condolences, organizing in-service party members to claim a "micro-wish", and carrying out a volunteer service activity for environmental sanitation rectification, the enthusiasm of community party members to love the country and the party is stimulated, and the determination to unswervingly feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party.

Through the development of a series of theme activities of "Party Building Leading the Soul of Loyalty and Cohesion to Welcome July 1st", the awareness of party spirit of all party members in the block has been further enhanced, and the concept of party spirit and party discipline have been strengthened. In the next step, Chengzhong District will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when he inspected Qinghai, guide the majority of party members and cadres to effectively enhance political vigilance and political discernment, and comprehensively stimulate the enthusiasm and potential of the majority of party members and cadres to be positive and entrepreneurial, and forge ahead and work together to promote the high-quality development of the street.

Source: City Online

Producer: Liu Xinghai Editor: Kou Rong Editor: Feng Lichen, Ma Siwen

Chengzhong District: Party building leads the building of loyal souls and gathers strength to celebrate July 1st