
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

author:The summer capital is Xining
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

In the past few days, all departments at all levels in Datong County have held various forms and rich content to celebrate the "July 1st" activities, eulogizing the new era, praising the new life, expressing good wishes to the party and the motherland, and celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

Perform duties and responsibilities in the front, based on the post as an example

Based on the practice of teaching and educating people, the thirteen outstanding players of the Datong County Education Bureau reflect the big theme with small incisions, tell the big truth with small stories, closely combine the actual work and life, and focus on respecting the party constitution and party discipline, abiding by discipline and rules, improving party spirit, practicing the original mission, improving work style, contacting and serving the masses, etc., using the people around them to talk about the things around them, educate the people around them with the things around them, and condense the majestic power of Datong Education to take the lead in the construction of a modern new Qinghai.

Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The red song is loud and bright to welcome the "July 1st" passionately full of praise for the party's grace

Shuobei Tibetan Township organized and carried out the activity of "Celebrating the Party's Grace, Singing Red Songs, and Welcoming 'July 1st'" in the Huahai Sea View Area of Bianmagou, and reviewed the glorious history of the Communist Party of China in the singing classics. Nearly 1,000 party members and cadres from 20 party branches in the township expressed their deep love for the party and the motherland with sonorous singing.

Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Concentrate on forging the soul and follow the party to unite and forge ahead in the new era

Xianghua Tibetan Township carried out the "Concentrate on the Soul and Follow the Party, Unite and Forge Ahead in the New Era" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. More than 10 well-choreographed programs such as "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", "Singing the Motherland", "Collector's Children's Heart to the Party" took turns on the stage, which was wonderful. The actors were full of energy and high spirits, and their loud singing, cheerful dancing, and affectionate interpretation expressed their infinite love for the party and the motherland and their beautiful vision for the future. During the event, the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was also awarded to the old party members with 50 years of party experience in Huazang Township, commending a group of outstanding party workers, party member demonstration pacesetters, and outstanding women party members, and encouraging party members and cadres to work hard and bravely to take responsibility, and concentrate on promoting development.

Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Concentrate on the new journey of forging ahead to the party

Dongxia Town held a party day activity with the theme of "cohesion, cohesion, heart to the party, and forge ahead on a new journey". All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, recalled the original intention of joining the party, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members in the activity, and encouraged all party members and cadres to add glory to the party flag and the party emblem with practical actions. At the same time, tug-of-war, 100-meter relay and basketball were also held.

Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The red journey strengthens the party spirit, does not forget the original intention and moves forward

The party members of the Rennan community organization area of Qiaotou Town went to the Qinghai Atomic City Memorial Hall and the Haibei Prefecture Times Model Memorial Hall to carry out the celebration of the "July 1st" activities, so that all party members can feel the "two bombs and one star" father, the majority of scientific and technological personnel and unknown workers love the motherland, selfless dedication, self-reliance, hard work, vigorous coordination, and the courage to climb the "two bombs and one star" spirit, which further stimulates the national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride of the majority of party members.

Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Cai Xiangxue, a resident of Rennan Community in Qiaotou Town, said: "The visit process is a baptism of the soul, as an in-service party member, we should be in time to 'recharge', 'continue' forward, only in this way can we not be spiritually 'outdated', not 'left behind' in action, I will always remember the great achievements of the ancestors, and work hard to build a beautiful and harmonious new Datong." ”

Source: Chase Publicity

Producer: Liu Xinghai Editor: Kou Rong Editor: Feng Lichen, Ma Siwen

Datong County held a variety of activities to celebrate "July 1st"

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