
Education and Economics 2024 Publication and Submission Guidelines

author:Zimo Culture Media

✨ Founded in 1985, Education and Economics is an authoritative journal of educational economics in China, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, Central China Normal University and the China Educational Economics Research Association. The journal has been included in or rated as "Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) Source Journal", "National Chinese Core Journal", "Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Core Journal", "Chinese Social Science Journals Excellent Database Source Journal", "RCCSE China Core Academic Journal" by domestic authoritative search agencies and government journal management departments for many years, and has been rated as an excellent journal in Hubei Province by Hubei Provincial Press and Publication Bureau for many years, and became a journal funded by the National Social Science Fund in 2012. In 2015, it was rated as an excellent journal by the National Social Science Foundation Office, and was once again awarded a special grant by the Social Science Fund. Since 2013, it has been changed from a quarterly to a bimonthly publication.

Education and Economics 2024 Publication and Submission Guidelines

About the journal Education and Economics

Periodical: Bimonthly

Organizer: Central China Normal University; Chinese Society of Educational Economics

Competent unit: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China

国内统一刊号:CN 42-1268/G4

ISSN 1003-4870

Journal level: core journals

Founded: 1985

Impact factor: (2023 version) Composite impact factor: 3.855|(2023 version) Comprehensive impact factor: 2.145

✨ "Education and Economy" column setting

  Education and Economic and Social Development, Educational Equity and Quality of Education, Education and the Labor Market, Postgraduate Forum

CNKI Journal

Education and Economics 2024 Publication and Submission Guidelines

✨ The purpose of the journal Education and Economics

  Adhere to the purpose of creating an educational economic theory with Chinese characteristics, serving China's educational reform and development, and serving the construction of educational economics.

✨ Guidelines for Submissions to Education and Economics

1. Topic selection, length and format

  1. Topic selection: the basic issues of educational economics research and the "key topics" published by our journal every year.

  2. Length: 8000~15000 characters (including footnotes, endnotes and Chinese and foreign characters).

Education and Economics 2024 Publication and Submission Guidelines

Available to the National Press and Publication Administration

  3. Formatting

  The format of the manuscript is standardized, the project is complete, and the order includes: title, author's name, work unit, Chinese abstract, and keywords; Body; References; English (title, author's name, author's affiliation, abstract, keywords); Author's mailing address, zip code, telephone number and e-mail address.

2. Authors need to pay attention

  1. The manuscript is at your own risk, but the editorial department has the right to make technical and textual changes.

  2. The manuscript will not be returned, please keep the manuscript by yourself.

  3. The review cycle of the journal is three months. Within three months from the date of registration and receipt of the manuscript by the editorial department (the revised manuscript is from the date of receipt of the new manuscript by the editorial department), the editorial department has the exclusive right to use the manuscript, and the author shall not submit the manuscript to other journals or conferences. After 3 months, if the author has not received the notification of the result of the manuscript review, the author can dispose of the article by himself after notifying the editorial office in writing and receiving a confirmation reply from the editorial department. After 3 months, if the editorial office does not receive a notice from the author requesting to handle it on its own, the editorial office still has the exclusive right to use the article.

  4. If the author requests to withdraw the manuscript for any reason, the first author should notify the editorial office in writing.

  5. For multiple submissions, the author shall bear the consequences.

  6. For articles signed by multiple authors or involving multiple units, the author guarantees that there is no dispute between the content and order of the authorship and the content and order of the unit. After submission, if there is a need to change, add or delete the content or order of the author's signature, the content or order of the organization, the first author must notify the editorial department in writing.

  7. The journal is included in the compilation of "Chinese Academic Journals (CD-ROM Edition)" and related databases, if the author does not agree to the inclusion of the paper in the database, please indicate when submitting the manuscript.

  8. Only one paper can be submitted by the same author at the same time.

  9. Rejected manuscripts will not be accepted for duplicate submissions.

✨ Pay attention to Zimo, understand the relevant trends of the evaluation, and welcome everyone to comment and discuss.

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