
Power Safety Technology 2024 Paper Submission Guidelines

author:Zimo Culture Media

Journal Overview

✨ "Electric Power Safety Technology" closely focuses on the work center of the power system, publicizes the principles and policies of the party and the state in the safety production and construction of electric power, exchanges experience in safety supervision and safety management, organizes typical accident analysis, introduces new technologies and new products for electric power safety production, and discusses anti-accident and anti-violation measures, which has played a positive role in promoting the safe production of electric power.

Power Safety Technology 2024 Paper Submission Guidelines

About the journal

About the journal Electrical Safety Technology

Periodical: Monthly

Organizer: Safety Technology Committee of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering; Suzhou Thermal Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd

Competent unit: State Grid Corporation of China

国内统一刊号:CN 32-1543/TM

ISSN 1008-6226

Journal level: national journal

Founded: 1990

Impact Factor:

(2023 version) compound impact factor: 0.28

(2023 version) comprehensive impact factor: 0.183

✨ "Electrical Safety Technology" column setting

Safety management, research and development, operation and maintenance

CNKI Journal

Power Safety Technology 2024 Paper Submission Guidelines

✨ Guidelines for Submission of Electrical Safety Technology

1. The manuscript should be scientific, forward-looking, logical, practical, instructive and readable.

Power Safety Technology 2024 Paper Submission Guidelines

Available to the National Press and Publication Administration

2. The manuscript should have clear arguments, reliable arguments, accurate figures, prominent points, clear levels, concise texts, and citations should be attached. The full text (including abstracts, figures, tables and references in Chinese and English) should be 2500-4500 words.

3. The author's unit is responsible for reviewing the authenticity, confidentiality and non-submission of the manuscript. If it is funded by the fund, or China's national research project, or won the scientific and technological achievement award, or participated in international academic conferences, please indicate and attach relevant supporting materials.

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