
The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

author:Serious kitten w

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

My name is Wang Xiuying, I am 65 years old this year, I should be the age of retirement, but I have been reduced to the point of homelessness, and no one will believe me when I say it. I pulled the three older children with a handful of and urine, but in the end it ended up like this, what a sin!

My wife left early, leaving me and my three children behind, and in order to feed them, I got up early and stayed up late at night, and did all the dirty work. The eldest son, Jianguo, has been smart and sensible since he was a child, and his academic performance is good, which is the hope of the whole family. My two younger siblings and I are counting on him to get ahead and lead us to a good life in the future.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

Jianguo also lived up to expectations, was admitted to a key university in the provincial capital, stayed in the city to work after graduation, and married a city daughter-in-law. I was overjoyed, thinking that the hard days had finally come to an end. But who knows, this is actually the beginning of my nightmare.

After Jianguo got married, he rarely came home to see me, let alone take me to live in the city. Every time he called, he said that he was busy with work and had no time. Later, he simply changed his mobile phone number, and I couldn't even find out about him.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

I had to pin my hopes on my second son Jianjun and daughter Jianhong. Although Jianjun is not as smart as his brother, he is also honest, opened a small supermarket in the town, and married a diligent and capable daughter-in-law. Jianhong married to a neighboring village, and her life was prosperous.

I thought that I couldn't count on Jianguo, so I would live with Jianjun and Jianhong in turn in the future, they couldn't ignore me, an old lady.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

At the beginning, Jianjun and Jianhong were quite filial, giving me living expenses every month, and taking me over to live for a few days during the New Year's holidays. But after a long time, the problem came out.

Jianjun's daughter-in-law Cuihua is a powerful character, and seeing that I am old and can't do any work, I began to dislike it in various ways. Either I don't think my cooking is delicious, or I don't wash my clothes cleanly, and I often whisper in my ear, saying that I am partial and give all the good things to Jianguo.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

I feel wronged, when did I become eccentric? Jianguo spent the most money from childhood to adulthood, and that was because he studied well, and I wanted to provide him with education. When Jianjun and Jianhong were studying, I didn't worry less, but they didn't fight for themselves and their grades were not good, what could I do?

Besides, Jianguo is now developed, but he never gave me a penny, but Jianjun and Jianhong, and gave me living expenses every month, why did it become my partiality?

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

I wanted to reason with Cuihua, but after thinking about it, more things are better than less things, she is a junior after all, what do I care about her?

So, I tried to go back to Jianjun's house as much as possible, and spent most of my time at Jianhong's house.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

Jianhong's marriage is not far away, and it is only half an hour's walk away. Jianhong's son-in-law is an honest man, and he treats me well, but the family conditions are average, and a family of five is crammed into a three-bedroom and two-hall house, which is indeed a little crowded.

Jianhong felt sorry for me and asked me to sleep with her and her daughter, while she was crammed into a room with her husband and son. I can't help it, but what can I do? It's better than being angry in the army under construction.

In this way, I lived in Jianhong's house for more than half a year. But after a long time, Jianhong's son-in-law also began to have opinions.

One day, I overheard Jianhong and her husband arguing in the room, and when I listened carefully, I realized that it was because of me.

"Tell me, when will Mom move out? Our family is such a big place, her old man lives here, and our family of five can't turn around. Jianhong's husband complained.

"Isn't there anything I can't help it? The eldest brother doesn't care about his mother, and the second brother's family can't accommodate her, what can I do? Jianhong was also full of grievances.

"Or, let's sell the house, scrape together some more money, and change to a bigger one?" Jianhong's husband proposed.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

"Changing houses? To put it mildly, how can we have so much money? Besides, even if we change houses, can my mother always live with us? She is old, what will she do if she gets sick in the future? Still not going to be sent to a nursing home? Jianhong said.

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

Hearing this, I chuckled in my heart, it turned out that Jianhong also thought about sending me to a nursing home. I suddenly felt disheartened, did I work hard for most of my life, and finally ended up homeless?

The eldest son lives in a villa, the younger son's house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, the daughter's house is 110 square meters, and the 65-year-old mother is homeless

The more I thought about it, the more sad I became, and I couldn't help but cry.

My cry alarmed Jianhong and his wife, who opened the door and saw me sitting in the living room wiping their tears, and panicked.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Jianhong hurriedly asked.

I looked at Jianhong, wanted to speak and stopped, but finally didn't say anything.

Jianhong seemed to have guessed my thoughts, she sighed and said, "Mom, don't think about it, I don't have anything else to do with your son-in-law, just ......"

"Just what? It's just that I'm old and useless, and it's your burden, right? I couldn't help but interrupt her.

Jianhong opened her mouth, wanting to explain, but she didn't know what to say.

Just then, there was a sudden sound of a car horn outside the door.

Our family of three was stunned, not knowing who came.

I walked to the door, looked through the cat's eye, and was stunned.

The person standing outside the door turned out to be the eldest son Jianguo, whom he hadn't seen for many years!

Statement: The headlines of this article were first published, and plagiarism must be investigated! The picture and text are from the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement!