
"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

author:Serious kitten w

"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes
"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

My name is Li Xiaoli, 28 years old this year, I operate in an Internet company, I have a stable income and a cheerful personality, and I can be regarded as a "high-quality leftover girl" in the eyes of relatives and friends. But the emotional matter has not been settled.

My mother was heartbroken about this, and asked people everywhere to arrange a blind date for me. No, last Saturday, I was arranged to meet a blind date who was said to be "in good condition" - Zhang Qiang.

"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

When I first met Zhang Qiang, he was polite, wearing a pair of gold-wire glasses, and there was a sense of gentleness in his conversation, and his first impression was not bad. We met in an elegant café and chatted over coffee.

In the beginning, we talked about our hobbies from work, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. Zhang Qiang praised my work ability, and I also politely praised him for his successful career.

"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

"You work for an Internet company, so you should have a good income, right?" Zhang Qiang asked suddenly, with a hint of inquiry in his tone.

"It's okay, it's not high compared to my peers, but it's enough for me to live on my own." I replied lightly, not wanting to reveal too much about my financial situation.

"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

"That's good, that's good." Zhang Qiang pushed his glasses and said meaningfully, "I am a more traditional person, thinking that men should be outside the main and women should be inside. ”

I chuckled in my heart, and a bad premonition came over me.

"Give me the salary card, you do the housework" Blind date woman: I came on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes

Sure enough, Zhang Qiang's next words confirmed my hunch.

If you are willing to marry me, quit your job and stay at home with your husband and children. Zhang Qiang's tone was flat, as if he was saying something very ordinary.

I fought back the anger in my heart and tried to remain as calm as I could, "I'm sorry, I don't want to give up on my career. Moreover, I believe that husbands and wives should respect each other and share family responsibilities. ”

"How can you think that?" Zhang Qiang frowned, and his tone was a little displeased, "I'm doing this for your good, how hard it is for a woman to show her face outside all day long, isn't it good to be a full-time wife at home?" ”

"I don't feel hard, I enjoy the sense of accomplishment and value that my work brings." I looked directly at him and said in a firm tone, "My life, I am in charge of my own life, and I don't need you to arrange it. ”

"You ......" Zhang Qiang didn't seem to expect me to refute him like this, and he was speechless for a while.

I didn't want to waste any more time with him, so I picked up my bag and got up and left.

"Hey, why do you say you're leaving?" Seeing this, Zhang Qiang hurriedly chased him out.

I'm here to go on a blind date, not to listen to your wishes. Without looking back, I dropped a word and walked away.

When I got home, I told my mom about the blind date.

"How can you talk to people like that? Zhang Qiang's conditions are so good, his job is stable, and his family conditions are good, what are you not satisfied with? After my mother heard this, she counted me down with a big face.

"Mom, if you find someone with good conditions, do you have to sacrifice my career and give up my dream?" I couldn't help but retort, "Marriage should be based on equality and respect, not the control and domination of one partner over the other." ”

"You child, how can you speak? Mom isn't doing it for your good! "Mom was a little angry.

"Mom, I know that you are for my good, but emotional matters cannot be forced, what I want is a person who can understand me, support me, and work hand in hand with me, not a man who keeps me at home like a canary." I patiently explained to my mother.

Mom was silent, perhaps realizing that some of her ideas were too conventional.

After that, I went on a few more blind dates, but I didn't meet the right one. I began to reflect on myself, was I too picky?

Until one day, I met a security guard uncle who used to help me downstairs in the company.

"Xiao Li, haven't found the object yet?" Uncle Security asked me with a smile.

"yes, I haven't met the right one yet." I was a little embarrassed to say.

"Don't worry, fate has arrived, and it will naturally come." The security guard comforted me, "You can't just look at the conditions when looking for a partner, character is the most important." ”

I nodded, convinced.

The security guard uncle continued: "My son is about the same age as you, and he also works in an Internet company, and he is down-to-earth and hardworking, but he is a little introverted, why don't I introduce you to you?" ”

I hesitated, but finally agreed.

In this way, I met the son of the security uncle - Wang Lei.

Wang Lei's personality is indeed as his father said, he is more introverted, but he is sincere and kind, we have a lot of common topics, and we are very comfortable with each other.

More importantly, Wang Lei respects my work very much, supports my dreams, he often encourages me, and patiently enlightens me when I encounter difficulties.

We are together, there is no vigorous love, only the company of a long stream.

I know, I found the right person.

A year later, Wang Lei and I entered the palace of marriage.

At the wedding, I was wearing a white wedding dress, holding Wang Lei's hand, with a happy smile on my face.

I know I've found my own happiness.

(End of article)

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