
A postscript to a singing contest that can never be forgotten

author:0929 娟子

I've always been like this, sometimes I'm still immersed in the story after telling it, and this has happened again in the past two days, and sometimes I think that because I'm not an actor, otherwise I would always be immersed in it and not be able to play.

As I have said, the sacrifice of soldiers is by no means limited to the battlefield, and there are still many unsung heroes to sing and cry about in peacetime. I have personally experienced such a thing, I once wrote that on the eve of the Spring Festival in the year I was a company commander, one of my female comrades-in-arms, who was also eighteen or nineteen years old, fell in front of the car that was purchasing New Year's goods for the company and left...... Experiencing such a painful skin is a lifetime of guilt, and I can't forget it, although I don't think about it every day, the past must haunt my heart when I touch the scene.

In the comments of the second kitchen article for a few days, I saw several such stories, yesterday netizen @brave Jingguang line comrades-in-arms recounted his personal experience in simple language, I put his comment at the top, here, I forward the story told in his comment in the original text, I hope more people can understand the soldiers, treat the soldiers well. The retweet is as follows:

In 1980, when infectious disease No. 02 was detected along the coast, (infectious disease No. 02 refers to cholera), all company health officers gathered in the health team to learn about the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

At this time, I saw Chen Ce, who was on duty at the shooting range, running back from the shooting range as if he had been fished out of the shooting range, and said: The commander of the Ninth Company was blown up in the head, and the car of the Gao Ji Company was immediately pulled back. It turned out that the superiors had developed a new type of grenade, and 3,000 were assigned to the troops for trial throwing, and the task was handed over to the Ninth Company.

When the troops were firing live ammunition at the shooting range, the health team would send people to be on duty at the shooting range, and this time it was Chen Ce, a soldier from Beijing.

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately stopped studying and prepared for the rescue. After a while, I saw the military vehicle pulling the commander of the ninth company over, and my recruit squad leader Zhou Zhaofeng was a platoon commander in the ninth company at this time, and he carried the commander of the ninth company to the outpatient surgery department, and after a while, he was carried out and rushed to the division hospital. Later, he invited experts from the General Hospital, but he still couldn't save his life.

Many years later, I chatted with squad leader Zhou, and when I talked about this incident back then, he said that they sent the commander of the ninth company directly from the shooting range to the division hospital, and I said no, you are the first to arrive in the health team, and I saw that the uniform of the commander of the ninth company was stained red with blood. It can be seen that in times of emergency, people's nerves are highly tense. Therefore, participating in a hundred exercises is not worth a single live ammunition.

This ninth company commander had only come back from studying at the Shijiazhuang Infantry School at that time, and he was a very capable company commander, but it was a pity. Once, our seventh company went to the shooting range to shoot targets, and the company was brought to the shooting range, but the bullets have not been taken yet, and the paperwork is not there, what should we do? I ran to the Ninth Company and talked to the Ninth Company Commander about the situation, and he lent me the ammunition I needed.

At the end of the year, I was demobilized and went to the logistics office with Brother Guo to go through the formalities, and I also saw the sister-in-law and children of the Ninth Company Commander running errands in the logistics office.

I went to the Ninth Company to find the Ninth Company Commander to borrow bullets and saw my sister-in-law and children, and I still have an impression. (ENDS)

Retweet the comments of @brave comrades on the Beijing-Guangzhou line.

In this way, pay tribute to the martyrs!

Salute! All comrades-in-arms!

Thanks! Give me care and support!


A postscript to a singing contest that can never be forgotten

A postscript to a singing contest that can never be forgotten
A postscript to a singing contest that can never be forgotten
A postscript to a singing contest that can never be forgotten