
"If a person is poor, he is destined to work hard": women, don't raise yourself to be poor

author:Dahui said
"If a person is poor, he is destined to work hard": women, don't raise yourself to be poor

"Phases are born from the heart", a person's mentality and physiognomy are inseparable.

Physiognomy reflects the psychological state, and the psychological state often represents a person's life state.

When you look at the women around you who are doing well, you can see that they are being nourished.

On the contrary, those poor women often have a poor face.

Whether a woman is doing well or not, it is clear by looking at her face.

If you want to live well, don't raise yourself to be poor.

"If a person is poor, he is destined to work hard": women, don't raise yourself to be poor

Don't neglect external maintenance

I have a neighbor who is about to turn 50 this year, but she looks like she's not even 40 years old.

The skin is smooth and soft, and compared to his peers, he looks younger.

She pays great attention to skin management, insists on applying facial masks every day, does not go to beauty salons and spends a lot of money, and the skin care products she uses are all affordable.

In her body, it is profoundly verified that "there are no ugly women, only lazy women".

In addition to the management of her skin, she also maintains her figure well. There is no excess fat, and it is also very young to dress up.

The whole person looks very young and temperamental.

Her marriage was not all smooth sailing, she was divorced twice, and then remarried to her husband who was a few years younger than herself, and she was very obedient and doting on her.

She has lived herself as a "noblewoman", even if the relationship is not smooth, but she can still start again and harvest sweet love.

Don't neglect the management of your skin and body, it's your calling card and your attitude towards life.

"If a person is poor, he is destined to work hard": women, don't raise yourself to be poor

Don't pile up resentment on your face

Writer Liu Tong said:

Complaining about being in the dark, it is better to carry a lantern forward.

A woman who always complains, her life will only get more and more bitter.

Complaining is the most useless emotion, except for being able to get over the addiction, the rest has no effect.

A person with a bitter mouth will not have a good life.

Everyone has their own magnetic field, and the positive magnetic field can attract good luck.

If you are always full of negative energy and the magnetic field is emitting resentment, then believe in you and your life will only get worse and worse.

If you complain too much, your face will be presented, full of sadness, without a little enthusiasm and vitality.

A woman who always complains and sighs, her face will definitely look old.

Life is a mirror, and what you are like will make your life the way it is.

Instead of complaining, try to change. Don't use resentment to drive away good luck.

"If a person is poor, he is destined to work hard": women, don't raise yourself to be poor

Born to the sun, cultivate the magnetic field

Women must take care of their own magnetic field, only in this way can life become smoother and smoother.

The most important thing to cultivate a magnetic field is to cultivate one's mind first.

"Nourish the face first and nourish the heart", if the heart is well cultivated, the face will be good.

What is Mind Nourishment?

Emotionally stable, not impatient or impatient, able to calmly accept the impermanence of life.

The heart is strong, and it is easy to feel sorry for itself by the unprovoked changes in life.

An emotionally unstable woman is too hurtful.

When encountering things, they are in a hurry, and most people who can't control their emotions will achieve nothing.

Don't be easily crushed, there will always be a way out in life, encounter difficulties, face difficulties, develop problem-solving skills, instead of complaining casually.

Always full of hope for life and born to the sun.

Treat life with a positive and optimistic attitude, and life will also give back to you sunshine and rain.